mccdave Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 Hi Can anyone help?! I have the following guestbook in operation at : I want to be able to ban swear words etc but dont have any idea how to go about it. Can anyone help? Im new to php and any help would be gratefully recieved! Many thanks Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
littledragon Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 He he he what fun! You need an array of swearwords... allow me... $badwords = array('fart', 'fannybasher', 'pisspot'... etc then use str_replace $user_input = str_replace($badwords, '', $user_input) or even more fun: $goodwords = array('far away', 'fantastico', 'flowerpot'... etc $user_input = str_replace($badwords, $goodwords, $user_input) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beansandsausages Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 Haha or even. $php = array(`php rocks`, `php is all` etc .......... haha $user_w00t = str_replace($badwords, `$php`, $user_w00t) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccdave Posted December 20, 2007 Author Share Posted December 20, 2007 Thanks for your prompt responses! I appreciate the suggested swearwords too.... fannybasher will be included! haha I however have no idea of how to implement the code into what i have so far. I am willing to actually do something im not just leeching info. Could i have a pointer though??!! Its all in a good cause for the local community centre Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beansandsausages Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 post you php code. ill add it for you and show you were. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccdave Posted December 20, 2007 Author Share Posted December 20, 2007 Thats superb! Many thanks! Heres the code: <?php ob_start(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- #Layer1 { position:absolute; left:98px; top:52px; width:215px; height:308px; z-index:1; } --> </style> <link href="../testing.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <div class="guestbook" id="Layer1"> <?php define('ADMIN_USER', 'admin'); define('ADMIN_PASS', 'admin'); define('GB_FILE', 'gb.dat'); define('DATE_FORMAT', 'jS F Y - H:i'); define('MAX_PER_PAGE', 5); define('MAX_NAME_LEN', 32); define('MIN_MESG_LEN', 3); define('MAX_MESG_LEN', 600); define('POST_TIME', 180); define('ALLOW_URLS', false); define('SELF', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); /*================================*\ -- end user variables -- \*================================*/ define('FUNC', isset($_GET['func']) ? $_GET['func'] : NULL); define('P', isset($_GET['p']) ? (int) $_GET['p'] : 1); if (FUNC == 'logout') { echo '<p>You have been logged out.</p>'; setcookie ('password', ''); unset($_COOKIE['password'], $password); } if (isset($_POST['password'])) { $password = md5($_POST['password']); if ($password == md5(ADMIN_PASS)) { setcookie('password', $password); } } else { $password = isset($_COOKIE['password']) ? $_COOKIE['password'] : NULL; } ob_end_flush(); echo '<p><a href="'.SELF.'">View Entries</a> - <a href="'.SELF.'?func=sign">Sign the Guestbook</a></p>'; switch (FUNC) { /*================================*\ -- default -- \*================================*/ default: if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo '<p>failed to open: '.GB_FILE.'</p>'; break; } $i = 0; $data = NULL; $to_show = (P * MAX_PER_PAGE) - MAX_PER_PAGE; if (P > 1) echo '<p><b>Page '.P.'</b></p>'; while (!feof($fp)) { $i++; if ($i > ($to_show + MAX_PER_PAGE)) break; $data = fgets($fp, 4096); if (empty($data)) break; if ($i > $to_show) { list ($date, $name, $mesg, $ip) = str_replace('\|', '|', preg_split('/(?<!\\\)(\|)/', $data)); echo ("\n<p><b>$name</b> on ".date(DATE_FORMAT, $date)."<br />$mesg</p>"); } } if ($i > MAX_PER_PAGE) { $line_count = substr_count(fread($fp, filesize(GB_FILE)), "\n") + $i; $line_count = ceil($line_count / MAX_PER_PAGE); $s = 1; $f = $line_count + 1; echo "\n".'<p>Page: # '; if ($line_count > MAX_PER_PAGE) { if (P < 6) { $s = 1; $f = 10; } elseif (($line_count-P) < 6) { $s = $line_count - 8; $f = $line_count; } else { $s = P -3; $f = $s + 8; } echo (P > 5) ? ' <a href="'.SELF.'">1</a>-' : NULL; } for ($k=$s; $k<$f; $k++) { echo ($k == P) ? "$k " : "<a href=\"".SELF."?p=$k\">$k</a> "; } echo ($k <= $line_count) ? "of <a href=\"".SELF."