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Plz help with:

How to get the "Thank_you_message.html" working in the return message of the FormHandlers php script:






// information can also be placed in database

$Name = $_POST['Name'];

$Surename = $_POST['Surename'];

$EmailAddress = $_POST['EmailAddress'];

$Comments = $_POST['Comments'];

$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";

$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

$headers .= 'From: ' . $EmailAddress . "\r\n";

$formsent = mail('email@','information coming from Form2.htm','Name: '.$Name.'<br>Surname: '.$Surename.'<br>Comments: '.$Comments,$headers);

if($formsent){echo 'Thank you for your message.click <a href="Thank_you_message.html" >here</a> to continue';}

else{echo "<p>Sorry, something went wrong with the form, please try again later.</p>";}


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I think I know what you mean,

try this:


// information can also be placed in database
$Name = $_POST['Name'];
$Surename = $_POST['Surename'];
$EmailAddress = $_POST['EmailAddress'];
$Comments = $_POST['Comments'];
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From: ' . $EmailAddress . "\r\n";
$formsent = mail('email@','information coming from Form2.htm','Name: '.$Name.'
Surname: '.$Surename.'
Comments: '.$Comments,$headers);
if($formsent){include 'Thank_you_message.html';}
else{echo "<p>Sorry, something went wrong with the form, please try again later.</p>";}

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Here is how i would organize it an error check the code. I have fixed a whole bunch of coding mistakes that are all probably due to not organizing your code. the method of error checking i use is helpful because if an error is encountered the script stops and shows you the message. This should be the contents of mailform.php

function spamcheck($field) {
	//eregi() performs a case insensitive regular expression match
  		if(eregi("to:",$field) || eregi("cc:",$field)) {
    			return TRUE;
  		else {
    			return FALSE;
if($_POST['submit']) {
	//if the form is submitted make sure that all of the information is supplied
	if($_POST['name'] && $_POST['surname'] && $_POST['comment'] && $_POST['email']) {
  		//if all of the information is supplied check if the email address is valid
  		if (spamcheck($_POST['email'])==FALSE) {
    			//if we make sure this is correct then we send the email
    			$email = $_POST['email']; 
    			$subject = 'Subject: information coming from Form2.htm';
    			$message = $_POST['comment'];
			$name = $_POST['name'];
			$surname = $_POST['surname'];
			$headers = 'From: ' . $email;
    			if(mail("admin@myisp.com", $subject ,$message, $headers)) {
				//if we send the email then set the variable which contains the uccess message
    				$message = 'Thank you for your comments. <a href=Thank_you_message.html>Click here</a> to continue.';
			else {
				//if we do not send the email set the error message that we failed
				$error = 'Failed sending email. Please notify the server admin.';
			//if the email is invalid we should tell the user
    			$error = 'The email address supplied was invalid';
	else {
		//if not all of the information is filled out then we should tell the user
		$error = 'You must fill out all of the information';
$title = 'Submit a comment';
		<?php print $title; ?>
		if(!$_POST['submit']) {
			//if the form has not been submitted show the form
			print '<form method=post action=mailform.php>';
			print 'Email:<br /><input name=email type=text /><br />';
			print 'First Name:<br /><input name=name type=text /><br />';
			print 'Last Name:<br /><input name=surname type=text /><br />';
			print 'Message:<br /><textarea name=comment rows=15 cols=40></textarea><br />';
		  	print '<input name=submit type=submit />'
		  	print '</form>';
		else {
			//if the form was submitted check to see if the script was successful or otherwize
			if(isset($message)) {
				//if everything is successful we print the message
				print $message;
				if(isset($error)) {
					//if we get an error along the way lets tell the user the error
					//we should also show them what they submitted in the form so that they can change it
					print $error;
		  			print '<form method=post action=mailform.php>';
					print 'Email:<br /><input name=email type=text value=' . $_POST['email'] . ' /><br />';
					print 'First Name:<br /><input name=name type=text value=' . $_POST['name'] . ' /><br />';
					print 'Last Name:<br /><input name=surname type=text value=' . $_POST['surname'] . ' /><br />';
					print 'Message:<br /><textarea name=comment rows=15 cols=40>' . $_POST['comment'] . '</textarea><br />';
			  		print '<input name=submit type=submit />'
		  			print '</form>';

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Hello all,

Thanks for the good work.

I need some time to figure it all out but the first two did not work.

I'm still working on the newly written (good-looking) mailform.php and for that one I need more time to get it working.

Thanks again so far, I'll let you all know when and if it works.




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