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My first website - skoogO.com [Information Networking]


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Hello everybody,


Thank you everyone at PhPFreaks for helping me through this website development these three months.  If it was not for THIS COMMUNITY, my website would not be complete! (Really, this site has provided me with so much help, I'm gonna put it in the about section for my website, thank you all)  ;)


Since it is Christmas (almost), I've decided to show you all what I have done with your help!  ;D


www.skoogO.com is a content management system that I've decided to make because as a student, I feel that my learning does not have a place online. I am taking advanced discrete math, yet I have no one to talk to online for this type of help. I hope that skoogO can help students by connecting everyone with similar interests and expertise.


The goal is to help students connect to knowledge online. It's not really a place for friends or chit chat, but a question and answer discussion board. For example, they can be connected to their school and classmates. They can also be connected to other people similar to them (Math with Math, Chemistry with Chemistry).



The site is basically a custom-made forum that uses networking concepts to give information most relevant to you.

Also, there is a keyword algorithm (which is still in alpha development, but works) that automatically creates tags for topics based on other users' profiles. And then topics are automatically filtered to the users.


I'm first going to start off with students, then I hope to expand this for everyone.


For more information on skoogO, visit www.skoogo.com/misc.php?tour


This website is still in early beta stage, and this is the first forum I have posted it on! There will be more features added later (file sharing possibly, user profiles, etc).


Please feel free to sign up, and give me as your expert suggestions, as you all have been doing already.


(ps. if you do sign up, please do not post random asdfasdfasdfasdf messages please, as I want to start off with legitimate question and answer discussion, thanks!)


(by the way, the site is currently run on my own pentium 3 5Mbps up server, so it may be a bit slow  ::) )




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i like it, great idea, the only thing i can think of that you dont have is, you might want to create profiles for university's and people could register teachers and classes sorta like ratemyprofessors.com, but just have it as a side thing on your site. great site though, being a college student im sure ill use it when school starts again

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pretty good idea. sites like this already exist. (look at www.moodle.org) its not exactly the same thing, schools have to host it on their own server, but its pretty much the same thing.


one thing, if you are wanting to possibly recuirt colleges, then you really need to create a privacy policy and put it ob the footer. its not important to a lot of people, but when you talk about people uploading documents and such and possibly having user profiles, colleges need to know that you won't sell or give away any informatoin to 3rd parties

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chantown. its really good.

wow. features are a lot better once you login. but you need a better homepage. like a "take a tour" option to show people what it really is.


a few suggetions:

-create a file upload feature for them to share docs.

-have a way to search people in your network.

-put the "logout" option close the "welcome,name" thing.

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