live poet Posted April 18, 2006 Share Posted April 18, 2006 Hey im pretty new to php in general and i recently tried installing a mod for my phpbb forum and when i go to my forum this is the messege i get-"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/.beowulf/mattl/ on line 856."IF SOMEONE COULD HELP ME FIND OUT WHAT THE ERROR IS THAT WOULD BE GREATLY GREATLY APPRECIETED!!!!!!!P.S.- Line 856 is the last line where it says ?> and thats where it says the error is!here is the functions.php file----------------------------------------------[code]<?php/*************************************************************************** * functions.php * ------------------- * begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001 * copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group * email : [email protected] * * $Id: functions.php,v 2005/12/19 18:01:36 acydburn Exp $ * * ***************************************************************************//*************************************************************************** * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * ***************************************************************************/function get_db_stat($mode){ global $db; switch( $mode ) { case 'usercount': $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) AS total FROM " . USERS_TABLE . " WHERE user_id <> " . ANONYMOUS; break; case 'newestuser': $sql = "SELECT user_id, username FROM " . USERS_TABLE . " WHERE user_id <> " . ANONYMOUS . " ORDER BY user_id DESC LIMIT 1"; break; case 'postcount': case 'topiccount': $sql = "SELECT SUM(forum_topics) AS topic_total, SUM(forum_posts) AS post_total FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE; break; } if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { return false; } $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); switch ( $mode ) { case 'usercount': return $row['total']; break; case 'newestuser': return $row; break; case 'postcount': return $row['post_total']; break; case 'topiccount': return $row['topic_total']; break; } return false;}// added at phpBB 2.0.11 to properly format the usernamefunction phpbb_clean_username($username){ $username = substr(htmlspecialchars(str_replace("\'", "'", trim($username))), 0, 25); $username = phpbb_rtrim($username, "\\"); $username = str_replace("'", "\'", $username); return $username;}/*** This function is a wrapper for ltrim, as charlist is only supported in php >= 4.1.0* Added in phpBB 2.0.18*/function phpbb_ltrim($str, $charlist = false){ if ($charlist === false) { return ltrim($str); } $php_version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION); // php version < 4.1.0 if ((int) $php_version[0] < 4 || ((int) $php_version[0] == 4 && (int) $php_version[1] < 1)) { while ($str{0} == $charlist) { $str = substr($str, 1); } } else { $str = ltrim($str, $charlist); } return $str;}// added at phpBB 2.0.12 to fix a bug in PHP 4.3.10 (only supporting charlist in php >= 4.1.0)function phpbb_rtrim($str, $charlist = false){ if ($charlist === false) { return rtrim($str); } $php_version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION); // php version < 4.1.0 if ((int) $php_version[0] < 4 || ((int) $php_version[0] == 4 && (int) $php_version[1] < 1)) { while ($str{strlen($str)-1} == $charlist) { $str = substr($str, 0, strlen($str)-1); } } else { $str = rtrim($str, $charlist); } return $str;}//// Get Userdata, $user can be username or user_id. If force_str is true, the username will be forced.//function get_userdata($user, $force_str = false){ global $db; if (!is_numeric($user) || $force_str) { $user = phpbb_clean_username($user); } else { $user = intval($user); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . USERS_TABLE . " WHERE "; $sql .= ( ( is_integer($user) ) ? "user_id = $user" : "username = '" . str_replace("\'", "''", $user) . "'" ) . " AND user_id <> " . ANONYMOUS; if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Tried obtaining data for a non-existent user', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } return ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) ? $row : false;}function make_jumpbox($action, $match_forum_id = 0){ global $template, $userdata, $lang, $db, $nav_links, $phpEx, $SID;// $is_auth = auth(AUTH_VIEW, AUTH_LIST_ALL, $userdata); $sql = "SELECT c.cat_id, c.cat_title, c.cat_order FROM " . CATEGORIES_TABLE . " c, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f WHERE f.cat_id = c.cat_id GROUP BY c.cat_id, c.cat_title, c.cat_order ORDER BY c.cat_order"; if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Couldn't obtain category list.", "", __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $category_rows = array(); while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { $category_rows[] = $row; } if ( $total_categories = count($category_rows) ) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . FORUMS_TABLE . " ORDER BY cat_id, forum_order"; if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain forums information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } $boxstring = '<select name="' . POST_FORUM_URL . '" onchange="if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != -1){ forms[\'jumpbox\'].submit() }"><option value="-1">' . $lang['Select_forum'] . '</option>'; $forum_rows = array(); while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { $forum_rows[] = $row; } if ( $total_forums = count($forum_rows) ) { for($i = 0; $i < $total_categories; $i++) { $boxstring_forums = ''; for($j = 0; $j < $total_forums; $j++) { if ( $forum_rows[$j]['cat_id'] == $category_rows[$i]['cat_id'] && $forum_rows[$j]['auth_view'] <= AUTH_REG ) {// if ( $forum_rows[$j]['cat_id'] == $category_rows[$i]['cat_id'] && $is_auth[$forum_rows[$j]['forum_id']]['auth_view'] )// { $selected = ( $forum_rows[$j]['forum_id'] == $match_forum_id ) ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $boxstring_forums .= '<option value="' . $forum_rows[$j]['forum_id'] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $forum_rows[$j]['forum_name'] . '</option>'; // // Add an array to $nav_links for the Mozilla navigation bar. // 'chapter' and 'forum' can create multiple items, therefore we are using a nested array. // $nav_links['chapter forum'][$forum_rows[$j]['forum_id']] = array ( 'url' => append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=" . $forum_rows[$j]['forum_id']), 'title' => $forum_rows[$j]['forum_name'] ); } } if ( $boxstring_forums != '' ) { $boxstring .= '<option value="-1"> </option>'; $boxstring .= '<option value="-1">' . $category_rows[$i]['cat_title'] . '</option>'; $boxstring .= '<option value="-1">----------------</option>'; $boxstring .= $boxstring_forums; } } } $boxstring .= '</select>'; } else { $boxstring .= '<select name="' . POST_FORUM_URL . '" onchange="if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value != -1){ forms[\'jumpbox\'].submit() }"></select>'; } // Let the jumpbox work again in sites having additional session id checks.// if ( !empty($SID) )// { $boxstring .= '<input type="hidden" name="sid" value="' . $userdata['session_id'] . '" />';// } $template->set_filenames(array( 'jumpbox' => 'jumpbox.tpl') ); $template->assign_vars(array( 'L_GO' => $lang['Go'], 'L_JUMP_TO' => $lang['Jump_to'], 'L_SELECT_FORUM' => $lang['Select_forum'], 'S_JUMPBOX_SELECT' => $boxstring, 'S_JUMPBOX_ACTION' => append_sid($action)) ); $template->assign_var_from_handle('JUMPBOX', 'jumpbox'); return;}//// Initialise user settings on page loadfunction init_userprefs($userdata){ global $board_config, $theme, $images; global $template, $lang, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path; global $nav_links; if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) { if ( !empty($userdata['user_lang'])) { $board_config['default_lang'] = $userdata['user_lang']; } if ( !empty($userdata['user_dateformat']) ) { $board_config['default_dateformat'] = $userdata['user_dateformat']; } if ( isset($userdata['user_timezone']) ) { $board_config['board_timezone'] = $userdata['user_timezone']; } } if ( !file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_main.'.$phpEx)) ) { $board_config['default_lang'] = 'english'; } include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_main.' . $phpEx); if ( defined('IN_ADMIN') ) { if( !file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_admin.'.$phpEx)) ) { $board_config['default_lang'] = 'english'; } include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_admin.' . $phpEx); } // // Set up style // if ( !$board_config['override_user_style'] ) { if ( $userdata['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS && $userdata['user_style'] > 0 ) { if ( $theme = setup_style($userdata['user_style']) ) { return; } } } $theme = setup_style($board_config['default_style']); // // Mozilla navigation bar // Default items that should be valid on all pages. // Defined here to correctly assign the Language Variables // and be able to change the variables within code. // $nav_links['top'] = array ( 'url' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'index.' . $phpEx), 'title' => sprintf($lang['Forum_Index'], $board_config['sitename']) ); $nav_links['search'] = array ( 'url' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'search.' . $phpEx), 'title' => $lang['Search'] ); $nav_links['help'] = array ( 'url' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'faq.' . $phpEx), 'title' => $lang['FAQ'] ); $nav_links['author'] = array ( 'url' => append_sid($phpbb_root_path . 'memberlist.' . $phpEx), 'title' => $lang['Memberlist'] ); return;}function setup_style($style){ global $db, $board_config, $template, $images, $phpbb_root_path; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . THEMES_TABLE . " WHERE themes_id = $style"; if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'Could not query database for theme info'); } if ( !