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[SOLVED] Note Book Feature Problem (Won't Show)


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I'm new here and a bit new to php also ..


Here is the problem.


I have a web based game and I wanted to add a note book section. When I write in the note book, it saves the note into the database but it doesn't show up when you view the note book, which I find is weird.


Here is the script for the note book page:


include "header2.php";
include "_menu.php";

if (($_POST['change_notes']) && ($_POST['notes'])){

mysql_query("UPDATE users SET notes='$notes' WHERE username='$username'");
echo "Your notes has been updated"; 
  <table width="713" border="1" class="thinline" rules="none" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="" bgcolor="">
      <td width="709" height="21" class="header">
        <div align="center">Note Pad </div></td>
      <td ><table width="100%" height="383"  border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
          <td><form action="" method="POST">
              <center><textarea name="notes" cols="100" rows="15" id="notes"><?php echo "$fetch->notes"; ?></textarea></center>

              <center><input name="change_notes" type="submit" id="change_notes" value="submit">
  <p> </p>
<?php include_once"footer.php"; ?>


Any help would really be appreciated, been stuck with this for over months!


Thank you,


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I finally understood what you meant! Thanks alot for helping out, I've finally figured out why it wasn't working.


This was the problem ..


I was missing the object thing ..


$notes = $row[notes];


Which I added into my header that I included into the notes.php file.


Thanks alot!

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