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Okay, I finally got map to wok a bit, but then it made my code show both caught and catch on the same page because I didnt exit.


So I exit and now the only page it'll ever display is the Nothing found page..


Heres the code:


$ID= $_COOKIE['UserID'];

//If User Is Not Logged In
//Display Message
echo "Sorry, you are not logged in.<br /><br /><a href='login.php'>Login</a>";

//Include Bottom File

//Exit Page
$Action= $_GET['action'];
$Submit= $_POST['Submit'];
$Result1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID'");
$Rows1= mysql_fetch_array($Result1);

//If User Has No Pokémon
//Display Message
echo "Sorry, you must obtain your starter first.<br /><br /><a href='obtainstarter.php'>Obtain Starter</a>";

//Include Bottom File

//Exit Page
//Find Position Results
$AP_PResult1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='1'");
$AP_PResult2= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='2'");
$AP_PResult3= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='3'");
$AP_PResult4= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='4'");
$AP_PResult5= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='5'");
$AP_PResult6= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='6'");

//Find Position Rows
$AP_PRows1= mysql_fetch_array($AP_PResult1);
$AP_PRows2= mysql_fetch_array($AP_PResult2);
$AP_PRows3= mysql_fetch_array($AP_PResult3);
$AP_PRows4= mysql_fetch_array($AP_PResult4);
$AP_PRows5= mysql_fetch_array($AP_PResult5);
$AP_PRows6= mysql_fetch_array($AP_PResult6);

//Set Position Variable

//Find Position One
//If Main Position Is No
//Define Variables
$AP_Slot= 1;

//Find Position Two
//If Main Position Is No
//Define Variables
$AP_Slot= 2;

//Find Position Three
//If Main Position Is No
//Define Variables
$AP_Slot= 3;

//Find Position Four
//If Main Position Is No
//Define Variables
$AP_Slot= 4;

//Find Position Five
//If Main Position Is No
//Define Variables
$AP_Slot= 5;

//Find Position Six
//If Main Position Is No
//Define Variables
$AP_Slot= 6;

//Find Box Position
//Define Variables
$AP_Slot= 7;
if(!isset($_SESSION['rand']) ) {
    $PokemonRand= rand(1, 99);
    $_SESSION['rand'] = $PokemonRand;

if($PokemonRand < 75 && $PokemonRand > 50)
$sorrymessage="<img border='0' src='http://i10.tinypic.com/8also6f.png'><br />Pokemon found! Want to catch?<form action='mapbeta.php?action=catch' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='Submit' value='1'>
<input type='submit' value='Catch!'>
$attack= rand(12,27);
$defence= rand(15,23);
$level= rand(1,15);
$NEXP= rand(27,52);
$attack2="Hydro Pump";
$attack3="Razor Leaf";
elseif($PokemonRand < 100 && $PokemonRand > 74 )
$sorrymessage="<img border='0' src='http://i13.tinypic.com/6xvsvw7.png'><br />Pokemon found! Want to catch?<form action='mapbeta.php?action=catch' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='Submit' value='1'>
<input type='submit' value='Catch!'>
$attack= rand(15,23);
$defence= rand(12,27);
$level= rand(1,15);
$NEXP= rand(27,52);
$attack2="Hydro Pump";
$attack3="Razor Leaf";
elseif($PokemonRand < 51 && $PokemonRand > 49 )
$sorrymessage="<img border='0' src='http://i8.tinypic.com/7xxnyud.png'><br />Pokemon found! Want to catch?<form action='mapbeta.php?action=catch' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='Submit' value='1'>
<input type='submit' value='Catch!'>
$attack= rand(20,37);
$defence= rand(23,34);
$level= rand(1,15);
$NEXP= rand(27,52);
$attack2="Hydro Pump";
$attack3="Razor Leaf";
$sorrymessage="Nothing found. Keep looking.";
$pokemonrand2= $_SESSION['rand2'];

//If Gender Is Male
if(!isset($_SESSION['rand2']) ) {
    $pokemonrand2= rand(1, 99);
    $_SESSION['rand2'] = $pokemonrand2;
if($pokemonrand2 < 50 && $pokemonrand2 > 0)
//Define Promo Variables

//If Gender Is Female
elseif($pokemonrand2 < 99 && $pokemonrand2 > 50)
//Define Promo Variables

