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Im creating a script where administration can update database entries.


the form directs to itself... eg edit_tour.php?id=33 directs to edit_tour.php?id=33&action=update


here is the code that runs on action==update



if ($_GET['action'] == 'update' && isset($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['id'])) {

$Day = date("j", $_POST['Start_date_day']);
$Month = date("n", $_POST['Start_date_day']);
$Year = date("Y", $_POST['Start_date_day']);
$Hour = date("G", $_POST['Start_Date_hour']);
$Minute = date("i", $_POST['Start_date_minute']);

$Start_Date = mktime($Hour, $Minute, 0, $Month, $Day, $Year);

$Day = date("j", $_POST['Finish_date_day']);
$Month = date("n", $_POST['Finish_date_day']);
$Year = date("Y", $_POST['Finish_date_day']);
$Hour = date("G", $_POST['Finish_Date_hour']);
$Minute = date("i", $_POST['Finish_date_minute']);

$Finish_Date = mktime($Hour, $Minute, 0, $Month, $Day, $Year);

$SQL = "UPDATE tours SET `Tour_Name` = '".$_POST['Tour_Name']."', `Destination` = '".$_POST['Destination']."', `Departs` = '".$_POST['Departs']."', `Description` = '".$_POST['Description']."', `Seats_Total` = '".$_POST['Seats_Total']."', `Seats_Avail` = '".$_POST['Seats_Avail']."', `Start_Date` = '".$Start_Date."', `Finish_Date` = '".$Finish_Date."' WHERE `User_ID` = ".$_GET['id']."";
echo "<br>".$SQL."<br>\n";
$Create_Query = MYSQL_DATABASE_QUERY($SQL, $DB_Server);





now this is the output of my query:


UPDATE tours SET `Tour_Name` = 'Sydney - Sport', `Destination` = 'Sydney Stadium', `Departs` = 'Katoomba Train Station', `Description` = 'NEW', `Seats_Total` = '12', `Seats_Avail` = '8', `Start_Date` = '1201912200', `Finish_Date` = '1197936000' WHERE `User_ID` = 33


Im also using a different MYSQL connection method.  ive had to comment out most of it becausae i had troube with it, but this is the file:




$host = "***";  #usually localhost
$account = "***"; # username for access.  eg. root
$password = "***"; 
$db_name = "***"; #name of database on the server that you want to connect.

global $db_type;
$db_type = 4.1; # MySQL version

#if ($db_type <= 4.0) {
#	$DB_Server = mysql_connect($host, $account, $password) or die("Cannot conenct to the selected MySQL ".$db_Type." on the selected server.  Invalid Parameters");
#	$DB_Select = mysql_select_db($db_name, $DB_Server) or die("Connection established to server, however unable to find selected database.");

#else if($db_Type >= 4.1) {
	#echo "connecting to a 4.1 or higher";
	$DB_Server = mysqli_connect($host, $account, $password);# or die("Cannot conenct to the selected MySQL ".$db_Type." on the selected server.  Invalid Parameters");
	$DB_Select = mysqli_select_db($DB_Server, $db_name);# or die("Connection established to server, however unable to find selected database.");
return $DB_Server;

function MYSQL_DATABASE_QUERY($SQL, $DB_Server) {

#if($db_type <= 4.0) {
#	$QUERY = mysql_query($SQL, $DB_Server) or die(mysql_error());

#if($db_type >= 4.1) {
	$QUERY = mysqli_query($DB_Server, $SQL);# or die(mysqli_error($DB_Server));
	#echo $SQL;
	#if(isset($QUERY)) {echo "$QUERY is set";}
	#if(empty($QUERY)) {echo "$QUERY is empty";}
	#echo "<br><br>";
	#echo "QUERY: ".$QUERY;
	#echo "<br> and query";
return $QUERY;


$ROW = mysqli_fetch_array($QUERY);
return $ROW;





Now i know that these functions work because they are workign for all my INSERT and SELECT queries, which makes me think that its the actual SQL that ismy problem, and nto the connection etc.



Does anyone have any suggestions on how i can fix this problem.


*** there are no errors echoed out.

*** when checking the database with phpmyadmin - the database hasnt been updated with the new values..... which means the UPDATE query didnt work.




Thanks for any suggestions in advance.

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