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[SOLVED] Function not working - can someone please look at code and tell me what's wrong?


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Hello.  The point of what I'm doing in the code below is to have it so that when a user clicks a link, the $_GET['orderType'] variable in the URL will alternate between "ASC" and "DESC" everytime the link is clicked, and the page will reload.  If there is no "orderType" in the $_GET array upon entering the page, then it should default to "ASC".  Here is the code, and below it is the error that I get:

if (isset($_GET['orderType'])) {
switch($_GET['orderType']) {
	case "ASC":
		$orderType = "ASC";
	case "DESC":
		$orderType = "DESC";
		$orderType = "ASC";
} else {
$orderType = "ASC";

function switchOrder() {
if ($orderType == "ASC") {
	$returnOrder = "DESC";
} else {
	$returnOrder = "DESC";
return $returnOrder;



<a href="index.php?orderBy=leader&orderType="<?php echo switchOrder(); ?>>Leader</a>


Here is the error that I'm getting (the error is posted within the "Leader" link itself):


Notice: Undefined variable: orderType in C:\htdocs\_PHP-SITES\ProjectBoard\index.php on line 125



Line 125 in my code is the line just under "function switchOrder() {".  Any ideas???  Thanks!


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The variable $orderType is not global in scope, either pass it into your function or declare it as a global in your function. The former method is preferred.




How would I pass it to my function, based on the switch/case statement above the function?  Like, I need it to be declared first in the switch/case statement, so then AFTER that, how do I get that into the "switchOrder" function?  I guess I need to know how to reference a variable inside a function that is located outside of the function beforehand.  I hope what I'm asking made sense.  If not, it's just because I'm new at this!  ;)


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Okay - I changed the "switchOrder" function to this:

function switchOrder($orderType) {
if ($orderType == "ASC") {
	$returnOrder = "DESC";
} else {
	$returnOrder = "ASC";
return $returnOrder;


And then I amended my link's code to this:

<a href="index.php?orderBy=leader&orderType="<?php echo switchOrder($orderType); ?>>Leader</a>


That got rid of any errors, but now my URL reads this anytime it's clicked:




So, the "orderType" is not being added to the URL.  Am I doing that "return" stuff wrong or something???



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