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Validation Problem


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Here's the part of the code that I've been having problems with:


while (odbc_fetch_row($rs))
if($_POST["user"] == $uname){
if($_POST["pass"] == $pword){
echo $b1.$hed1."<font color='aqua'>Correct login, what would you like to do next?:</font><br /><ul><li><a href='http://localhost/proj/addre.php'>Check Addresses</a></li><li><a href='http://localhost/proj'>Go Back!</a></li></ul>".$e1;
}elseif ($_POST["user"] && $_POST["pass"]){
echo $b1.$hed1."<font color='red'><b>Invalid username and/or password!</b></font><br /><br />".$f1.$e1;


When you type in a correct username, and the incorrect password, it shows the invalid u/p message, but when you type in an incorrect username, and a correct or incorrect password, then it just shows a blank screen. Is there some way to do this that if you have the wrong username, it shows the error message too?

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