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I plan to use this in a page as an example


header("image/png"); < or whaterver it is



ok now creating an image everytime a user see's the iamge or navigates to a new iamge. and destroying it after woudl this lay heavy on the server ?


This is to stop image pathnames from being revealed

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So are you trying to read the file from disk or generate an image and spit it out?


If you're wanting to generate it, you could always cache it, and if you already have it on disk, the most effecient thing possible short of caching it in memory is just reading it out to the client.

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$file = (isset($_GET['file'])) ? $_GET['file'] : false;
if($file === false || str_pos($file, '/') !== false || str_pos($file, '\\') !== false) exit; //if the file isn't given or it has / or \ die
if($handle = @fopen('files/' . $file) {
      while(!feof($handle)) {
           echo fread($handle, 8192); //read 8KB at a time
else {
     //file not found or unable to open


The reason I would do it with fopen and fread there instead of file_get_contents is because with file_get_contents you load the entire file into PHP, and larger files could become cumbersome.

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OK....  Example time.


Pretend the following


Your web root is /html/

Your images are in /images/

Your wanting the file /images/image1.jpg

You're at the page http://yoursite.com/images.php?file=image1.jpg


To show /images/image1.jpg, images.php would need to look like this:


$file = (isset($_GET['file'])) ? $_GET['file'] : false;
if($file === false || str_pos($file, '/') !== false || str_pos($file, '\\') !== false) exit; //if the file isn't given or it has / or \ die
if($handle = @fopen('/images/' . $file) {
      header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
      while(!feof($handle)) {
           echo fread($handle, 8192); //read 8KB at a time
else {
     //file not found or unable to open



<img src="images.php?file=image1.jpg" />


Would correctly show the content from /images/image1.jpg.


You would most likely want to make the Content-type change depending on the file extension by the way....

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