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im assumeing you desire to play the first 1-30 second.... this code should do what you need



header("Content-type: audio/mpeg");

$f = fopen($mp3_path, "rb");
echo fread($f, 245760);



that will play 15 seconds of audio and just so you can edit it the 15 seconds is based on 128kbits sound i arived at 245760 through

(128kbits * 1024 / 8) * 15 = 245760

the formula you need to work out the seconds you need in php code would be


$seconds_to_play = ($kbits *1024 / 8 ) * number of seconds you wish to play


hope that helps

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The following doesn't work, it still plays 15 seconds from the beginning



header("Content-type: audio/mp3");

$f = fopen("upload/1.mp3", "rb");
echo substr($MP3,((128 *1024 / 8 ) * 36));
echo fread($f, 245760);



How do I make a script, where the start and end second can be entered into a form, and this will automatically shorten the mp3 file?

What happens if I want to play a preview of a 597kbps or 96kbps mp3 file?

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ok well you cant quote me directly on this one but i think this SHOULD do what you are asking



header("Content-type: audio/mpeg");

$f = fopen($mp3_path, "rb"); #open the file
$trash = fread($f, 983040); # read the first minuet in to a guarbage veriable
echo fread($f, 245760); # echo the 15 seconds we wish to play
$trash = null ; # dump the guarbage veriable (save ram)
fclose($f); # close the file


basicly that is still reading the file from the start but we are dumping the first minuet of it in to trash and dumping trash latter


then we are reading the next 15 seconds and echoing it to the user


i arived at 983040 the with the same formula i used to arive at the 15 second before


now your question about playing the end of the file.... this is a little more complicated


$mp3_path = "path to mp3";

$total     = filesize($mp3_path);

$seconds_to_play = 245760 ;
$seconds_to_drop = $total - $seconds_to_play ;
$f = fopen($mp3_path, "rb"); #open the file
$trash = fread($f, $seconds_to_drop); # read the first minuet in to a guarbage veriable
echo fread($f, $seconds_to_play); # echo the 15 seconds we wish to play
$trash = null ; # dump the guarbage veriable (save ram)
fclose($f); # close the file



now this is probably not the most eligent way of doing it but i hope it works to reprint the formula with out the emote here it is

(128kbits * 1024 / 8 ) * 15 = 245760


im interested to know if this works because i dont quite understand the structure of mp3 files and am writeing off the top of my head directly in text box so is untested (also because is untested i may have droped a ; somewhere if you get an error look for basic stuff first

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as for working out the bitrate


if you took user input for how many seconds in to it and how many they want to play it is simple with the code i have given you


there is a class here



that you could use to get the bitrate and calcuate how many seconds to skip over on the fly


let me know if im lossing you here

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For some strange reason, the file generated from the fisrt block of code, can't be read by the mp3 player (Windows Media Player), and the second block of code, returns the following error messages. WHY IS THIS? - I couldn't find any lines without semi-colons, they all have one as far as I can see.


Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for upload/PhilCollins-AnotherDayInParadise in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 4


Warning: fopen(upload/PhilCollins-AnotherDayInParadise) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 8


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 9


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 10


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 12

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try putting a ./ or maybe just a / beofer the file name also i think i know why it wont play..... its got to do with the header information and i THINK i can fix it now my basic understanding is that a mp3 header is 32 bits long so if we take that first in code like this



header("Content-type: audio/mpeg");

$f = fopen($mp3_path, "rb"); #open the file
$header = $trash = fread($f, 32);
$trash = fread($f, 983040); # read the first minuet in to a guarbage veriable
$data = fread($f, 245760); # echo the 15 seconds we wish to play
$trash = null ; # dump the guarbage veriable (save ram)
fclose($f); # close the file
echo $header ;
echo $data ;


i hope that will fix it im signing off now so you will get no more replys from me till tomrrow (its 12:45am here) but if it is still un answered tomrrow i will take another lash good luck.... and the errors are definatly being called because it cant find the file

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Yes, make sure your path is right. Use an absolute path if necessary to the mp3 file. Example: "d:/uploads/whatever/whatever.mp3"


You may need to use a special audio class to avoid clipping the file in the middle of an MP3 frame. This may cause the audio player problems with the beginning of the file. The best thing you can do is test your script in different players.


You may also need to set the PHP execution timeout value in your script: set_time_limit(0); // Infinite value


@dingus, you must live in Australia then, right?

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I just tested it, and for some strange reason, it still doesn't work? Why is this?


Just to let you know, the following code worked, with the filename I post earlier: "Upload/Caesars Palace - Jerk It Out.mp3"


header("Content-type: audio/mp3");

$f = fopen("Upload/Caesars Palace - Jerk It Out.mp3", "rb");
echo fread($f, 245760);

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For some strange reason, the file generated from the fisrt block of code, can't be read by the mp3 player (Windows Media Player), and the second block of code, returns the following error messages. WHY IS THIS? - I couldn't find any lines without semi-colons, they all have one as far as I can see.


Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for upload/PhilCollins-AnotherDayInParadise in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 4


Warning: fopen(upload/PhilCollins-AnotherDayInParadise) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 8


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 9


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 10


Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\Documents and Settings\Dale Piper\Desktop\Xampp\htdocs\Copy of Preview.php on line 12


Maybe you forgot the mp3 extension on the filename???


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http://www.getid3.org/ will retrieve all the ID3 information.

Put this script in the root folder of the extracted download.


$filename = "/path_to_mp3_file.mp3";

$getID3 = new getID3;
$fileinfo = $getID3->analyze($filename);

echo "Bitrate: {$fileinfo[bitrate]} <HR>";


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