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I need creative thoughts


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I don't even know where to begin, but I'll warn you now, you're in for lots of harsh feedback.


It's downright awful.


The image quality is terrible; they're grainy and of low quality.  Your background image for the navigation is repeating itself horizontally in Firefox.  Your animated gif is likely to give someone a seizure.


The entire site is much too monotone.  I see only three colors (other than white) and the blue is so predominant it feels like that's all it is.  Not to mention that it's a much too dark of a blue IMO.


I don't know what's going on in your footer, but there are hidden links and weird wrapping issues.


I'm guessing that English is not your native language, but you really need to go over that site with a fine toothed comb.  There are some simple misspellings and oddly worded phrases.


Also, get rid of the clock in the header.  It serves no purpose.  My operating system already tells me what time it is, as does the clock on the wall, and various other things in my environment.

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Well, those images look like they came straight out of MS Paint.


If you want to create professional graphics you need a good image editor.  Photoshop is highly recommended, but runs about 800 U.S.D. so is probably out of your budget.


There is a free image editor available named Gimp, though I've not used it.  I recommend downloading and installing it and then looking for tutorials online.

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whoa. if you are trying sell your design services, you really need to show what you can do.

poeople will judge the quality of your work by how your home site is.


first, its just looks damn ugly.


also, don't have "it is our world", that doens't even make sense.

don't have a time clock at the top, pointless and ugly.


if you are serious about your business, don't use "freeservers.com", i don't care how great they sound... you can't control the site downtime, and thats huge. also, many free sites don't ahve dadtabases and php. you need those.


your "find" button doesn't work either.

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As said before, it's really bad. It looks like it was made by me about 10 years ago, which is both a comment at how bad it is and that it features a few very mid-90ish design choices.


First off, kill the administrative login, as the admin you should know the login url, and since you are the only one who needs it just stick it in your bookmarks. Also, if you are going to use freeservers, I would try to find that fact, and kill anything that links to them (I am still able to see you are on freeservers through my Alexa extension, but most people don't have one). You can't sell advertising space without traffic, and the site has nothing to draw traffic. The red, blue and gray color scheme is really bad, and you seem to only have a rudimentary knowledge of html.


If freeservers has php and mysql, just go and download Joomla, change the default template and you'll be all set.

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