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Is there any way to put an "if" statement in an array?


I'm building links, and if the member is a certain type, I want it to display certain links, and if their a different member type, to show a different link



There are two types of members, a buyer and a seller.

If you are a seller, you'll get the links "List" and "My Stuff"

If you are a buyer, you won't have those links.


Here is my array code, but I need to specify somewhere in there the account "type"

$data = array(
	'<p><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></p>
	 <p><a href="member.php?change=password">Change Password</a></p>
	 <p><a href="member.php?change=email">Change Email</a></p>
	 <p><a href="member.php?change=account">Close account</a></p>',

	'<p>Welcome to the members only page '.$_SESSION['s_name'].'!</p>
	<p>You are logged in as '.$_SESSION['s_username'].' from the IP address '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</p>',



Thanks in advance

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You can use an if statement to decide what is to be displayed from an array, bt no, you put a statement within an array.


Your question is still a little vague however, how do you determin what array elements are displayed for what user?


One easy method would be to use a mutlidimensional array.....



  $data = array(
    'members' => array('a','b','c'),
    'buyers' => array('g','h','i'),
    'seller' => array('x','y','x')

  $membertype = $_SESSION['membertype'];

  foreach($data[$membertype] as $val) {
    echo $val;



but really, its hard to tell what you want to do from your post.

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I have a field in the database name 'type', it either has a value of buyer or seller.


When you login, and your a seller, I want their menu to look like this:


My Account

My Items

List Item



Change Email

Change Password


Close Account


If your a buyer, I want their menu to look like this:

My Account



Change Email

Change Password


Close Account


I hope that explains it a little better


This is my whole code for the 'menu.php'

<?php session_start(); 

if($_GET['set'] > 0)

if($_SESSION['whattoclose'] == NULL)

	$_SESSION['whattoclose'] = $_GET['set'];

} else {

	$_SESSION['whattoclose'] = $_SESSION['whattoclose'] . '|' . $_GET['set'];



if($_GET['undo'] > 0)


	$_SESSION['whattoclose'] = str_replace("|".$_GET['undo'] , "" , $_SESSION['whattoclose']);
	$_SESSION['whattoclose'] = str_replace($_GET['undo'] , "" , $_SESSION['whattoclose']);



function showTitle($id)

$title = array(
	"Login information",

$data = $_SESSION['whattoclose'];

$not = explode( "|" , $data );
if(!in_array( $id , $not ))

	echo '<a href="member.php?set='.$id.'">close</a> - ';
	echo $title[$id-1];

} else {

	echo '<a href="member.php?undo='.$id.'">open</a> - ';
	echo $title[$id-1];



function checkIt($id)

$data = array(
	'<p><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></p>
	 <p><a href="member.php?change=password">Change Password</a></p>
	 <p><a href="member.php?change=email">Change Email</a></p>
	 <p><a href="member.php?change=account">Close account</a></p>',

	'<p>Welcome to the members only page '.$_SESSION['s_name'].'!</p>
	<p>You are logged in as '.$_SESSION['s_username'].' from the IP address '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</p>',


$str = $_SESSION['whattoclose'];

$not = explode( "|" , $str );
if(!in_array( $id , $not ))

	echo '<div class="table">';
	echo $data[$id-1];
	echo '</div>';




<div class="header">
<? showTitle(1) ?>
<? checkIt(1) ?>
<div class="header">
<? showTitle(2) ?>
<? checkIt(2) ?>

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ok, I tried the multidimensional array, and I'm received an error on line 76 which is



Here is the error I get

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',' in /home/public_html/CORE/menus.php on line 76


Here is my whole code, with the multidimensional array

<?php session_start(); 

if($_GET['set'] > 0)

if($_SESSION['whattoclose'] == NULL)

	$_SESSION['whattoclose'] = $_GET['set'];

} else {

	$_SESSION['whattoclose'] = $_SESSION['whattoclose'] . '|' . $_GET['set'];



if($_GET['undo'] > 0)


	$_SESSION['whattoclose'] = str_replace("|".$_GET['undo'] , "" , $_SESSION['whattoclose']);
	$_SESSION['whattoclose'] = str_replace($_GET['undo'] , "" , $_SESSION['whattoclose']);



function showTitle($id)

$title = array(
	"Login information",

$data = $_SESSION['whattoclose'];

$not = explode( "|" , $data );
if(!in_array( $id , $not ))

	echo '<a href="member.php?set='.$id.'">close</a> - ';
	echo $title[$id-1];

} else {

	echo '<a href="member.php?undo='.$id.'">open</a> - ';
	echo $title[$id-1];



function checkIt($id)

$data = array(

 // $data = array(
    //'members' => array('a','b','c'),
    'buyer' => array('your a buyer'),
    'seller' => array('your a seller')

  $type = $_SESSION['s_name'];

  foreach($data[$type] as $val) {
    echo $val;

	'<p>Welcome to the members only page '.$_SESSION['s_name'].'!</p>
	<p>You are logged in as '.$_SESSION['s_username'].' from the IP address '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</p>',


$str = $_SESSION['whattoclose'];

$not = explode( "|" , $str );
if(!in_array( $id , $not ))

	echo '<div class="table">';
	echo $data[$id-1];
	echo '</div>';




<div class="header">
<? showTitle(1) ?>
<? checkIt(1) ?>
<div class="header">
<? showTitle(2) ?>
<? checkIt(2) ?>

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Thank you thorpe, once again, for your guidance, I got the thing to work correctly.


My next question is this:


Why, now, does the links show up twice?

Here is the code

$data = array(
'seller' => array('	<p><a href="member.php">My Account</a></p>
					<p><a href="main.php?cid=list">List Items</a></p>
					<p><a href="main.php?cid=myitems">My Items</a></p>
					<p><a href="member.php?change=password">Change Password</a></p>
	 				<p><a href="member.php?change=email">Change Email</a></p>
	 				<p><a href="main.php?cid=logout">Logout</a></p>
	 				<p><a href="member.php?change=account">Close account</a></p>'),

'buyer' => array('	<p><a href="member.php">My Account</a></p>
					<p><a href="member.php?change=password">Change Password</a></p>
					<p><a href="member.php?change=email">Change Email</a></p>
	 				<p><a href="main.php?cid=logout">Logout</a></p>
	 				<p><a href="member.php?change=account">Close account</a></p>'),
    //buyer => array(<p><a href="member.php?change=password">Buyer</a></p>'),
'<p>Welcome to the members only page '.$_SESSION['s_name'].'!</p>
<p>You are logged in as '.$_SESSION['s_username'].' from the IP address '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</p>',
  $type = $_SESSION['s_type'];

  foreach($data[$type] as $val) {
    echo $val;


And what shows up is this

Main Links
close - Navigation
My Account
Change Password
Change Email
Close account

Welcome to the members only page!
You are logged in as cheezy from the IP address xx.xxx.xx.xxx

close - Login information

My Account
Change Password
Change Email
Close account

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