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Looping $_POST info in a variable???


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I'm not sure if this is the right approach, obviously since I cant get it to work:

$postbody = 'An AYC Racing Fleet Results Report has been reported by ' . $context['user']['name'] .'<br />
[tr][td]Host:  ' . $_POST['host'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Date:  ' . $_POST['date'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Race Factor:  ' . $_POST['factor'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Number of boats:  ' . $_POST['boats'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Name:  ' . $_POST['name'][$x] . '[/td]
[td]Points this Race:  ' . $_POST['points'][$x] . '[/td]
[td]Ladder Points:  ' . $points . '[/td][/tr]

$postbody2 = 'Results<br />'
while ($x < $times) {
[tr][td]Number of boats:  ' . $_POST['boats'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Name:  ' . $_POST['name'][$x] . '[/td]
[td]Race Points:  ' . $_POST['points'][$x] . '[/td]
[td]Ladder Points:  ' . $points . '[/td][/tr]



Ok I have a series of forms

#1 gathers some prelim info so i wont bother with it here.

#2 transfers the info from #1 and then the users input a series of race results

when submitted it goes to the last page which submits the information to an SMF forum thread


form #1

global $scripturl;
$query = "SELECT `memberName` FROM `smf_members` WHERE `ID_GROUP` IN (1, 9, 10, 11, 13) ORDER BY `memberName`;";
$result = mysql_query($query);

//////ENTRY FORM//////

//Hosting Information
echo '
<form action="'.$scripturl.'?page=182'.$GET['page'].'" method="post">
<INPUT id="submitted" name="submitted" type="hidden" value="TRUE" />
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<td align="left"><p><b>HOST :</b></p>';
<SELECT id="host" name="host" style="WIDTH: 160px" value ="';
echo '" />';
if(mysql_num_rows($result)) {
// we have at least one user, so show all users as options in select form
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
print("<option value=\"$row[0]\">$row[0]</option>");
} else {
print("<option value=\"\">No users created yet</option>");
mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
<td align="left"><p><b>DATE :</b></P><input type="date type" name="date" id="date" value</a><b> yyyy/mm/dd</b></td>
<td><b>NUMBER OF BOATS IN RACE: </b><input type="text" name="boats" maxlength="2" size="3" /></td>
<td align="left"><p><b>RACE TYPE :</b></p><SELECT id="factor" name="factor" style="WIDTH: 300px" value ="';
echo '" />
					<OPTION value="3" selected>Fleet Race</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="3">Match Race</OPTION>';
if ($context['allow_admin'])
					<OPTION value="2">Fleet - Club Race</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="1">Fleet - Championship Series</OPTION>
<td><INPUT type="submit" value="Submit"><INPUT type="reset" value="Reset"></td>


form #2

global $scripturl;
$query = "SELECT `memberName` FROM `smf_members` WHERE `ID_GROUP` IN (1, 9, 10, 11, 13) ORDER BY `memberName`;";
$result = mysql_query($query);

//////ENTRY PAGE 2//////

if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<h4>HOSTING INFORMATION</h4><hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<form action="'.$scripturl.'?page=183'.$GET['page'].'" method="post">
<INPUT id="submitted" name="submitted" type="hidden" value="TRUE" />
<tr><td><p><b>HOST :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="host" value="' . $_POST['host'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>DATE :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="date" value="' . $_POST['date'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>Number of Boats :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="boats" value="' . $_POST['boats'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>Race Factor :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="factor" value="' . $_POST['factor'] . '" /></td></tr>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />';

$times = $_POST['boats'];
$x = 0;
while ($x < $times) {

<SELECT id="name" name="name[ ]" style="WIDTH: 160px" value ="';
echo '" />';
if(mysql_num_rows($result)) {
// we have at least one user, so show all users as options in select form
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
print("<option value=\"$row[0]\">$row[0]</option>");
} else {
print("<option value=\"\">No users created yet</option>");