?p=$line_count\">$line_count</a></p>" : '</p>'; } fclose($fp); break; /*================================*\ -- sign -- \*================================*/ case 'sign': $name = (isset($_POST['name'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['name']) : NULL; $mesg = (isset($_POST['mesg'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['mesg']) : NULL; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $errors = NULL; $now = time(); $name_len = strlen($name); $mesg_len = strlen($mesg); if ($name) { if ($name_len > MAX_NAME_LEN) { $errors = '- Name is too long, '.$name_len.' (Max: '.MAX_NAME_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors = '- Name field is empty<br />'; } if ($mesg) { if ($mesg_len > MAX_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too long, '.$mesg_len.' (Max: '.MAX_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } elseif ($mesg_len < MIN_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too short (Min: '.MIN_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors.= '- Message field is empty<br />'; } if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } list($date, , , $ip) = fgetcsv($fp, 4096, '|'); fclose($fp); if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $ip && $now < $date+POST_TIME) { $errors.= 'You are trying to post to soon after your last message'; } if ($errors) { echo '<p>'.$errors.'</p>'; } else { if ($name == ADMIN_USER) { if (@$_POST['pass'] != ADMIN_PASS && $password != md5(ADMIN_PASS)) { echo '<p>This username requires a password</p>'; echo '<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=sign"><p><input type="password" name="pass" size="20" /> <input type="submit" value="Add" name="submit" /><input type="hidden" name="name" value="'.$name.'" /><input type="hidden" name="mesg" value="'.$mesg.'" /></p></form>'; break; } } $filesize = filesize(GB_FILE); $filesize = (empty($filesize)) ? 1024 : $filesize; if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r+')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading and writing, check location and file permissions.'; break; } $data = fread($fp, $filesize); rewind($fp); fwrite($fp, "$now|".str_replace("\n", NULL, str_replace('|', '\|', $name)).' |'.str_replace("\n", '<br />', bbcode($mesg)).' |'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'|'); if (! empty($data)) fwrite($fp, "\n". $data); fclose($fp); echo '<p>Your message has been added<br />Go to the <a href="'.SELF.'">main</a> page to view it</p>'; break; } } echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=sign"><p><label for="name">Name:</label><br /><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="24" /><br /><label for="mesg">Message:</label> <a href="'.SELF.'?func=bbcode"></a><br /><textarea name="mesg" id="mesg" cols="20" rows="4">'.$mesg.'</textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add" /></p></form>'; break; /*================================*\ -- admin -- \*================================*/ case 'admin': if ($password == md5(ADMIN_PASS)) { if (isset($_GET['d'])) { /*================================*\ -- admin delete -- \*================================*/ if (isset($_GET['c'])) { if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading , check location and file permissions.'; break; } $output = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); if (substr($line, 0, 10) == $_GET['d']) { $output .= fread($fp, filesize(GB_FILE)); fclose($fp); if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'w')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for writing, check location and file permissions.'; break; } fwrite($fp, $output); fclose($fp); echo '<p>Message has been <b>deleted</b>.<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page<br /></p>'; break 2; } else { $output .= $line; } } fclose($fp); echo '<p>There was an error deleting this post, it doesn\'t seem to exist<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page and try again</p>'; } if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4906); if (substr($line, 0, 10) == $_GET['d']) { list($date, $name, $mesg) = explode ('|', $line); echo '<p>Are you sure you want to delete this entry?</p>'; echo '<p><b>'.$name.'</b> - on '.date(DATE_FORMAT, $date).'<br />'.$mesg.'</p>'; echo '<p><a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin&d='.$_GET['d'].'&c=1">Yes</a> - <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">No</a></p>'; break 2; } } fclose($fp); echo '<p>There was an error finding this post, it doesn\'t seem to exist<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page and try again</p>'; } elseif (isset($_GET['e'])) { /*================================*\ -- admin edit -- \*================================*/ if (isset($_GET['c'])) { $name = (isset($_POST['name'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['name']) : NULL; $mesg = (isset($_POST['mesg'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['mesg']) : NULL; $errors = NULL; $name_len = strlen($name); $mesg_len = strlen($mesg); if ($name) { if ($name_len > MAX_NAME_LEN) { $errors = '- Name is too long, '.