($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) ) { message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, "Could not get theme data for themes_id [$style]"); } $template_path = 'templates/'; $template_name = $row['template_name']; $template = new Template($phpbb_root_path . $template_path . $template_name); if ( $template ) { $current_template_path = $template_path . $template_name; @include($phpbb_root_path . $template_path . $template_name . '/' . $template_name . '.cfg'); if ( !defined('TEMPLATE_CONFIG') ) { message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, "Could not open $template_name template config file", '', __LINE__, __FILE__); } $img_lang = ( file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . $current_template_path . '/images/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'])) ) ? $board_config['default_lang'] : 'english'; while( list($key, $value) = @each($images) ) { if ( !is_array($value) ) { $images[$key] = str_replace('{LANG}', 'lang_' . $img_lang, $value); } } } return $row;}function encode_ip($dotquad_ip){ $ip_sep = explode('.', $dotquad_ip); return sprintf('%02x%02x%02x%02x', $ip_sep[0], $ip_sep[1], $ip_sep[2], $ip_sep[3]);}function decode_ip($int_ip){ $hexipbang = explode('.', chunk_split($int_ip, 2, '.')); return hexdec($hexipbang[0]). '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[1]) . '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[2]) . '.' . hexdec($hexipbang[3]);}//// Create date/time from format and timezone//function create_date($format, $gmepoch, $tz){ global $board_config, $lang; static $translate; if ( empty($translate) && $board_config['default_lang'] != 'english' ) { @reset($lang['datetime']); while ( list($match, $replace) = @each($lang['datetime']) ) { $translate[$match] = $replace; } } return ( !empty($translate) ) ? strtr(@gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz)), $translate) : @gmdate($format, $gmepoch + (3600 * $tz));}//// Pagination routine, generates// page number sequence//function generate_pagination($base_url, $num_items, $per_page, $start_item, $add_prevnext_text = TRUE){ global $lang; $total_pages = ceil($num_items/$per_page); if ( $total_pages == 1 ) { return ''; } $on_page = floor($start_item / $per_page) + 1; $page_string = ''; if ( $total_pages > 10 ) { $init_page_max = ( $total_pages > 3 ) ? 3 : $total_pages; for($i = 1; $i < $init_page_max + 1; $i++) { $page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $i - 1 ) * $per_page ) ) . '">' . $i . '</a>'; if ( $i < $init_page_max ) { $page_string .= ", "; } } if ( $total_pages > 3 ) { if ( $on_page > 1 && $on_page < $total_pages ) { $page_string .= ( $on_page > 5 ) ? ' ... ' : ', '; $init_page_min = ( $on_page > 4 ) ? $on_page : 5; $init_page_max = ( $on_page < $total_pages - 4 ) ? $on_page : $total_pages - 4; for($i = $init_page_min - 1; $i < $init_page_max + 2; $i++) { $page_string .= ($i == $on_page) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $i - 1 ) * $per_page ) ) . '">' . $i . '</a>'; if ( $i < $init_page_max + 1 ) { $page_string .= ', '; } } $page_string .= ( $on_page < $total_pages - 4 ) ? ' ... ' : ', '; } else { $page_string .= ' ... '; } for($i = $total_pages - 2; $i < $total_pages + 1; $i++) { $page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $i - 1 ) * $per_page ) ) . '">' . $i . '</a>'; if( $i < $total_pages ) { $page_string .= ", "; } } } } else { for($i = 1; $i < $total_pages + 1; $i++) { $page_string .= ( $i == $on_page ) ? '<b>' . $i . '</b>' : '<a href="' . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $i - 1 ) * $per_page ) ) . '">' . $i . '</a>'; if ( $i < $total_pages ) { $page_string .= ', '; } } } if ( $add_prevnext_text ) { if ( $on_page > 1 ) { $page_string = ' <a href="' . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . ( ( $on_page - 2 ) * $per_page ) ) . '">' . $lang['Previous'] . '</a> ' . $page_string; } if ( $on_page < $total_pages ) { $page_string .= ' <a href="' . append_sid($base_url . "&start=" . ( $on_page * $per_page ) ) . '">' . $lang['Next'] . '</a>'; } } $page_string = $lang['Goto_page'] . ' ' . $page_string; return $page_string;}//// This does exactly what preg_quote() does in PHP 4-ish// If you just need the 1-parameter preg_quote call, then don't bother using this.//function phpbb_preg_quote($str, $delimiter){ $text = preg_quote($str); $text = str_replace($delimiter, '\\' . $delimiter, $text); return $text;}//// Obtain list of naughty words and build preg style replacement arrays for use by the// calling script, note that the vars are passed as references this just makes it easier// to return both sets of arrays//function obtain_word_list(&$orig_word, &$replacement_word){ global $db; // // Define censored word matches // $sql = "SELECT word, replacement FROM " . WORDS_TABLE; if( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) ) { message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not get censored words from database', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql); } if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) { do { $orig_word[] = '#\b(' . str_replace('\*', '\w*?', preg_quote($row['word'], '#')) . ')\b#i'; $replacement_word[] = $row['replacement']; } while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ); } return true;}//// This is general replacement for die(), allows templated// output in users (or default) language, etc.