<td><SELECT id="points" name="points[ ]" style="WIDTH: 60px" value ="';
echo '" />
					<OPTION value="DNF" selected>DNF</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="DNS">DNS</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=".75">1</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="2">2</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="3">3</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="4">4</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="5">5</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="6">6</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="7">7</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="8">8</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="9">9</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="10">10</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="11">11</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="12">12</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="13">13</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="14">14</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="15">15</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="16">16</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="17">17</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="18">18</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="19">19</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="20">20</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="21">21</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="22">22</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="23">23</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="24">24</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="25">25</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="26">26</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="27">27</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="28">28</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="29">29</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="30">30</OPTION>
mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
<td><INPUT type="submit" value="Submit"><INPUT type="reset" value="Reset"></td>


and finally page 3:

global $user_info, $context, $scripturl, $user_info, $sourcedir;

require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs.php');
require_once($sourcedir .'/Subs-Post.php');

$times = $_POST['boats'];
$x = 0;

if ($_POST['points'][$x] == "DNF")
$points = ($_POST['boats'] +1) * $_POST['factor'];

else if ($_POST['points'][$x] == "DNS")
$points = ($_POST['boats'] +1) * $_POST['factor'];

$points = $_POST['points'][$x] * $_POST['factor'];

//post the application on forum?

//board id to which the application should be posted

//the id of the this article
$this_article_id = '183';

//article to be redirected when form is submitted
$thank_you_article_id = '71';

$show_form= 'true';
if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
// Handle the form

// Check required fields
$enroll_errors = array(); //Initialize error array

// Check for number of boats
	if (empty($_POST['boats']) ){
$enroll_errors[] = 'You forgot to enter the number of boats, return to page 1.';

if (empty($enroll_errors)) { //Everything seems to be OK


$postbody = 'An AYC Racing Fleet Results Report has been reported by ' . $context['user']['name'] .'<br />
[tr][td][b]Host:[/b]  ' . $_POST['host'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Date:[/b]  ' . $_POST['date'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Race Factor:[/b]  ' . $_POST['factor'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Number of boats:[/b]  ' . $_POST['boats'] . '[/td][/tr]
[left][b]Name:[/b]  ' . $_POST['name'][$x] . '[/left]
[center][b]  Points this Race:[/b]  ' . $_POST['points'][$x] . '[/center]
[right][b]  Ladder Points:[/b]  ' . $points . '[/right]

//create new forum post with application

$msgOptions = array(
	'id' =>  0 ,
	'subject' => 'An AYC Racing Fleet Results Report has been reported by ' . $context['user']['name'],
	'body' => $postbody ,
	'icon' => 'xx',
	'smileys_enabled' => true,
	'attachments' =>  array(),
$topicOptions = array(
	'id' => 0 ,
	'board' => $board_id,
	'poll' =>  null,
	'lock_mode' =>  null,
	'sticky_mode' =>  null,
	'mark_as_read' => true,
$posterOptions = array(
	'id' => $context['user']['id'],
	'name' => $context['user']['name'],
	'email' => $user_info['email'],
	'update_post_count' => true,

if ($enable_post)
            createPost($msgOptions, $topicOptions, $posterOptions);

// Redirect to thank you page
header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/index.php?page=' . $thank_you_article_id);

} else {
	// Redirect to error page
	//header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/index.php?page=' . $enroll_error_article_id );
	echo '<h2 class="error">Error!</h2>';
	echo '<p class="error">The following error(s) occured:<br />';

	foreach ($enroll_errors as $msg) {
		echo " - $msg<br />";
   echo "<p>Please, correct all errors and try again.</p>" ;



The problem I am having is that when page three is submitting to the thread which is set in $postbody it is only transferring the first line. So if three results are inputted, only one posts correctly.


So in my first code example, I was trying to determine if a loop can be put inside a variable. I thought maybe this would solve the problem. When I try it, it returns an unexpected T while error. So I am stuck with what to do here.



