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[SOLVED] UPDATE Problem - inputting integers separated by comma's


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Morning Everyone,


I have a script which is suppose to UPDATE a user in the database depending on which button they pressed on the previous page. But it doesn't seem to be running the UPDATE query at all.


here's my script.

<?php // armory


// Player Select Variables //

// User Information
$player_accountid = player_table("id");
$player_username = player_table("username");

// money
$player_money = player_table("money");

// Inventory
$player_weaponid = player_table("weaponid");
$player_armorid = player_table("armorid");
$player_vehicleid = player_table("vehicleid");
$player_weapons = player_table("weapons");
$player_armors = player_table("armors");
$player_vehicles = player_table("vehicles");

// Equipped Items

// Names
$equippedweaponname = select_array($weapons,$player_weaponid,"weapon");
$equippedarmorname = select_array($armors,$player_armorid,"armor");
$equippedvehiclename = select_array($vehicles,$player_vehicleid,"vehicle");

// ID
$equippedweaponid = select_array($weapons,$player_weaponid,"id");
$equippedarmorid = select_array($armors,$player_armorid,"id");
$equippedvehicleid = select_array($vehicles,$player_vehicleid,"id");

// Purchase Weapon $_POST's
$item_bought = addslashes($_POST["buy"]);
$item_price = addslashes($_POST["itemprice"]);
$item_type = addslashes($_POST["itemtype"]);
$item_id = addslashes($_POST["itemid"]);

database connection has been made on the page included before this one.


<div id = "base">

<!-- Left Column -->
<div id = "leftcolumn">

<div id = "inventory_items">


if($player_money < $item_price) 
{ die("<b>You do not have enough money!</b>"); }

else {

  // current money - weapon price = your new money
  $new_money = $player_money - $item_price;
  // run the queries for you - insert your new amount of money
  $sqll = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `money` = '$new_money' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";
  $rss = mysql_query($sqll) or die('Query:<br />' . $sqll . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());
// check if it is a weapon, armor, or vehicle
if($item_type == 'weapon') { 
   $type = 'weapons'; 
}elseif ($item_type == 'armor') { 
   $type = 'armors'; 
}elseif ($item_type == 'vehicle') { 
   $type = 'vehicles'; 
  // run the queries for you - give you your weapon
  $typex = $type . ',' . $item_id;
  $update = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `$type` = '$typex' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";

  $query = mysql_query($update) or die('Query:<br />' . $sqlll . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());


	<?php /* Grab weapon Array and Display it */

foreach ($weapons as $key => $val)
if($item_bought == $val[$item_id]){
		echo '<table class="fix"><tr>';
		if($item_bought == "weapons"){
			$x= 'weapon';
		elseif($item_bought == "armors"){
			$x= 'armor';
		elseif($item_bought == "vehicles"){
			$x= 'vehicle';
		echo '<td colspan="2">' . $item_type[$key][$x]. '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>id</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['id'] . '</td></tr>';
		if($item_bought == "weapons"){
			$y= 'damage';
		elseif($item_bought == "armors"){
			$y= 'defence';
		elseif($item_bought == "vehicles"){
			$y= 'power';
		echo '<tr><td>' . $x . '</td><td>' . $item_type[$key][$x] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>price</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['price'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>' . $y . '</td><td>' . $item_type[$key][$y] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>type</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['type'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>rarity</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['rarity'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>description</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['description'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>options</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['options'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<td colspan="2"><b> Purchase Successful! </b></td></tr>';
		echo '</table><br />';



	<?php /* Grab weapon Array and Display it */

foreach ($armors as $key => $val)
if($item_bought == $val[$item_id]){
		echo '<table class="fix"><tr>';
		if($item_bought == "weapons"){
			$x= 'weapon';
		elseif($item_bought == "armors"){
			$x= 'armor';
		elseif($item_bought == "vehicles"){
			$x= 'vehicle';
		echo '<td colspan="2">' . $item_type[$key][$x]. '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>id</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['id'] . '</td></tr>';
		if($item_bought == "weapons"){
			$y= 'damage';
		elseif($item_bought == "armors"){
			$y= 'defence';
		elseif($item_bought == "vehicles"){
			$y= 'power';
		echo '<tr><td>' . $x . '</td><td>' . $item_type[$key][$x] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>price</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['price'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>' . $y . '</td><td>' . $item_type[$key][$y] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>type</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['type'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>rarity</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['rarity'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>description</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['description'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>options</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['options'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<td colspan="2"><b> Purchase Successful! </b></td></tr>';
		echo '</table><br />';



