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Get WebPage Internally


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I have a web server that on an internal network that is available to the outside world. We will call it server A. I also have web servers B,C,D,E on the internal network and are not available to the outside world.


I want to be able to have a visitor, from the outside word, visit the server A and view the contents of pages on servers B,C,D,E via a DIV or iFrame. How can I do this via php?

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This is difficult to do without handling your firewall. You need to access to the internal servers for inbound call. But you can change the to a different port than using the default port 80(http) and then call the URL using the port no in the server A:new_port in your iframe scr parameter.

Let me know this helps.



Rajesh R R




Dreams are for ever


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  • 3 weeks later...

can someone give me an example of how to use this with with a dynamic link. . .I mean. . . .example:


i have a LAN address of ''. This is only accessible internally. I want to be able to have a user to the website, from an external network, enter in an image name (ie: bigbeercan) that I will route internally as ''. Then show the results of the web request to the external user. . .


I think mod_proxy is right, I am just confused on how to go about getting this to work. .

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Put the following in a .htaccess here:





RewriteEngine on

Rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [P]



Then accessing via the URL:


will behind the scenes return:





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is there something I need to turn on in apache? I have it setup like the following:


.htaccess inside of folder 'image':


RewriteEngine on

Rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [P]



outside url:



this is returning a 404 error.


am I doing something wrong?

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1. Make sure mod_proxy is enabled in httpd.conf

2. Make sure mod_rewrite is enabled in httpd.conf

3. Check access.log and error.log on BOTH and http://production.tradermediausa.com


On your private lan/ server make sure the following works:

If the above ^ doesnt work locally, then it wont work externally.


Try it first with a simple image with no script.

Put "image.jpg" in

Try and access it via: http://production.tradermediausa.com/scripts/image/image.jpg



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