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I noticed in the first set of code, you didn't define $times..


also, your ++$x is backwards...


try something like




$i = 0;
$times = 15;
while($i <= $times)   {
  echo "The number is " . $i . "<br />";


That will echo:

The number is 0

The number is 1

The number is 2

The number is 3

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ok $x and $times are defined in another part of the code.


i edited the code to read:

$postbody2 = 'Results<br />';
while ($x < $times) {
[tr][td]Number of boats:  ' . $_POST['boats'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Name:  ' . $_POST['name'][$x] . '[/td]
[td]Race Points:  ' . $_POST['points'][$x] . '[/td]
[td]Ladder Points:  ' . $points . '[/td][/tr]


but it still is not posting to the thread with all of the results entered?


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are you sure you get all the $_POST vars ?

I always use a

print_r($_POST) while programming to make sure that the information is actually sent.


also try this

$postbody2 = 'Results<br />';
while ($x < $times) {
[tr][td]Number of boats:  ' . $_POST['boats'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Name:  ' . $_POST['name'][$x] . '[/td]
[td]Race Points:  ' . $_POST['points'][$x] . '[/td]
[td]Ladder Points:  ' . $points . '[/td][/tr]


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The original problem is that in code block #3 where i attempt to post to a forum thread was only returning one line of values vs. the multiple entries. so i tried looping it like i did on previous pages. I think because my $postbody2 is not actually php its not looping it right. maybe loop it in another variable like $stuff and then make my $postbody2 = $stuff?

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in your second code block I see this


<SELECT id="name" name="name[ ]" style="WIDTH: 160px" value ="';

echo '" />';


I think you have to make it

<SELECT id="name" name="name[<?php echo $x; ?> ]" style="WIDTH: 160px" value ="';

echo '" />';


otherwise you will only have one result posted


also in your second block you have

while ($x < $times) {






that means that you start a new table for every result.

I would put the

<table> tag outside the while loop


OR put your </table> tag inside the while loop







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did all of the above and still no result


this is what page 2 looks like now:

global $scripturl;
$query = "SELECT `memberName` FROM `smf_members` WHERE `ID_GROUP` IN (1, 9, 10, 11, 13) ORDER BY `memberName`;";
$result = mysql_query($query);

//////ENTRY PAGE 2//////

if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<h4>HOSTING INFORMATION</h4><hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<form action="'.$scripturl.'?page=183'.$GET['page'].'" method="post">
<INPUT id="submitted" name="submitted" type="hidden" value="TRUE" />
<tr><td><p><b>HOST :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="host" value="' . $_POST['host'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>DATE :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="date" value="' . $_POST['date'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>Number of Boats :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="boats" value="' . $_POST['boats'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>Race Factor :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="factor" value="' . $_POST['factor'] . '" /></td></tr>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />';

$times = $_POST['boats'];
$x = 0;
while ($x < $times) {

<SELECT id="name" name="name[<?php echo $x; ?> ]" style="WIDTH: 160px" value ="';
echo '" />';
if(mysql_num_rows($result)) {
// we have at least one user, so show all users as options in select form
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
print("<option value=\"$row[0]\">$row[0]</option>");
} else {
print("<option value=\"\">No users created yet</option>");

<td><SELECT id="points" name="points[<?php echo $x; ?> ]" style="WIDTH: 60px" value ="';
echo '" />
					<OPTION value="DNF" selected>DNF</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="DNS">DNS</OPTION>
					<OPTION value=".75">1</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="2">2</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="3">3</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="4">4</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="5">5</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="6">6</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="7">7</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="8">8</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="9">9</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="10">10</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="11">11</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="12">12</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="13">13</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="14">14</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="15">15</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="16">16</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="17">17</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="18">18</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="19">19</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="20">20</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="21">21</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="22">22</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="23">23</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="24">24</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="25">25</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="26">26</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="27">27</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="28">28</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="29">29</OPTION>
					<OPTION value="30">30</OPTION>
mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
<td><INPUT type="submit" value="Submit"><INPUT type="reset" value="Reset"></td>

