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[SOLVED] Wrong Text


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Now what's the problem?



*sigh* Well, according to the script below, it should display "Username ($key) is being deleted...done", or "Username ($key) is being accepted...done"


But instead it displays something like this: "11 is being deleted" or "11 is being accepted "


For some reason $key is being set to the ID number field of the table... not the username field


$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con) {
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("mylogin", $con);

$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pending`");
$b = mysql_num_rows($a);

if($b == '0')
echo 'No pending requests at the moment.';
if(!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
      if (!$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pending")) {
            die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
      echo "<form method=\"POST\"";
      while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            echo  "<b>" . $row['Username'];
            echo "</b> ";
            echo "<input type=radio name=\"". $row['ID'] ."\" value=1>Accept"." <input type=radio name=\"". 

$row['ID'] ."\" value=2>Decline<br>";
            echo " <br />";
      echo "<br><input type=submit name=submit value=Submit>";
} else {
      foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
            if($val == 1) {
                  $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pending WHERE ID='".$key."'"));
                  echo "$key is being accepted...";
                  mysql_query("INSERT INTO accepted SET 
                  Email='".$info['Email']."'"); // Moves user to new table
                  echo "done <br>\n";
            echo "$key is being deleted...";
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM pending WHERE ID='".$key."'");
            echo "done <br>\n";
            this deletes the user from the table users regardless if you selected
            to accept or deny. If you chose to accept the user, it runs the
            query above first and then this one




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you cant use this line  foreach($_POST as $key => $val) because there are lots of post that you don't need eg.. the submit ..button it will be include in your loop

an what do you mean by For some reason $key is being set wrong, and I have no idea why the "submit" is there...

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$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con) {
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("mylogin", $con);

$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pending`");
$b = mysql_num_rows($a);

if($b == '0')
echo 'No pending requests at the moment.';
if(!isset($_POST['submit'])) {
      if (!$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pending")) {
            die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
      echo "<form method=\"POST\">";
      while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            echo  "<b>" . $row['Username'];
            echo "</b> ";
            echo "<input type=radio name='row_s[".$row['ID']."]' value=1>";
		echo "Accept"." <input type=radio name='row_s[".$row['ID']."]' value=2>Decline<br>";
            echo " <br />";
      echo "<br><input type=submit name=submit value=Submit>";
} else {
      foreach($_POST['row_s'] as $key => $val){
//  print_r($_POST['row_s']);//ro check if yuo get thevalues of chk boxes
            if($val == 1) {
                  $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pending WHERE ID='".$key."'"));
                  echo "$key is being accepted...";
                  mysql_query("INSERT INTO accepted SET 
                  Email='".$info['Email']."'"); // Moves user to new table
                  echo "done <br>\n";
            echo "$key is being deleted...";
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM pending WHERE ID='".$key."'");
            echo "done <br>\n";
            this deletes the user from the table users regardless if you selected
            to accept or deny. If you chose to accept the user, it runs the
            query above first and then this one


maybe you could try something like that

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      foreach($_POST['row_s'] as $key => $val){
         $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pending WHERE ID='".$key."'"));
            if($val == 1) {
                  echo "{$info['Username']} is being accepted...";
                  mysql_query("INSERT INTO accepted SET 
                  Email='".$info['Email']."'"); // Moves user to new table
                  echo "done <br>\n";
            echo "{$info['Username']} is being deleted...";
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM pending WHERE ID='".$key."'");
            echo "done <br>\n";


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Alrighty there Mr. Clarification,


After I click decline on a username (lets call the username "Mr. Clarification"), it deletes from the database. After it deletes it should display a message that says: 'Mr. Clarification has been deleted...'. In the code $key should be the username. But... instead it gives me a message that says: '18 has been deleted.... And 18 is the ID code of the table that the username should be taken from.

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lol alright,

try this:


$con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
if (!$con) {
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());

mysql_select_db("mylogin", $con);

$a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pending`");
$b = mysql_num_rows($a);

if($b == '0')
echo 'No pending requests at the moment.';
if(!isset($_POST)) {
      if (!$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pending")) {
            die('MySQL Error: ' . mysql_error());
      echo "<form method=\"POST\"";
      while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
            echo  "<b>" . $row['Username'];
            echo "</b> ";
            echo "<input type=radio name=\"". $row['ID'] ."\" value=1>Accept"." <input type=radio name=\"". 

$row['ID'] ."\" value=2>Decline<br>";
            echo " <br />";
      echo "<br><input type=submit value=Submit>";
} else {
      foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
            if($val == 1) {
                  $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pending WHERE ID='".$key."'"));
                  echo "$val is being accepted...";
                  mysql_query("INSERT INTO accepted SET 
                  Email='".$info['Email']."'"); // Moves user to new table
                  echo "done <br>\n";
            echo "$key is being deleted...";
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM pending WHERE ID='$key'");
            echo "done <br>\n";
            this deletes the user from the table users regardless if you selected
            to accept or deny. If you chose to accept the user, it runs the
            query above first and then this one


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u have to use the for loop like this

foreach($_POST['row_s'] as $key => $val)



in the javascript when the user checks any radio button put a cooresponding value in a hidden variable and in the php check whether if(isset($_POST['checkradio']) && $_POST['checkradio']!='')


now do the action ...




in any case as ur making the for-element like ...$rows["ID"] i think in the db it is a integer .......

if u print $key it will u like ...18,1,16...like that (or) make sure either u use a different col-name for name or use $val in php

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replace the foreach with this:


      foreach($_POST['row_s'] as $key => $val){
         $info = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pending WHERE ID='".$key."'"));
            if($val == 1) {
                  echo "{$info['Username']} is being accepted...";
                  mysql_query("INSERT INTO accepted SET 
                  Email='".$info['Email']."'"); // Moves user to new table
                  echo "done <br>\n";
            echo "{$info['Username']} is being deleted...";
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM pending WHERE Username='".$info['Username']."'");
            echo "done <br>\n";

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