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[SOLVED] A Basic/Generic Filter System


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Is it safe in any way to say that the following code can be used as a method to prepare user-submitted data for submission to something like say a Database?

foreach($_REQUEST as $var => $value)
	foreach($_REQUEST["$var"] as $var2 => $value2)
		$_REQUEST["$var"]["$var2"] = htmlspecialchars($value2, ENT_QUOTES);	

} else {
	$_REQUEST["$var"] = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES);

Can one now take any of the now_processed $_REQUEST vars and play around wrecklessly without worrying about malicious input?

For database storage that is.


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htmlspecialchars doesn't handle all the characters that can be used for SQL injections. htmlspecialchars is ideal for when outputting "unknown" data to the screen, which will help prevent XSS attacks.


you might want to look at mysql_real_escape_string() instead, as it's designed for the job at hand.


i have to be honest though and say that i'm not a huge fan of "blanket" operations like this, at least with not keeping an original copy at least. this makes it a pain in the ass for making comparisons, due to extra slashes. eg, an input of: Hello 'World' will produce something like: Hello \'World\' - meaning if you need to check the value of the necessary $_GET/$_POST var, you're gonna come unstuck:


// example code, but in effect your filter stuff would go here
$message = "Hello 'World'";
$_GET['message'] = mysql_real_escape_string($message); // produces Hello 'World'

// rest of code here

// now the check
if ($_GET['message'] == "Hello 'World'") {
   echo 'match!';


I tend to escape the raw data just before putting it in the DB (mysql_real_escape_string) and also escape the raw data just before putting it to the browser (htmlspecialchars).


Writing a simple set of functions, or building an input class (to replace accessing $_GET/$_POST directly altogether), would be (and is) my personal preference here.

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Points much noted...I agree on having a function/class in place for handling submitted data. Just wishing quotes didn't have to be such a prob with database which is causing extra overhead to store data (which is reasonable) AND also just to retrieve it....in mysql at least. Valuable input there thank you.

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