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<SELECT id="name" name="name[<?php echo $x; ?> ]" style="WIDTH: 160px" value ="';

will not work since you are already in an echo

<SELECT id="name" name="name['.$x.']" style="WIDTH: 160px" ;

will be better


this will not work neither I think


<SELECT id="points" name="points[<?php echo $x; ?> ]" style="WIDTH: 60px" value ="';

echo '" />

is kinda weird <select> does not use a value. and you do not need /> at the end of <select> as you have a closing tag </select>

<SELECT id="points" name="points['.$x.']" style="WIDTH: 60px">


also as a remark HTML 4.0 code should not be written in CAPS


also in

while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
print("<option value=\"$row[0]\">$row[0]</option>");
} else {
print("<option value=\"\">No users created yet</option>");


you are sure that $row[0] is the userinfo

I prefer to use the names of the arrays

do a print_r[$row] and you will see that in the array you have the numeral value $row[0] and that the same info is hold with a textual value $row[userId] (or something like that)


and you should also replace the ++$x with $x++

I am not sure if ++$x works or not but someone else suggested that.

not following the suggestions of the people who try to help you will result in them stop helping you I am afraid.



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or if you are trying to do an array like:


<form action="somewhere.php" method="post">

<input type="text" name="name[]" />

<input type="text" name="name[]" />

<input type="text" name="name[]" />



in the PHP


$stuff = $_POST['name'];


foreach($stuff as $var) {

echo $var."<br />";



i am still not sure what you are trying to accomplish, message me your AIM or MSN and we can talk

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here is my page 2 revised:

global $scripturl;
$query = "SELECT `memberName` FROM `smf_members` WHERE `ID_GROUP` IN (1, 9, 10, 11, 13) ORDER BY `memberName`;";
$result = mysql_query($query);

//////ENTRY PAGE 2//////

if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<h4>HOSTING INFORMATION</h4><hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<form action="'.$scripturl.'?page=183'.$GET['page'].'" method="post">
<INPUT id="submitted" name="submitted" type="hidden" value="TRUE" />
<tr><td><p><b>HOST :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="host" value="' . $_POST['host'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>DATE :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="date" value="' . $_POST['date'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>Number of Boats :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="boats" value="' . $_POST['boats'] . '" /></td></tr>
<tr><td><p><b>Race Factor :</b></P><input type="text" READONLY name="factor" value="' . $_POST['factor'] . '" /></td></tr>
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />
<hr style="width: 100%; height: 2px;" />';

$times = $_POST['boats'];
$x = 0;
while ($x < $times) {

<SELECT id="name" name="name['.$x.']" style="WIDTH: 160px" value ="';
echo '" />';
if(mysql_num_rows($result)) {
// we have at least one user, so show all users as options in select form
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
print("<option value=\"$row[0]\">$row[0]</option>");
} else {
print("<option value=\"\">No users created yet</option>");

<td><SELECT id="points" name="points['.$x.']" style="WIDTH: 60px" value ="';
echo '" />
<OPTION value="DNF" selected>DNF</OPTION>
<OPTION value=".75">1</OPTION>
<OPTION value="2">2</OPTION>
<OPTION value="3">3</OPTION>
<OPTION value="4">4</OPTION>
<OPTION value="5">5</OPTION>
<OPTION value="6">6</OPTION>
<OPTION value="7">7</OPTION>
<OPTION value="8">8</OPTION>
<OPTION value="9">9</OPTION>
<OPTION value="10">10</OPTION>
<OPTION value="11">11</OPTION>
<OPTION value="12">12</OPTION>
<OPTION value="13">13</OPTION>
<OPTION value="14">14</OPTION>
<OPTION value="15">15</OPTION>
<OPTION value="16">16</OPTION>
<OPTION value="17">17</OPTION>
<OPTION value="18">18</OPTION>
<OPTION value="19">19</OPTION>
<OPTION value="20">20</OPTION>
<OPTION value="21">21</OPTION>
<OPTION value="22">22</OPTION>
<OPTION value="23">23</OPTION>
<OPTION value="24">24</OPTION>
<OPTION value="25">25</OPTION>
<OPTION value="26">26</OPTION>
<OPTION value="27">27</OPTION>
<OPTION value="28">28</OPTION>
<OPTION value="29">29</OPTION>
<OPTION value="30">30</OPTION>
mysql_data_seek($result, 0);
<td><INPUT type="submit" value="Submit"><INPUT type="reset" value="Reset"></td>

