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[SOLVED] if ($_SERVER[PHP_SELF] == ....


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Hi all,


I'm trying to write a php script to replace that age old Javascript "uberlink".

For those that don't know of "Uberlink" what I'm doing is using a php script that highlights a link to show you are on that page already.

An example of what I'm using:

if ($_SERVER[php_SELF] == '/aboutus.php') {
$set_link = 'style="background:#fff;color:#00f;cursor:default;" title="You are here!"';
} else {
	$set_link = 'title="Find information about the website and it\'s owner"';


Which adds relevant html into:

$aboutus = '<a href="aboutus.php" target="_self" '.$set_link .'>About Us</a>';


and this works perfectly.....


except when it comes to doing the same for a page that is the index page for a folder, eg

if ($_SERVER[php_SELF] == '/portfolio/') {
$set_linkp = 'style="background:#fff;color:#00f;cursor:default;" title="You are here!"';
} else {
	$set_linkp = 'title="Have a look at websites designed by ? ? ? ?"';


The page still works correctly, as does the nav menu except no highlighted link, infact, none of the links show any title info. Is it possible to use this code for folders and / or could you please advise the correct method.


Many thanks.


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Here is a snippet from a site I'm working on that does just that.  Basically it sets up an array of navigation links, where each element in the array consists of the label, url, and a regular expression to check against the current URL.


While displaying the navigation menu, I check the current URL with the regexp for the link; if it matches the regexp I set class="current" for the link, which has appropriate style info in the CSS.


    <div id="mainnav">
        $MainNav = Array();
        $MainNav[] = Array(
          'url' => '/',
          'label' => 'Home',
          'regexp' => '/^\/$/'
        $MainNav[] = Array(
          'url' => '/software',
          'label' => 'Software',
          'regexp' => '/^((\/software)|(\/ibswin)|(\/webview)).*$/'
        $MainNav[] = Array(
          'url' => '/support',
          'label' => 'Support',
          'regexp' => '/^\/support.*$/'
        $MainNav[] = Array(
          'url' => '/pages/clients',
          'label' => 'Clients',
          'regexp' => '/^\/pages\/clients.*$/'
        $MainNav[] = Array(
          'url' => '/pages/contact',
          'label' => 'Contact',
          'regexp' => '/^\/pages\/contact.*$/'
        $MainNav[] = Array(
          'url' => '/pages/about',
          'label' => 'About',
          'regexp' => '/^\/pages\/about$/'
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach($MainNav as $Nav){
          if($Nav['regexp'] != '//' && preg_match($Nav['regexp'], $this->here)){
            $class = ' class="current"';
            $class = '';
          echo "
              <a href=\"{$Nav['url']}\"{$class}>{$Nav['label']}</a>
        echo '</ul>';

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<ul class="navlist">
  <li><?php echo $home; ?></li>
  <li><?php echo $aboutus; ?></li>
  <li><?php echo $portfolio; ?></li>
  <li><?php echo $faq; ?></li>
  <li><?php echo $contact; ?></li>

$home = '<a href="./" target="_self" title="Return to the websites home page">Home</a>';
$aboutus = '<a href="aboutus.php" target="_self" '.$set_Astate .'>About Us</a>';
$portfolio = '<a href="./portfolio/" target="_self" '.$set_Pstate .'>Portfolio</a>';
$faq = '<a href="faq.php" target="_self" '.$set_Fstate .'>FAQ</a>';
$contact = '<a href="contact.php" target="_self" '.$set_Cstate .'>Contact Us</a>';








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Based off everything you've said so far, the only one that is giving you trouble is the portfolio one.


So how about this:

if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'mycompany.net/portfolio') !== FALSE) {
  $set_linkp = 'style="background:#fff;color:#00f;cursor:default;" title="You are here!"';
} else {
  $set_linkp = 'title="Have a look at websites designed by ? ? ? ?"';

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Nope, sorry. (Yes, I changed "mycompany.net").


There are other links that refer to a folder but for simplicity just included the one but that's neither here or there.


Is it just an improper use of $_SERVER or should it work?

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if (preg_match('/^\/portfolio.*/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) !== FALSE) {
  $set_linkp = 'style="background:#fff;color:#00f;cursor:default;" title="You are here!"';
} else {
  $set_linkp = 'title="Have a look at websites designed by ? ? ? ?"';

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Remember folks, ALWAYS check file paths to include files!!


I'm hanging my head in shame as you read this.


Oh yes, nearly forgot, the original script works fine now.


So, so sorry.


Thanks for your time.

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