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[SOLVED] not getting if statement to log in


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I had this script working, now suddenly (live) it's saying" you have to activate first" even when it is activated. I checked the database and activated == 1, so I can't figure out why it isn't logging in.

Any help appreciated.


if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password'])) {
header("Location: https://www.caregivingsocal.com/members.php");
if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
if(!$_POST['username']) die("Error: You must enter your username to log in.");
if(!$_POST['password']) die("Error: You must enter a password to log in.");
//set cookie if checked
if(!empty($_POST['stay_in'])) {
$joined =''.$_POST['username'].'[]'.md5($_POST['password']).'';
setcookie('login_cookie', $joined, 2147483647, '/','www.caregivingsocal.com');
} // end if
//verify user
$get_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mem WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."' AND user_password = '".md5($_POST['password'])."'");
$q = mysql_fetch_object($get_user);
if(!$q) die("Login Failure: Please verify your username and password are correct." . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($get_user);
if ($row['activated'] == 0) {
 ?><p>Sorry, you must activate your account first!</p><p>Didn't get your validation email? <a href="resend.php">Click here</a> to resend the validation email.</p>
// set session variables
$_SESSION['logged_in'] = 1;
$_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username'];
$_SESSION['password'] = $_POST['password'];
Header("Location: https://www.caregivingsocal.com/signin.php");
} else {
//show login form
<form name="login" method="post" action="<?$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<tr><td>Username:</td><td><input type="text" id="username" name="username"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" id="password" name="password"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Submit: <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit" id="submit"></td></tr>
<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="stay_in[]" checked="yes">Remember Me</td></tr></table></form>
} // end else

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He is treating the variable as if it was an Object, not a Array.


use $row=mysql_fetch_object($get_user); instead, then $row['activated'] will be created if he has a column named activated in his DB.


the problem is with this part


$row = mysql_fetch_array($get_user);

if ($row['activated'] == 0) {


i dont know what it is, but there is a problem in that block of code

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Try revising your query like this:


$get_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mem WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."' AND user_password = '".md5($_POST['password'])." AND activated='1'"


Perhaps that is the problem. Also double check that the row 'activated' does indeed exist and you haven't made a typo or something. Maybe the row is user_activated?

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and get rid of the rest like this?

$get_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mem WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."' AND user_password = '".md5($_POST['password'])." AND activated='1'");

if ($row['activated'] == 0) {
 ?><p>Sorry, you must activate your account first!</p><p>Didn't get your validation email? <a href="resend.php">Click here</a> to resend the validation email.</p>


If so, I still get the activate message. I checked the column name, it is "activated".

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Hmm here this is how I generally would use a login.

$userName = htmlentities(trim($_POST['userName']));
$userPassword = md5(trim($_POST['userPassword]));
$activated = 1;
//setup sql to see if username & password match/exist
$sql = "SELECT user_name,user_password FROM table_name WHERE user_name='$userName' AND user_password='$userPassword'";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die("Could not run query: ".mysql_error());
$num = mysql_num_rows($query);
//check if there is a row
if($row == 1){
//setup sql to see if account is activated
$sql = "SELECT user_name,user_password,activated FROM table_name WHERE user_name='$userName' AND   
           user_password='$userPassword' AND activated='$activated'";
$query = mysql_query($sql) or die("Could not check activation");
//if query fails, account has not been activated
  echo "Please activate your account!";
//otherwise they are logged in 
echo "You have been logged in!";
}elseif($num == 0){
//if no rows are found, give error
echo "Incorrect username or password!";
echo "Username does not exist";


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Running two separate queries, one for authentication, other for activation would give more precision over user-friendly errors wouldn't it? I see what you mean, you could fit it all into one query, but I like to do it with 2 because I can give a more specific error message if there is one. Hopefully I haven't missed something...  ???

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I got it solved outside if anyone is interested. "whats happening is that you are populating $q with your data after the query, once you call fetch_array for $row, you've already cleared your buffer"

$get_user = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mem WHERE username = '".$_POST['username']."' AND user_password = '".md5($_POST['password'])."'");
$q = mysql_fetch_object($get_user);
if(!$q) die("Login Failure: Please verify your username and password are correct." . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($get_user);

if ($q->activated == 0) {
 ?><p>Sorry, you must activate your account first!</p><p>Didn't get your validation email? <a href="resend.php">Click here</a> to resend the validation email.</p>

Thanks to all though!!!!


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