	<?php /* Grab weapon Array and Display it */

foreach ($vehicles as $key => $val)
if($item_bought == $val[$item_id]){
		echo '<table class="fix"><tr>';
		if($item_bought == "weapons"){
			$x= 'weapon';
		elseif($item_bought == "armors"){
			$x= 'armor';
		elseif($item_bought == "vehicles"){
			$x= 'vehicle';
		echo '<td colspan="2">' . $item_type[$key][$x]. '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>id</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['id'] . '</td></tr>';
		if($item_bought == "weapons"){
			$y= 'damage';
		elseif($item_bought == "armors"){
			$y= 'defence';
		elseif($item_bought == "vehicles"){
			$y= 'power';
		echo '<tr><td>' . $x . '</td><td>' . $item_type[$key][$x] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>price</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['price'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>' . $y . '</td><td>' . $item_type[$key][$y] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>type</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['type'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>rarity</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['rarity'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>description</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['description'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<tr><td>options</td><td>' . $item_type[$key]['options'] . '</td></tr>';
		echo '<td colspan="2"><b> Purchase Successful! </b></td></tr>';
		echo '</table><br />';


} // end the 'else' statement



<!-- Right Column -->
<div id = "rightcolumn">



Any help is greatly appreciated.


Regards ACE

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Here's 1 of the buttons on the previous page:

<form name="armory" method="post" action="index.php?page=armory_result">
	<input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="<?=$weapons[$key]['id'];?>">
	<input type="hidden" name="itemprice" value="<?=$weapons[$key]['price'];?>">
	<input type="hidden" name="itemtype" value="weapon">
	<input type="submit" name="buy" value="Buy <?=$weapons[$key]['weapon'];?>">


Note when I view the page source all the value's are correct.


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Should be fairly simple...



  // run the queries for you - insert your new amount of money
  $sqll = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `money` = '$new_money' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";



  // run the queries for you - insert your new amount of money
  $sqll = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `money` = '$new_money' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";


Analyze that output for any obvious problems. If you don't see any, open up phpMyAdmin. Copy that screen output and paste it directly into a SQL box in phpMyAdmin. See if it returns an 'Affected Rows' of 0 or 1.


Post back your results.



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Ok, next stage:


  // run the queries for you - insert your new amount of money
  $sqll = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `money` = '$new_money' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";
  $rss = mysql_query($sqll) or die('Query:<br />' . $sqll . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());
  echo "Numer of records updated: " . mysql_affected_rows();



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Run this:


  // run the queries for you - insert your new amount of money
  $sqll = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `money` = '0' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";
  $rss = mysql_query($sqll) or die('Query:<br />' . $sqll . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());
  echo "Numer of records updated: " . mysql_affected_rows();


If you get 1 affected row, open phpMyAdmin and check the record for that ID. Does money = 0?


If not, we need Fox Mulder again...



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Last try, then I'm all about 'Uncle'...


  // run the queries for you - insert your new amount of money
  $sqll = "SELECT * FROM `cf_users` WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";
  $result = mysql_query($sqll);
  $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  echo "Before Update:<br><pre>";
  echo "</pre><br>After Update:<br><pre>";

  $sqll = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `money` = '0' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";
  $rss = mysql_query($sqll) or die('Query:<br />' . $sqll . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());
  $updated = mysql_affected_rows();

  $sqll = "SELECT * FROM `cf_users` WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";
  $result = mysql_query($sqll);
  $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  echo "</pre><br><br>Number of records updated: $updated";



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Before Update:




    [id] => 1

    [username] => ACE

    [password] => My Password

    => My E-mail

    [verify] => 5

    [race] => 3

    [money] => 45097155040

    [bank] => 1000

    [level] => 1

    [currentexp] => 0

    [neededexp] => 120

    [authlevel] => 3

    [currenthealth] => 100

    [currentpower] => 100

    [maxhealth] => 100

    [maxpower] => 100

    [skilllevel] => 1

    [skillpoints] => 3

    [strength] => 10

    [agility] => 10

    [intelligence] => 10

    [strikeaction] => 2147483647

    [defenceaction] => 2147483647

    [covertaction] => 2147483647

    [talentid] => 0

    [talentname] => none

    [talentlevel] => 1

    [talentpoints] => 0

    [weaponid] => 0

    [weapons] => 0

    [armorid] => 0

    [armors] => 0

    [vehicleid] => 0

    [vehicles] => 0

    [allianceid] => 0

    [alliancename] => none

    [allianceposition] => 0

    [regdate] => 2007-09-25 20:11:35

    [ammo] => 2072

    [rank] => 24

    [price_strikeops] => 134217728000

    [amount_strikeops] => 53687091200

    [level_strikeops] => 30

    [level_defenceops] => 33

    [amount_defenceops] => 429496729600

    [price_defenceops] => 1073741824000

    [price_covertops] => 134217728000

    [amount_covertops] => 53687091200

    [level_covertops] => 30

    [score] => 2147483647




After Update:




