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IE vs. Firefox Table Issue


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This isn't anything more then curiosity but can anyone.. please tell me why when I goto one page I am working on in IE it looks just as it did in photoshop per say, but when I goto the same page in firefox and netscape for that matter I get this one little annoying random gap across the top.. I know it deals with the tables but for the life of me I can't figure it out.


This has happened to me on other sites I have worked on in the past but the problem is a rare one..


site in example at the moment is, http://www.tollandlionsclub.org

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your problem is obvious , but unlike as it seems it is not fire fox or netscape problem  ,it is IE problem ! :D


i viewed your link in FF and IE , also i checked your source code too .


in html all spaces no matter how much they are will be subtract to one (become one) and you know it .

"    "  (5 spaces)  will become to  " "  (1 space) .


so now look at your table , it is something like this :







well in HTML world it will become to this :


<table> <tr> <td>  <--  (notice at the "gap" between the table elements, that is that one space remaining of the whole spaces)


so at this point , FF and net escape are doing fine and they're showing your one space or your gap , but IE is not showing it !:)


so to make it look fine in other standard browsers too , remove your spaces !


hope this helps you

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I will definitely give that a try.. Makes absolute sense now that you mention. cause when I have put the code together in notepad i don't have spaces but when I slap stick it in a hurry like the site i mentioned with the use of an editor I get that problem.. but thanks.. I was just curious

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