$name_len.' (Max: '.MAX_NAME_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors = '- Name field is empty<br />'; } if ($mesg) { if ($mesg_len > MAX_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too long, '.$mesg_len.' (Max: '.MAX_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } elseif ($mesg_len < MIN_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too short (Min: '.MIN_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors.= '- Message field is empty<br />'; } if ($errors) { echo '<p>'.$errors.'</p>'; } else { if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } $output = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4096); if (substr($line, 0, 10) == $_GET['e']) { list($date, , , $ip) = str_replace('\|', '|', preg_split("/(?<!\\\)(\|)/", $line)); $output .= $date.'|'.str_replace("\n", NULL, str_replace('|', '\|', $name)).' |'.str_replace("\n", '<br />', bbcode($mesg)).' |'.$ip."|\n".fread($fp, filesize(GB_FILE)); fclose($fp); $fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'w'); fwrite($fp, $output); fclose($fp); echo '<p>Message has been <b>edited</b>.<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page<br /></p>'; break 2; } else { $output .= $line; } } fclose($fp); echo '<p>There was an error finding this post, it doesn\'t seem to exist<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page and try again</p>'; } } if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=admin&e='.$_GET['e'].'&c=1"><p><label for="name">Name:</label><br /><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="24" /><br /><label for="mesg">Message:</label> <a href="'.SELF.'?func=bbcode">BBCode</a><br /><textarea name="mesg" id="mesg" cols="20" rows="4">'.$mesg.'</textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit" /></p></form>'; break; } if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } while (!feof($fp)) { $line = fgets($fp, 4906); if (substr($line, 0, 10) == $_GET['e']) { list(, $name, $mesg) = str_replace('\|', '|', preg_split("/(?<!\\\)(\|)/", $line)); $mesg = preg_replace("(\<b\>(.+?)\<\/b>)is", "[b]$1[/b]", $mesg); $mesg = preg_replace("(\<i\>(.+?)\<\/i\>)is", "[i]$1[/i]", $mesg); $mesg = preg_replace("(\<u\>(.+?)\<\/u\>)is", "[u]$1[/u]", $mesg); $mesg = preg_replace("(\<del\>(.+?)\<\/del\>)is", "[s]$1[/s]", $mesg); $mesg = str_replace('<br />', "\n", $mesg); $mesg = strip_tags($mesg); echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=admin&e='.$_GET['e'].'&c=1"><p><label for="name">Name:</label><br /><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="24" /><br /><label for="mesg">Message:</label> <a href="'.SELF.'?func=bbcode">BBCode</a><br /><textarea name="mesg" id="mesg" cols="20" rows="4">'.$mesg.'</textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit" /></p></form>'; break 2; } } fclose($fp); echo '<p>There was an error finding this post, it doesn\'t seem to exist<br />Go back to the <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">admin</a> page and try again</p>'; } else { /*================================*\ -- admin default -- \*================================*/ $gb_size = filesize(GB_FILE); echo '<p>======================<br />'; echo 'file size: '.round($gb_size / 1024, 1).'KB<br />'; echo 'version this/latest: <a><b>3.0.3</b></a>/<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><noscript><a href=""><b>latest</b></a></noscript>'; echo '<br />======================</p>'; if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading and writing, check location and file permissions.'; break; } $i = 0; $data = NULL; $to_show = (P * MAX_PER_PAGE) - MAX_PER_PAGE; if (P > 1) echo '<p><b>Page '.P.'</b></p>'; while (!feof($fp)) { $i++; if ($i > ($to_show + MAX_PER_PAGE)) break; $data = fgets($fp, 4096); if (empty($data)) break; if ($i > $to_show) { list ($date, $name, $mesg, $ip) = str_replace('\|', '|', preg_split("/(?<!\\\)(\|)/", $data)); echo ("\n<p><a href=\"".SELF."?func=admin&e=$date\">[edit]</a> <a href=\"".SELF."?func=admin&d=$date\">[delete]</a> <a href=\"$ip\">[whois]</a><br /><span><b>$name</b> on ".date(DATE_FORMAT, $date)."