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Okay... so i looked that over and for the message prompt that i want ... how would I make it so that if the browser is not Firefox it displays a command prompt.


// test for Firefox
        }elseif(eregi("Firefox", $agent)){
            $val = stristr($agent, "Firefox");
            $val = explode("/",$val);
            $bd['version'] = $val[1];

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I would want it to be a simple message when they visit the website it checks if their browser is firefox... and if not it displays a little message that says to ensure better performance please use firefox as your browser. An example of the message would be like the one where if you close firefox with more then 1 tab open then it displays a little warning message

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This should work (complete code, also checks for browser):


if (!strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Firefox')) {
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Please use Firefox bla bla bla");


EDIT: Think it would be better to add it as an onload event (so the page doesn't keep trying to load in the background while the alert box is open). Like:


if (!strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Firefox')) {
echo ' onload="alert(\'Please use Firefox bla bla bla\');"';


2nd edit: Removed the unnecessary "window." bit from the javascript.

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who moved this thread


Is that a question? Your missing the question mark.


I moved it. This entire problem is best handled via Javascript.


no it's not; when PHP is involved - the thread should have remained in the PHP forum (but that's ok; pretty much the same thread was re-posted in the PHP forum and I solved the thread there - haha - looks like you deleted that thread also - someones abusing the moderator powers - that's ok - I know I solved it in the PHP forum - haha) and I did not need a question mark - note the emoticon (3 question marks above the head - I think that was sufficient enough to show unknowing and/or a question was being asked). :P

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