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[SOLVED] Parse Error, syntax error - big page, warning


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You can't have a quoted array index inside a double quoted string. Change this:

$buildingnameDB = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM buildings WHERE ID = $_POST['BuildingID']");

to one of the following:

$buildingnameDB = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM buildings WHERE ID = " . $_POST['BuildingID']);

$buildingnameDB = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM buildings WHERE ID = {$_POST['BuildingID']}");

$buildingnameDB = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM buildings WHERE ID = $_POST[buildingID]");


My preferences is the first format. Other people like the second.



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Ok I have been told this before, but in such a way that it just goes right over my head.


(I have always learn that " " for strings, ' ' for ints, but I can't use " " so I went for ' ' but this also doesn't work in this case).


So for things like SESSION and POST, inside the square brackets, should I always try and use quotes of some sort, but why?



Thanks if you can explain in simple Lokolo terms :)



p.s. omg why did i not see it, the lines below have the quotes taken out of them ARGH :(:)

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Not sure who told you about Quotes, but that really is not correct.  Quotes have more to do with Variables than Strings or Int data types.


Double Quotes will let you display a String that includes Variables.  Single Quotes will let you display a String that is exactly as shown, ie.



echo "This will print Hello: $variable";


echo 'This will print $variable: $variable';


Ok I have been told this before, but in such a way that it just goes right over my head.


(I have always learn that " " for strings, ' ' for ints, but I can't use " " so I went for ' ' but this also doesn't work in this case).

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