//// $msg_code can be one of these constants://// GENERAL_MESSAGE : Use for any simple text message, eg. results // of an operation, authorisation failures, etc.//// GENERAL ERROR : Use for any error which occurs _AFTER_ the // common.php include and session code, ie. most errors in // pages/functions//// CRITICAL_MESSAGE : Used when basic config data is available but // a session may not exist, eg. banned users//// CRITICAL_ERROR : Used when config data cannot be obtained, eg// no database connection. Should _not_ be used in 99.5% of cases//function message_die($msg_code, $msg_text = '', $msg_title = '', $err_line = '', $err_file = '', $sql = ''){ global $db, $template, $board_config, $theme, $lang, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $nav_links, $gen_simple_header, $images; global $userdata, $user_ip, $session_length; global $starttime; if(defined('HAS_DIED')) { die("message_die() was called multiple times. This isn't supposed to happen. Was message_die() used in page_tail.php?"); } define('HAS_DIED', 1); $sql_store = $sql; // // Get SQL error if we are debugging. Do this as soon as possible to prevent // subsequent queries from overwriting the status of sql_error() // if ( DEBUG && ( $msg_code == GENERAL_ERROR || $msg_code == CRITICAL_ERROR ) ) { $sql_error = $db->sql_error(); $debug_text = ''; if ( $sql_error['message'] != '' ) { $debug_text .= '<br /><br />SQL Error : ' . $sql_error['code'] . ' ' . $sql_error['message']; } if ( $sql_store != '' ) { $debug_text .= "<br /><br />$sql_store"; } if ( $err_line != '' && $err_file != '' ) { $debug_text .= '</br /><br />Line : ' . $err_line . '<br />File : ' . basename($err_file); } } if( empty($userdata) && ( $msg_code == GENERAL_MESSAGE || $msg_code == GENERAL_ERROR ) ) { $userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, PAGE_INDEX); init_userprefs($userdata); } // // If the header hasn't been output then do it // if ( !defined('HEADER_INC') && $msg_code != CRITICAL_ERROR ) { if ( empty($lang) ) { if ( !empty($board_config['default_lang']) ) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_main.'.$phpEx); if ( defined('IN_CASHMOD') ) { if ( !file_exists(@phpbb_realpath($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_cash.'.$phpEx)) ) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_english/lang_cash.' . $phpEx); } else { include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_' . $board_config['default_lang'] . '/lang_cash.' . $phpEx); } } else { include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_english/lang_main.'.$phpEx); } } if ( empty($template) ) { $template = new Template($phpbb_root_path . 'templates/' . $board_config['board_template']); } if ( empty($theme) ) { $theme = setup_style($board_config['default_style']); } // // Load the Page Header // if ( !defined('IN_ADMIN') ) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx); } else { include($phpbb_root_path . 'admin/page_header_admin.'.$phpEx); } } switch($msg_code) { case GENERAL_MESSAGE: if ( $msg_title == '' ) { $msg_title = $lang['Information']; } break; case CRITICAL_MESSAGE: if ( $msg_title == '' ) { $msg_title = $lang['Critical_Information']; } break; case GENERAL_ERROR: if ( $msg_text == '' ) { $msg_text = $lang['An_error_occured']; } if ( $msg_title == '' ) { $msg_title = $lang['General_Error']; } break; case CRITICAL_ERROR: // // Critical errors mean we cannot rely on _ANY_ DB information being // available so we're going to dump out a simple echo'd statement // include($phpbb_root_path . 'language/lang_english/lang_main.'.$phpEx); if ( $msg_text == '' ) { $msg_text = $lang['A_critical_error']; } if ( $msg_title == '' ) { $msg_title = 'phpBB : <b>' . $lang['Critical_Error'] . '</b>'; } break; } // // Add on DEBUG info if we've enabled debug mode and this is an error. This // prevents debug info being output for general messages should DEBUG be // set TRUE by accident (preventing confusion for the end user!) // if ( DEBUG && ( $msg_code == GENERAL_ERROR || $msg_code == CRITICAL_ERROR ) ) { if ( $debug_text != '' ) { $msg_text = $msg_text . '<br /><br /><b><u>DEBUG MODE</u></b>' . $debug_text; } } if ( $msg_code != CRITICAL_ERROR ) { if ( !empty($lang[$msg_text]) ) { $msg_text = $lang[$msg_text]; } if ( !defined('IN_ADMIN') ) { $template->set_filenames(array( 'message_body' => 'message_body.tpl') ); } else { $template->set_filenames(array( 'message_body' => 'admin/admin_message_body.tpl') ); } $template->assign_vars(array( 'MESSAGE_TITLE' => $msg_title, 'MESSAGE_TEXT' => $msg_text) ); $template->pparse('message_body'); if ( !defined('IN_ADMIN') ) { include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx); } else { include($phpbb_root_path . 