<SELECT id="name" name="name['.$x.']" style="WIDTH: 160px" ;

and you should also replace the ++$x with $x++

you are sure that $row[0] is the userinfo
Yes, It took my amateur arse hours to get that part working!!


Now when I actually go through these forms and the end result being a post to a form thread, i get this:


An AYC Racing Fleet Results Report has been reported by TimUSA


Host:  alvaritop

Date:  2007/12/29

Race Factor:  4

Number of boats:  3

Name:  alvaritop

  Points this Race:  DNF

  Ladder Points:  16


I should be getting three rows of results.


this is created by page 3

global $user_info, $context, $scripturl, $user_info, $sourcedir;

require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs.php');
require_once($sourcedir .'/Subs-Post.php');

$times = $_POST['boats'];
$x = 0;

if ($_POST['points'][$x] == "DNF")
$points = ($_POST['boats'] +1) * $_POST['factor'];

else if ($_POST['points'][$x] == "DNS")
$points = ($_POST['boats'] +1) * $_POST['factor'];

$points = $_POST['points'][$x] * $_POST['factor'];

//post the application on forum?

//board id to which the application should be posted

//the id of the this article
$this_article_id = '183';

//article to be redirected when form is submitted
$thank_you_article_id = '71';

$show_form= 'true';
if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
// Handle the form

// Check required fields
$enroll_errors = array(); //Initialize error array

// Check for number of boats
	if (empty($_POST['boats']) ){
$enroll_errors[] = 'You forgot to enter the number of boats, return to page 1.';

if (empty($enroll_errors)) { //Everything seems to be OK


$postbody = 'An AYC Racing Fleet Results Report has been reported by ' . $context['user']['name'] .'<br />
[tr][td][b]Host:[/b]  ' . $_POST['host'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Date:[/b]  ' . $_POST['date'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Race Factor:[/b]  ' . $_POST['factor'] . '[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][b]Number of boats:[/b]  ' . $_POST['boats'] . '[/td][/tr]
[left][b]Name:[/b]  ' . $_POST['name'][$x] . '[/left]
[center][b]  Points this Race:[/b]  ' . $_POST['points'][$x] . '[/center]
[right][b]  Ladder Points:[/b]  ' . $points . '[/right]

//create new forum post with application

$msgOptions = array(
	'id' =>  0 ,
	'subject' => 'An AYC Racing Fleet Results Report has been reported by ' . $context['user']['name'],
	'body' => $postbody ,
	'icon' => 'xx',
	'smileys_enabled' => true,
	'attachments' =>  array(),
$topicOptions = array(
	'id' => 0 ,
	'board' => $board_id,
	'poll' =>  null,
	'lock_mode' =>  null,
	'sticky_mode' =>  null,
	'mark_as_read' => true,
$posterOptions = array(
	'id' => $context['user']['id'],
	'name' => $context['user']['name'],
	'email' => $user_info['email'],
	'update_post_count' => true,

if ($enable_post)
            createPost($msgOptions, $topicOptions, $posterOptions);

// Redirect to thank you page
header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] .'/index.php?page=' . $thank_you_article_id);

} else {
	// Redirect to error page
	//header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/index.php?page=' . $enroll_error_article_id );
	echo '<h2 class="error">Error!</h2>';
	echo '<p class="error">The following error(s) occured:<br />';

	foreach ($enroll_errors as $msg) {
		echo " - $msg<br />";
   echo "<p>Please, correct all errors and try again.</p>" ;



Hopefully I have been descriptive enough to show whats happening:

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