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site counters- time sensitive


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hey. heres my counter code...



$file = "counter.txt";

$open = fopen($file, 'r');

$readdata = @fread($open, 10);



$open = fopen($file, 'w'); //opens the file using only writing permissions

$readdata++; //Adds one to the count.

fwrite($open, $readdata); //Overwrites the file with the new page view count.

fclose($open); //Closes the file.

echo "Total Plays: $readdata"; //Displays the total views.



and counter.txt is locaed in the same folder...


but i also want to display how many views in the last week... how would i do that?

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You would have to either keep two files, and truncate one every week, or you could log times as well (which could potentially make your files huge).


The first way has a disadvantage too.


The first way wouldn't tell you how many views in a past week as in X time, it would tell you how many views THIS week as in like since Sunday or Monday or some preset delete time.  And yes, this would mean it would suddenly jump from X to 0, and no one wants a site counter that has like 10 views.


The second way, you would have to log every visit time, and then, you would have to go through them, counting the ones where the time is > a week ago.

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Hrmmmm you could maybe do it with SQL and store it by day....


For example, you could store it kinda like:


12/17/07 - 200 hits

12/18/07 - 220 hits

12/19/07 - 250 hits

12/20/07 - 220 hits

so on....


And then, you could just pull the total for today minus 7 days.


This way, you would only update the count for today.  In other words, you would take the hit count for today and update it to old_value + 1.


File wise, you could do the same thing, but it would be a little more... ghetto.

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I got kinda bored and wanted to see if I could do it, so I made a little 'library' of log functions.


(Flat file, not database)



function MakeName($days = 0, $ext = '.log') {
if($ext == null) $ext = '.log';
$offset = $days*86400;
return date('Y-m-d', time() + $offset) . $ext;

function GetLogCount($day = 0, $ext = null) {
$name = MakeName($day, $ext);
if(!file_exists($name)) return 0;
$contents = file_get_contents($name);
$contents = trim($contents);
return (int) $contents;

function IncrementLog($day = 0) {
$name = MakeName($day);
$count = GetLogCount($day);
if($han = @fopen($name, 'w')) {
	$c = $count+1;
	return (@fwrite($han, $c) && (@fclose($han)));
return false;

function GetDays($days = 7) {
$amount = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $days; $i++) {
	$amount += GetLogCount(-$i);
return $amount;



To use it, you would do something like this:


IncrementLog(); //add 1 to today
IncrementLog(-1); //add 1 to yesterday.  Not sure why you would need this.
echo GetLogCount(); //put out log count from today
echo GetLogCount(-1); //put out log count from yesterday
echo GetDays(); //put out log count from the week
echo GetDays(31); //put out log count from month



It's worth noting, especially on a high traffic site, that you could run into a problem.  If two scripts tried to open the file at the same time, it could cause weird problems, like over writing the file and stuff.  You could sort of get around that with a script-level file lock, but even that could cause problems.  Then again, maybe PHP support OS level locks on linux... Not sure.

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SQL is your best option make a table


PageID (BigINT)

HitTime (Date/Time)


insert query

//Open sql conneciton
$q = "Insert into`PageHits` (PageID,HitTime) VALUES('".$PageID."'", NOW())";
$r = mysql_query($q) or die(myql_error());


Count Query

$days_back = 7;
$days_sql = Date("U")-($days_back*3600*24);
$q = "Select count(*) as `Hits` From `PageHits` Where HitTime >= ".$days_sql." and PageID = '".$pageID."'";
$r = mysql_query($q) Or die(mysql_error());
$hits = mysql_result($r,0);
echo $hits;


Should work just as you need, site wise just need to add pageids to pages.

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