'admin/page_footer_admin.'.$phpEx); } } else { echo "<html>\n<body>\n" . $msg_title . "\n<br /><br />\n" . $msg_text . "</body>\n</html>"; } exit;}//// This function is for compatibility with PHP 4.x's realpath()// function. In later versions of PHP, it needs to be called// to do checks with some functions. Older versions of PHP don't// seem to need this, so we'll just return the original value.// dougk_ff7 <October 5, 2002>function phpbb_realpath($path){ global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; return (!@function_exists('realpath') || !@realpath($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions.'.$phpEx)) ? $path : @realpath($path);}function redirect($url){ &n Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kenrbnsn Posted April 18, 2006 Share Posted April 18, 2006 An error like that usually indicates a missing closing curly brace or quote. In your case the last few lines in the script that you posted are[code]<?phpfunction redirect($url){ global $db, $board_config; &nb?>[/code]Theres no terminating semi-colon, it doesn't look like a complete function, and there is no terminating curly brace.Ken Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
live poet Posted April 19, 2006 Author Share Posted April 19, 2006 [!--quoteo(post=366186:date=Apr 18 2006, 04:53 PM:name=kenrbnsn)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(kenrbnsn @ Apr 18 2006, 04:53 PM) [snapback]366186[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]An error like that usually indicates a missing closing curly brace or quote. In your case the last few lines in the script that you posted are[code]<?phpfunction redirect($url){ global $db, $board_config; &nb?>[/code]Theres no terminating semi-colon, it doesn't look like a complete function, and there is no terminating curly brace.Ken[/quote]I dont see that anywhere? can you please show me what to add in? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dobakat Posted April 19, 2006 Share Posted April 19, 2006 <?phpfunction redirect($url){ global $db, $board_config; &nb?>you have and opening { but you don't have a closing one. }<?phpfunction redirect($url){ global $db, $board_config; &nb}?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
live poet Posted April 20, 2006 Author Share Posted April 20, 2006 [!--quoteo(post=366469:date=Apr 19 2006, 11:51 AM:name=Dobakat)--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE(Dobakat @ Apr 19 2006, 11:51 AM) [snapback]366469[/snapback][/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]<?phpfunction redirect($url){ global $db, $board_config; &nb?>you have and opening { but you don't have a closing one. }<?phpfunction redirect($url){ global $db, $board_config; &nb}?>[/quote]bro i dont see any of that shit ANYWHERE!!! someone ffucking messed with my post of the script and thats not what my original shit is Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kenrbnsn Posted April 20, 2006 Share Posted April 20, 2006 It could be that your post was too long. Go to [a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][/a], post your code there, and post the URL pointing to the page that contains your code here.And please watch you language.Ken Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
live poet Posted April 20, 2006 Author Share Posted April 20, 2006 Sorry about the language, im just pretty pissed cause i cant figure this shit out.[a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][/a] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kenrbnsn Posted April 20, 2006 Share Posted April 20, 2006 Ok, I copied the code you posted and got the same error, so you're not crazy.You said this started when you made some changes to the code. Take a close look at the changes you made. Make sure all of the curly braces match up. The error you are getting is the result of missing one end curley brace. One suspect area is the code between lines 650 and 677 because the curly braces are not lined up as neatly as in the rest of the code. Proper indentation is a life saver when looking for mis-matched curly braces.Ken Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
live poet Posted April 20, 2006 Author Share Posted April 20, 2006 Mr. Ken i fixed that problem and now my forum works just some buttons i get errors on like wen i try 2 check my user cp.. this is the messege i get"Fatal error: Call to a member function post_vars() on a non-object in /home/.beowulf/mattl/ on line 244"here is the usercp_viewprofile.php file[a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"][/a] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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