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PHP Search Help


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Hi Everyone, i am still learning PHP and am roughly thinking out a redesign of an exisiting recruitment website, it can be roughly be seen on my site at ow-design.co.uk/clients/martin/opportunities.php


What i need is someone to tell me or give me some code so i can search a MYSQL table called 'opportunities' with the following rows; ID, Title, Added, Category, Area


I need a form where users can search for a job by entering a keyword and then after submitting it a results page shows the job with the title linked to the description page.


Is this possible, also is it possible for a user to search for a job by entering a keyword and also by using a specific category??


I need urgent help on this thanks!.!

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I dont really understand your point... I am on this site asking for help which is the point of this site being here...


As i said its urgent to me... of course its not urgent to you.


And if you think that it is "Your Problem" then perhaps you should read the description of this site... "PHP Support".


.. Again if anyone can help me that would be great.

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Maybe, but it could just be remade without the URGENT in all caps after it. It's a stupid, simple question, asked rudely, but that doesn't really make it lockable.


when you need someone to do all the codes for you this should be in freelance..

even if you removed urgent how can you help people this way ? create a code for them.. or teach them one by one  i dont think i will !


any way sorry for being rude just got out of bed .. sleeping again !

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Your client is paying YOU to script the thing, and you come here for FREE scripting.




You see, support != free scripting


Support is where you have TRIED and hit a dead-end, and you need a jumpstart back on the road to a working solution.


If your client is paying YOU (and that's the definition of a 'client'), then you should post on the freelance board and 'share' the wealth a bit.



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This is an ongoing issue with this guy... he started doing this back in February when he signed up. For example, this thread from Feb.


Post titled Urgently need help!! PHP Link

Hi Everyone, hope you can help me!

I am 16 yrs old and design websites for companies. I have a problem with a database i am doing for a recruitment company site.


you can view the non-ready one here... www.ow-design.co.uk/clients/martin_pooley/jobs.php...


... snip ...


then, same post thread:


I was taking a lot of info from the code and trying to adjust it, i am not great at php... yet :)


Would you write me the code please for my jobs page & jobdetails page??


Apparently he's quite used to getting us to write code for him to charge his 'client' for... nice gig if you can get it...  ;D



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Wow You people are all so helpful.


and i think you will find im not charging my client as he is a neighbour of mine.


i just needed some friendly advice of the best way to go about this... Im sure none of you ever needed help and PHP happened to come naturally to you.

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I thort oh no we got a real exspert in web

design, then i looked at everythink he offers, then by

suprise he used templates lol, oh no i left in disipointment....




sorry mate please read like the rest of us cheers....





What Templates please explain??

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Wow You people are all so helpful.


Just to remind you, you're then one who came flying in here virtually demanding help ... except you don't actually want help, you seem to expect someone to provide sample code/code flow to solve a problem that you have an urgent need to solve.


So far, you haven't even offered any code of your own - and we're always willing to help you with that.  This isn't an "I want some code now, so let's have it" type of forum - except where payment is available and you post in the freelancing section. That's what it's for.


If you want help, be nice about it. Show what efforts you've made.


Im sure none of you ever needed help and PHP happened to come naturally to you.


Not quite. But plenty of us have tried a little google searching before crashing in here with virtual demands for help.


Go read a few of the tutorials on www.tizag.com to get your coding started. If you have a problem with your code, come on back and you'll get help.  We all started somewhere, and mostly that was by doing not demanding.

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Okay the basic code i have so far is:


$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword') 
            or  die(mysql_error()); 

$category = mysql_real_escape_string ($_POST['category']); 

$q="select * from opportunities where title like \'%$title%\' or category like \'%$category%\'";


<form method="POST" action="search1.php">
<p><input type="text" name="title" size="22"></p>
<p><select size="1" name="category">
</select><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p>


When a user submits the form i want to be able to get info from the database where titles match 'keywords' entered in the title field.


Is the above code right for this and how do i then display the results.?


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