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Syntax high lighting


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How do I get php to add html tags to highlight code?


Some of them (like == or <=) I can just do by replaceing say '==' with '<span class="comparison">==</span>' But what of strings, varibles, reals etc?



if (height >= 125 || width >= 125)
    tobig = 1;
    show_message('Item is to big');

need to go to:

<span class="conditional">if</span> (<span class="var">height</span> <span class="comparison"><=</span> <span class="real">125</span> <span class="logical">||</span> <span class="var">width</span> <span class="comparison">>=</span> <span class="real">125</span>)
    <span class="var">tobig</span> <span class="assignment">=</span> <span class="real">1</span>;
    <span class="function">show_message</span>('<span class="string">Item is to big</span>');

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As I only really want something to prase one thing useing one style (useing existing css files) there must be a better way without all the bulk GeShi adds...


Basicly I need it to do serval passes adding tags arcording to some basic rules eg (could merge some of these but it's easyer to understand this way I think)


1st pass:

add comment tags to all "/* .... */" blocks


2nd pass:

add comment tags from "//" to the end of the line while igornaing existing comment blocks


3rd pass onwards - skip all code within comment blocks:

add string tage to all "..." and '...' blocks


4th pass onwards - skip all comments and string blocks:

replace certain items (eg "if", "else", "=", "+") with versions includeing tags


5th pass:

add real tags to all numbers


6th pass:

add tags to all functions (mayby by detecting the string(...)?)


7th pass:

add constant tags to all predefined constants (these constants could be stored in an array)


8th pass:

All remaining strings outside tags are given varible tags

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