//If Promo Is Ungendered
//Define Promo Variables
echo "$sorrymessage<br />";
echo "Click on the map to find pokemon!<br />";

echo "<a href='mapbeta.php'><img border='0' src='http://i13.tinypic.com/8104aqe.jpg'></a>";
$PokemonRand = $_SESSION['rand'];

if($PokemonRand < 75 && $PokemonRand > 50)
$sorrymessage="<img border='0' src='http://i10.tinypic.com/8also6f.png'><br />Pokemon found! Want to catch?<form action='mapbeta.php?action=catch' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='Submit' value='1'>
<input type='submit' value='Catch!'>
$attack= rand(12,27);
$defence= rand(15,23);
$level= rand(1,15);
$NEXP= rand(27,52);
$attack2="Hydro Pump";
$attack3="Razor Leaf";
elseif($PokemonRand < 100 && $PokemonRand > 74 )
$sorrymessage="<img border='0' src='http://i13.tinypic.com/6xvsvw7.png'><br />Pokemon found! Want to catch?<form action='mapbeta.php?action=catch' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='Submit' value='1'>
<input type='submit' value='Catch!'>
$attack= rand(15,23);
$defence= rand(12,27);
$level= rand(1,15);
$NEXP= rand(27,52);
$attack2="Hydro Pump";
$attack3="Razor Leaf";
elseif($PokemonRand < 51 && $PokemonRand > 49 )
$sorrymessage="<img border='0' src='http://i8.tinypic.com/7xxnyud.png'><br />Pokemon found! Want to catch?<form action='mapbeta.php?action=catch' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='Submit' value='1'>
<input type='submit' value='Catch!'>
$attack= rand(20,37);
$defence= rand(23,34);
$level= rand(1,15);
$NEXP= rand(27,52);
$attack2="Hydro Pump";
$attack3="Razor Leaf";
$sorrymessage="Nothing found. Keep looking.";
$pokemonrand2= $_SESSION['rand2'];

//If Gender Is Male
if($pokemonrand2 < 50 && $pokemonrand2 > 0)
//Define Promo Variables

//If Gender Is Female
elseif($pokemonrand2 < 99 && $pokemonrand2 > 50)
//Define Promo Variables

//If Promo Is Ungendered
//Define Promo Variables

echo "You caught the Pokemon!<br />";
echo "Click on the map to find pokemon!<br />";

echo "<a href='mapbeta.php'><img border='0' src='http://i13.tinypic.com/8104aqe.jpg'></a>";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO pokemon_info (user_id, pokemon_name, pokemon_attack, pokemon_defence, pokemon_image, pokemon_gender, pokemon_icon, pokemon_level, pokemon_exp, pokemon_nexp, attack1, attack2, attack3, attack4, pokemon_slot)
VALUES ('$ID', '$pokemonname', '$attack', '$defence', '$pokemonimage', '$pokemongender', '$pokemonicon', '$level', '$EXP', '$NEXP', '$attack1', '$attack2', '$attack3', '$attack4', '$AP_Slot')")or die(mysql_error());



Can you help me?

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Narrow your code down to the relevent parts. Also, you'll need to be alot clearer in the description of your problem, you talk about maps, but I have no idea what your refering too.


ps: Your code is terribly inificient. Look at this....


$AP_PResult1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='1'");
$AP_PResult2= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='2'");
$AP_PResult3= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='3'");
$AP_PResult4= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='4'");
$AP_PResult5= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='5'");
$AP_PResult6= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='6'");


that sort of logic is rediculous.

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Narrow your code down to the relevent parts. Also, you'll need to be alot clearer in the description of your problem, you talk about maps, but I have no idea what your refering too.


ps: Your code is terribly inificient. Look at this....


$AP_PResult1= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='1'");
$AP_PResult2= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='2'");
$AP_PResult3= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='3'");
$AP_PResult4= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='4'");
$AP_PResult5= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='5'");
$AP_PResult6= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pokemon_info WHERE user_id='$ID' AND pokemon_slot='6'");


that sort of logic is rediculous.


That my friend is checking the pokemon slots.


You know catching pokemon? Thats maps. The error is the exit, as in, I keep clicking the map and no matter what it wont display a pokemon thats found, it'll just keep saying ntohing found.

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