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next XML sibling


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I've got a simple XML file:


$quizxml = <<<XML
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>

		<q>How many jelly beans can you eat?</q>
		<response>You must be skinny</response>
		<response>You must be normal</response>
		<response>You must be big like me</response>

		<q>What is your favorite color?</q>
		<response>I like that one too!</response>
		<response>Oh... thats nice:P</response>
		<response>Maybe I don't like you anymore.</response>

		<q>How do you feel right now?</q>
		<response>I feel great too!</response>
		<response>Maybe tomorrow you will feel better.</response>
		<response>I'm so sorry.</response>



and the goal is, when a post variable's value is determined to be a match,  I need to echo the following response sibling. I'm trying to use the following script with no luck. It's really late here, so don't laugh to hard ;D


$quiz = new SimpleXMLElement($quizxml);
foreach ($quiz->questions->question as $question) {
$num = "Q$count";
$qnum = $_POST[$num];
echo "For question # $count, \"<em>" .$question->q. "</em>\", your answer was $qnum.<br />";
for ( $y=0; $y = count($question->choice); $y++ ){
	if ((string) $question->choice[$y] == $qnum) {
		echo $question->response[$y];
echo '<br />';


Any suggestions?

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I'd format the question like this:


<q>How do you feel right now?</q>
		<response>I feel great too!</response>
		<response>Maybe tomorrow you will feel better.</response>
		<response>I'm so sorry.</response>

(you might want to call it something else than "text" though, I just couldn't think of anything better).


This makes more sense to me and then you can just parse it "normally".

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Hmm... I figured you'd ask that. I should perhaps have just bothered to explain it.


Something like this:

$quizxml = <<<EOF
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>
		<q>How do you feel right now?</q>
				<response>I feel great too!</response>
				<response>Maybe tomorrow you will feel better.</response>
				<response>I'm so sorry.</response>

$quiz = new SimpleXMLElement($quizxml);
foreach($quiz->questions->question as $question)
echo "<h1>{$question->q}</h1>\n<ul>\n";
foreach($question->choices->choice as $choice)
	echo "\t<li>\n\t\t<strong>{$choice->text}</strong><br />\n\t\tResponse: {$choice->response}\n\t</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";

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I formatted the XML differently like you suggested, and parsed the data normally, and everything is working great. Thank you for your help. I tend to work too much (like 16 hours yesterday), and near the end I get so exhausted I get stupid. Here was my code in the end:


The XML File:

$quizxml = <<<XML
<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?>

		<q>How many jelly beans can you eat?</q>
			<response>You must be skinny</response>
			<response>You must be normal</response>
			<response>You must be big like me</response>

		<q>What is your favorite color?</q>
			<response>I like that one too!</response>
			<response>Oh... thats nice:P</response>
			<response>Maybe I don't like you anymore.</response>

		<q>How do you feel right now?</q>
			<response>I feel great too!</response>
			<response>Maybe tomorrow you will feel better.</response>
			<response>I'm so sorry.</response>



The PHP:

include 'quizxml.php';
$quiz = new SimpleXMLElement($quizxml);
foreach ($quiz->questions->question as $question) {
$num = "Q$count";
$qnum = $_POST[$num];
echo "For question # $count, \"<em>" .$question->q. "</em>\", your answer was $qnum.<br />";
foreach ($question->option as $thisOption) {
	if ((string) $thisOption->choice == $qnum) {
		echo "<strong>$thisOption->response</strong><br />";
echo '<br />';

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