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[SOLVED] Help RETRIEVING results from alltheweb!!please


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Hi ...

This is my first post in this forum  & and am hoping that you can help me with this code:


this is a class witch request ( grabbing audio search results from Alltheweb.com ) this is the code

class AudioSearch
  var $m_url = 'search?cat=mp3&cs=utf8&q={keyword}&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=any';
  var $m_host = "www.alltheweb.com";
  //var $m_url = '/demo/allweb/?search={keyword}&type=audio';
  //var $m_host = "www.script66.com";
  var $m_settings;
  var $m_total_found_string;
  var $m_total_found_int;
  var $m_keywords;
  var $m_pager;
  var $m_is_no_resuls = 0;

  function AudioSearch($settings,$keywords)
    $this->m_settings = $settings;
    $this->m_keywords = $keywords;
  function file_get_contents($url)
    if (check_if_bad_request($this->m_keywords))
      return '';
    $out = "GET /$url HTTP/1.1\r\n";
    $out .= "Host: {$this->m_host}\r\n";
    $out .= "User-Agent: Mozilla 4.0\r\n";
    $out .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
    $h = fsockopen($this->m_host,80);
    for($a = 0,$r = '';!$a;)
       $b = fread($h,8192);
       $r .= $b;
       $a = (($b=='') ? 1 : 0);
    return $r;
  function get_url()
    if (_DEBUG == 1)
      return 'www/audio.htm';
      $this->m_url = str_replace('{keyword}',$this->m_keywords,$this->m_url);
      $curr_page = isset($_GET['pos']) ? $_GET['pos'] : 1;
      if ($curr_page != 1)
         $curr_page = $curr_page * 10 - 10;
         $this->m_url .= "&o=$curr_page";
      return $this->m_url;
  function get_total_found_string($content)
    if ($this->m_is_no_resuls == 1)
      return "";
    preg_match('|(<span class="noFound">.*<span class="ofSoMany">(.*)</span>)|Ui',$content,$ret);
    $this->m_total_found_int = (int)str_replace(',','',$ret[2]);
    $string = str_replace(' of ',' &#1605;&#1606; ',$ret[1]);
    return $string;

  function get_results()
    $url = $this->get_url();
    $content = $this->file_get_contents($url);
    $content = str_replace("\r\n"," ",$content);
    $content = str_replace("\n"," ",$content);
    $content = str_replace("<td class=\"colLabel\">Title</td>",'<td class="colLabel"> &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1608;&#1590;&#1608;&#1593; </td>',$content);
    $content = str_replace("<td align=\"center\" class=\"colLabel\">Size</td>",'<td class="colLabel"> &#1575;&#1604;&#1581;&#1580;&#1605; </td>',$content);
    $content = str_replace("<td align=\"center\" class=\"colLabel\">Date</td>",'<td class="colLabel"> &#1575;&#1604;&#1578;&#1575;&#1585;&#1610;&#1582; </td>',$content);
    //Get total found string
    $this->m_total_found_string = $this->get_total_found_string($content);
    //Init pager
    $this->m_pager = new Pager($this->m_total_found_int,10,'audio',$this->m_keywords);

    $ret_data = '
    <div style="padding-left:20px;padding-top:20px;">
   if (preg_match_all('|<DIV class="resultWell">.*<table.*>(.*)</div>|Ui',$content,$ret))
      if (!preg_match_all('/<a.*href=".*\/\*\*(.*)".*>.*<\/a>/Ui',$ret[1][0],$links))
      $res = $ret[1][0];

      foreach($links[0] as $index=>$data)
 $url = urldecode($links[1][$index]);
 //$url = $links[1][$index];
         $res = str_replace($data,"<a href=\"{$url}\" style=\"font-size:12px;\" target=\"_new\"><img src=\"images/audio2.gif\" alt=\"Go to this file\" border=\"0\" /></a>",$res);
      $ret_data .=  '<table width="100%" class="mp3" cellpadding="10">'.$res;
        $this->m_is_no_resuls = 1;
        return $this->m_settings->get_noresults_string();
    $pager = $this->m_pager->get_pager();
    $ret_data .= '
    <div style="padding-left:20px;padding-top:10px;">
    <DIV class=rnav>
	<p align="center"><SPAN class=rnavLabel>&#1575;&#1604;&#1589;&#1601;&#1581;&#1575;&#1578; : '.$pager.'</span></div>
    return $ret_data;


The problem nothing wrong with this script( it is working fine)

But I want  the Two variables :

  var $m_url = 'search?cat=mp3&cs=utf8&q={keyword}&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=any';
  var $m_host = "www.alltheweb.com";


Changes randomly from these to these

var $m_url = '/demo/allweb/?search={keyword}&type=audio';
var $m_host = "www.script66.com";


please if you can Reply ASAP  :)




thanks In ADvance




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ok , Thank u for replying so fast

Let me rephrase


How can I Change the the following variables

  var $m_url = 'search?cat=mp3&cs=utf8&q={keyword}&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=any';
  var $m_host = "www.alltheweb.com";


With the these variables :

var $m_url = '/demo/allweb/?search={keyword}&type=audio';
var $m_host = "www.script66.com";






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var $m_url = 'search?cat=mp3&cs=utf8&q={keyword}&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=any';
  var $m_host = "www.alltheweb.com";
  //var $m_url = '/demo/allweb/?search={keyword}&type=audio';
  //var $m_host = "www.script66.com";




var $m_url;
var $m_host;
var $urls = array(
  'www.alltheweb.com' => 'search?cat=mp3&cs=utf8&q={keyword}&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=any',
  'www.script66.com' => '/demo/allweb/?search={keyword}&type=audio'


Then place the following code within AudioSearch method.


function AudioSearch($settings,$keywords)
    $n = rand(0,count($this->urls));
    $this->m_url = $this->urls[$n];
    $this->m_host = $this->urls[$n];
    $this->m_settings = $settings;
    $this->m_keywords = $keywords;


You can add as many url/host pairs as you like to the array.