</span><br />$mesg</p>"); } } if ($i > MAX_PER_PAGE) { $line_count = substr_count(fread($fp, $gb_size), "\n") + $i; $line_count = ceil($line_count / MAX_PER_PAGE); $s = 1; $f = $line_count + 1; echo "\n".'<p>Page: # '; if ($line_count > MAX_PER_PAGE) { if (P < 6) { $s = 1; $f = 10; } elseif (($line_count-P) < 6) { $s = $line_count - 8; $f = $line_count; } else { $s = P -3; $f = $s + 8; } echo (P > 5) ? ' <a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">1</a>-' : NULL; } for ($k=$s; $k<=$f; $k++) { echo ($k == P) ? "$k " : "<a href=\"".SELF."?func=admin&p=$k\">$k</a> "; } echo ($k <= $line_count) ? "of <a href=\"".SELF."?func=admin&p=$line_count\">$line_count</a></p>" : '</p>'; } fclose($fp); } } else { if (isset($_POST['submit'])) echo '<p>Sorry wrong password</p>'; echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=admin"><p><input type="password" name="password" size="20" /> <input type="submit" value="Login" name="submit" /></p></form>'; } break; /*================================*\ -- BBCode -- \*================================*/ case 'bbcode': echo ' <p>BBCode is a way of putting special effects into your text. The allowed BBCode is:</p> <ul> <li>[b]<b>bold</b>[/b]</li> <li>[i]<i>italic</i>[/i]</li> <li>[u]<u>underline</u>[/u]</li> <li>[s]<del>strikethrough</del>[/s]</li> </ul> <p>For example: to make <b>this</b> bold. when posting a message add the tags [b] and [/b] around the text (as seen above).</p> '; break; } /*================================*\ -- functions -- \*================================*/ function strip_chars($var) { return trim(str_replace("\r", NULL, htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(strip_tags($var)), ENT_QUOTES))); } function bbcode($var) { if (ALLOW_URLS == true) $var = preg_replace('/http:\/\/[\w]+(.[\w]+)([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?/i', '<a href="$0">$0</a>', $var); $var = preg_replace('(\[b\](.+?)\[\/b\])is', '<b>$1</b>', $var); $var = preg_replace('(\[i\](.+?)\[\/i\])is', '<i>$1</i>', $var); $var = preg_replace('(\[u\](.+?)\[\/u\])is', '<u>$1</u>', $var); $var = preg_replace('(\[s\](.+?)\[\/s\])is', '<del>$1</del>', $var); return trim(str_replace('|', '\|', $var)); } /*================================*\ -- end functions -- \*================================*/ echo "\n".'<p><span><a href="'.SELF.'?func=admin">Admin</a>'; if (!empty($password)) echo ' <a href="'.SELF.'?func=logout">Logout</a>'; echo '</span></p>'; ?> </div> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chigley Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 <?php case 'sign': $name = (isset($_POST['name'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['name']) : NULL; $mesg = (isset($_POST['mesg'])) ? strip_chars($_POST['mesg']) : NULL; $naughty = array("fuck", "shit", "piss"); $mesg = str_replace($naughty, "*****", $mesg); if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $errors = NULL; $now = time(); $name_len = strlen($name); $mesg_len = strlen($mesg); if ($name) { if ($name_len > MAX_NAME_LEN) { $errors = '- Name is too long, '.$name_len.' (Max: '.MAX_NAME_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors = '- Name field is empty<br />'; } if ($mesg) { if ($mesg_len > MAX_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too long, '.$mesg_len.' (Max: '.MAX_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } elseif ($mesg_len < MIN_MESG_LEN) { $errors.= '- Message is too short (Min: '.MIN_MESG_LEN.')<br />'; } } else { $errors.= '- Message field is empty<br />'; } if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading, check location and file permissions.'; break; } list($date, , , $ip) = fgetcsv($fp, 4096, '|'); fclose($fp); if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $ip && $now < $date+POST_TIME) { $errors.= 'You are trying to post to soon after your last message'; } if ($errors) { echo '<p>'.$errors.'</p>'; } else { if ($name == ADMIN_USER) { if (@$_POST['pass'] != ADMIN_PASS && $password != md5(ADMIN_PASS)) { echo '<p>This username requires a password</p>'; echo '<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=sign"><p><input type="password" name="pass" size="20" /> <input type="submit" value="Add" name="submit" /><input type="hidden" name="name" value="'.$name.'" /><input type="hidden" name="mesg" value="'.$mesg.'" /></p></form>'; break; } } $filesize = filesize(GB_FILE); $filesize = (empty($filesize)) ? 1024 : $filesize; if (!$fp = @fopen(GB_FILE, 'r+')) { echo 'Unable to open guestbook file for reading and writing, check location and file permissions.'; break; } $data = fread($fp, $filesize); rewind($fp); fwrite($fp, "$now|".str_replace("\n", NULL, str_replace('|', '\|', $name)).' |'.str_replace("\n", '<br />', bbcode($mesg)).' |'.