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[SOLVED] $_post, $_get, and $_request don't work


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For some reason I can't get my $_post, $_get, and $_request commands to work.  I even have gone a far as to make it $_get, and I could see the data in the address line but I couldn't even echo it.  Here is that code.  Ideally I would use it in the post method but to keep things more open it is now as get.  As a side note it is in Hebrew although I typed the data in English to keep that out of the equation.  The data shows up fine in the address bar in English.  I am running the latest WAMP server.  I am a newbie.  I am sure it's simple.


This is  the form which sends all the data to sent.php

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<b><font face="Arial" color="#FF0000" size="4"> צור קשר:</font></b>
<FORM NAME="צור קשר" METHOD="get" ACTION="sent.php" SUBJECT="צור קשר" ENCTYPE="text/plain">
<TABLE id="table5">
<TD ALIGN="right">
<EM>שם פרטי</EM></TD>

<TD ALIGN="right">
<EM>שם משפחה</EM></TD>
<INPUT NAME="Contact_Last_Name" SIZE=25>
<TD ALIGN="right">
<EM>טלפון בבית</EM></TD>
<INPUT NAME="Contact_Home_Phone" SIZE=25 MAXLENGTH=25>

<TD ALIGN="right">
<em>טלפון סלולרי</em></TD>
<INPUT NAME="Contact_Cellular_Phone" SIZE=25 MAXLENGTH=25>
<TD ALIGN="right">
<EM>דואר אלקטרוני</EM></TD>
<INPUT NAME="Contact_Email" SIZE=25>

 כיצד הגעת אלינו?</P>
ynet<INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="recommend">

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Here is sent.php


<html dir="rtl">

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<title>ייעוץ לגיל הזהב-ביטוח לאומי,עובדים זרים-צור קשר</title>
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echo $SUBMIT . "test";
echo "<br>" . $FN . "test";


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