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thank you for your efforts...

I did what asked me to todo ... but When I executed the code The page page took some time to load then I got this Error :

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to :80 in C:\AppServ\www\includes\classes\web_search_class.php on line 37

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\AppServ\www\includes\classes\web_search_class.php on line 37


This is the code that I modified

class AudioSearch
var $m_url;
var $m_host;
var $urls = array(
  'www.alltheweb.com' => 'search?cat=mp3&cs=utf8&q={keyword}&rys=0&itag=crv&_sb_lang=any',
  'www.script66.com' => '/demo/allweb/?search={keyword}&type=audio'
  var $m_settings;
  var $m_total_found_string;
  var $m_total_found_int;
  var $m_keywords;
  var $m_pager;
  var $m_is_no_resuls = 0;

  function AudioSearch($settings,$keywords)
    $n = rand(0,count($this->urls));
    $this->m_url = $this->urls[$n];
    $this->m_host = $this->urls[$n];
    $this->m_settings = $settings;
    $this->m_keywords = $keywords;
  function file_get_contents($url)
    if (check_if_bad_request($this->m_keywords))
      return '';
    $out = "GET /$url HTTP/1.1\r\n";
    $out .= "Host: {$this->m_host}\r\n";
    $out .= "User-Agent: Mozilla 4.0\r\n";
    $out .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
    $h = fsockopen($this->m_host,80);
    for($a = 0,$r = '';!$a;)
       $b = fread($h,8192);
       $r .= $b;
       $a = (($b=='') ? 1 : 0);
    return $r;
  function get_url()
    if (_DEBUG == 1)
      return 'www/audio.htm';
      $this->m_url = str_replace('{keyword}',$this->m_keywords,$this->m_url);
      $curr_page = isset($_GET['pos']) ? $_GET['pos'] : 1;
      if ($curr_page != 1)
         $curr_page = $curr_page * 10 - 10;
         $this->m_url .= "&o=$curr_page";
      return $this->m_url;
  function get_total_found_string($content)
    if ($this->m_is_no_resuls == 1)
      return "";
    preg_match('|(<span class="noFound">.*<span class="ofSoMany">(.*)</span>)|Ui',$content,$ret);
    $this->m_total_found_int = (int)str_replace(',','',$ret[2]);
    $string = str_replace(' of ',' &#1605;&#1606; ',$ret[1]);
    return $string;

  function get_results()
    $url = $this->get_url();
    $content = $this->file_get_contents($url);
    $content = str_replace("\r\n"," ",$content);
    $content = str_replace("\n"," ",$content);
    $content = str_replace("<td class=\"colLabel\">Title</td>",'<td class="colLabel"> &#1575;&#1604;&#1605;&#1608;&#1590;&#1608;&#1593; </td>',$content);
    $content = str_replace("<td align=\"center\" class=\"colLabel\">Size</td>",'<td class="colLabel"> &#1575;&#1604;&#1581;&#1580;&#1605; </td>',$content);
    $content = str_replace("<td align=\"center\" class=\"colLabel\">Date</td>",'<td class="colLabel"> &#1575;&#1604;&#1578;&#1575;&#1585;&#1610;&#1582; </td>',$content);
    //Get total found string
    $this->m_total_found_string = $this->get_total_found_string($content);
    //Init pager
    $this->m_pager = new Pager($this->m_total_found_int,10,'audio',$this->m_keywords);

    $ret_data = '
    <div style="padding-left:20px;padding-top:20px;">
   if (preg_match_all('|<DIV class="resultWell">.*<table.*>(.*)</div>|Ui',$content,$ret))
      if (!preg_match_all('/<a.*href=".*\/\*\*(.*)".*>.*<\/a>/Ui',$ret[1][0],$links))
      $res = $ret[1][0];

      foreach($links[0] as $index=>$data)
 $url = urldecode($links[1][$index]);
 //$url = $links[1][$index];
         $res = str_replace($data,"<a href=\"{$url}\" style=\"font-size:12px;\" target=\"_new\"><img src=\"images/audio2.gif\" alt=\"Go to this file\" border=\"0\" /></a>",$res);
      $ret_data .=  '<table width="100%" class="mp3" cellpadding="10">'.$res;
        $this->m_is_no_resuls = 1;
        return $this->m_settings->get_noresults_string();
    $pager = $this->m_pager->get_pager();
    $ret_data .= '
    <div style="padding-left:20px;padding-top:10px;">
    <DIV class=rnav>
	<p align="center"><SPAN class=rnavLabel>&#1575;&#1604;&#1589;&#1601;&#1581;&#1575;&#1578; : '.$pager.'</span></div>
    return $ret_data;



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