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'|'); if (! empty($data)) fwrite($fp, "\n". $data); fclose($fp); echo '<p>Your message has been added<br />Go to the <a href="'.SELF.'">main</a> page to view it</p>'; break; } } echo "\n".'<form method="post" action="'.SELF.'?func=sign"><p><label for="name">Name:</label><br /><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="24" /><br /><label for="mesg">Message:</label> <a href="'.SELF.'?func=bbcode"></a><br /><textarea name="mesg" id="mesg" cols="20" rows="4">'.$mesg.'</textarea><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add" /></p></form>'; break; ?> Give that a whirl (that's just the 'sign' case, you need to replace the current one with the code above) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mccdave Posted December 20, 2007 Author Share Posted December 20, 2007 Thanks thats working great! Just need to comple a comprehensive list of swear words.... aaaah! Cheers Dave Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chigley Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 There's some good lists out there, just Google around Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dane Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 In that array $naughty = array("fuck", "shit", "piss"); if you post words such as fUck, they dont get filtered out? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beansandsausages Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 EDIT : Read the post again sorry. yes it wont work because fuck is not the same as Fuck its like functions its case sensative. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DyslexicDog Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 You can test using strtolower() it will allow remove the case problem. Just make sure all the words in $naughty are in lower case. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trium918 Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 Spaces are characters as well, so I suggest you fix that problem all so. You will find yourself editing your script constantly. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
beansandsausages Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 why i have it geting the reault from the db cos you can do it so any words that look like the bad one is blocked Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
corbin Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 str_replace might not be the best solution since it just replaces the letters where ever they are. For example, harrassed might turn into harr<some word>ed. There's other words that would happen to as well, but I can't think of any right now lol. $content = 'The man was harrassed ass word2, word3.'; $badwords = array('ass', 'word2', 'word3'); $patterns = array(); //assumes the word won't cause problems or anything with the regexp pattern foreach($badwords as $word) $pattern[] = '/\b'.$word.'\b/i'; $content = preg_replace($pattern, '****', $content); echo $content; That would output The man was harrassed **** ****, ****.. This method is slower, but it might be worth it if you have problems with bad fragments in the middle of words.... You could always just do ' word ' on replacements, but with punctuation and what not, that could become bleh to maintain.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trium918 Posted December 20, 2007 Share Posted December 20, 2007 str_replace might not be the best solution since it just replaces the letters where ever they are. For example, harrassed might turn into harr<some word>ed. There's other words that would happen to as well, but I can't think of any right now lol. $content = 'The man was harrassed ass word2, word3.'; $badwords = array('ass', 'word2', 'word3'); $patterns = array(); //assumes the word won't cause problems or anything with the regexp pattern foreach($badwords as $word) $pattern[] = '/\b'.$word.'\b/i'; $content = preg_replace($pattern, '****', $content); echo $content; That would output The man was harrassed **** ****, ****.. This method is slower, but it might be worth it if you have problems with bad fragments in the middle of words.... You could always just do ' word ' on replacements, but with punctuation and what not, that could become bleh to maintain.... What about a string like this? Kiss my A*S*S Kiss my A S S Kiss my A -> S -> S Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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