    [id] => 1

    [username] => ACE

    [password] => My Password

    => My E-mail

    [verify] => 5

    [race] => 3

    [money] => 0

    [bank] => 1000

    [level] => 1

    [currentexp] => 0

    [neededexp] => 120

    [authlevel] => 3

    [currenthealth] => 100

    [currentpower] => 100

    [maxhealth] => 100

    [maxpower] => 100

    [skilllevel] => 1

    [skillpoints] => 3

    [strength] => 10

    [agility] => 10

    [intelligence] => 10

    [strikeaction] => 2147483647

    [defenceaction] => 2147483647

    [covertaction] => 2147483647

    [talentid] => 0

    [talentname] => none

    [talentlevel] => 1

    [talentpoints] => 0

    [weaponid] => 0

    [weapons] => 0

    [armorid] => 0

    [armors] => 0

    [vehicleid] => 0

    [vehicles] => 0

    [allianceid] => 0

    [alliancename] => none

    [allianceposition] => 0

    [regdate] => 2007-09-25 20:11:35

    [ammo] => 2072

    [rank] => 24

    [price_strikeops] => 134217728000

    [amount_strikeops] => 53687091200

    [level_strikeops] => 30

    [level_defenceops] => 33

    [amount_defenceops] => 429496729600

    [price_defenceops] => 1073741824000

    [price_covertops] => 134217728000

    [amount_covertops] => 53687091200

    [level_covertops] => 30

    [score] => 2147483647





Number of records updated: 1

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Run this code:


  // run the queries for you - give you your weapon
  $sql = "SELECT `weapons`, `armors`, `vehicles`
          FROM `cf_users`
          WHERE `id`= '" . $player_accountid . "'
          LIMIT 1
  $result = mysql_query($sql);
  list( $chk_weapon, $chk_armor, $chk_vehicle ) = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  $typex = $type . ',' . $item_id;
  $update = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `$type` = '$typex' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";
  echo "Before Update:<br>Weapon = $chk_weapon<br>Armor = $chk_armor<br>Vehicle = $chk_vehicle<br><br>";
  echo "Performing Update using query: <br>$update<br><br>";  
  $query = mysql_query($update) or die('Query:<br />' . $sqlll . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());
  $sql = "SELECT `weapons`, `armors`, `vehicles`
          FROM `cf_users`
          WHERE `id`= '" . $player_accountid . "'
          LIMIT 1
  $result = mysql_query($sql);
  list( $chk_weapon, $chk_armor, $chk_vehicle ) = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  echo "After Update:<br>Weapon = $chk_weapon<br>Armor = $chk_armor<br>Vehicle = $chk_vehicle<br><br>";



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We might want to try this code too:


  // run the queries for you - give you your weapon
  $sql = "SELECT `weapons`, `armors`, `vehicles`
          FROM `cf_users`
          WHERE `id`= '" . $player_accountid . "'
          LIMIT 1
  $result = mysql_query($sql);
  list( $chk_weapon, $chk_armor, $chk_vehicle ) = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  $typex = $type . ',' . $item_id;
  $update = "UPDATE `cf_users` SET `$type` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($typex) . "' WHERE `id`='" . $player_accountid . "' LIMIT 1";
  echo "Before Update:<br>Weapon = $chk_weapon<br>Armor = $chk_armor<br>Vehicle = $chk_vehicle<br><br>";
  echo "Performing Update using query: <br>$update<br><br>";  
  $query = mysql_query($update) or die('Query:<br />' . $sqlll . '<br /><br />Error:<br />' . mysql_error());
  $sql = "SELECT `weapons`, `armors`, `vehicles`
          FROM `cf_users`
          WHERE `id`= '" . $player_accountid . "'
          LIMIT 1
  $result = mysql_query($sql);
  list( $chk_weapon, $chk_armor, $chk_vehicle ) = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
  echo "After Update:<br>Weapon = $chk_weapon<br>Armor = $chk_armor<br>Vehicle = $chk_vehicle<br><br>";



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Ran the UPDATE through PHPmyAdmin with no success  :-\


and made the changes to my code and here is the result:

Before Update:

Weapon =

Armor =

Vehicle =


Performing Update using query:

UPDATE `cf_users` SET `weapons` = 'weapons,2' WHERE `id`='1' LIMIT 1


After Update:

Weapon =

Armor =

Vehicle =


Note that, before the UPDATE and after, even if the columns aren't altered, they should still have 0 (zero) in them none the less.

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What would you like to have happen here? If `cf_users` is a valid table, `weapons` is a valid field under `id`-'1', then the query UPDATE `cf_users` SET `weapons` = 'weapons,2' WHERE `id`='1' LIMIT 1 looks good to me. Did you try the mysql_real_escape_string?


I guess let's try this. Log into phpMyAdmin and select the table `cf_users`. Click Browse. Under record 'id' 1, click the pencil icon (selecting edit). You are presented with an edit form. Scroll down to the `weapon` field. Type in weapons,2 and save it. Let me know what happens... save any text if it errors out, or is successful. A screenshot would be ideal.



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