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admin login problem


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I try to login to admin, but when I submit form it just clears its self????

form code....


* Set the variable, which holds the error message, to an empty variable.
$error = "";


 * Sanitize the posted data - remove any html code, if submited, remove "whote" spaces, cast to "string" data type.
$admin_username = Sanitize::data($_POST['admin_username'], 'string');
$admin_password = Sanitize::data($_POST['admin_password'], 'string');

	$error = "Type your username, please!";
	$error = "Type your password, please!";
	$admin_obj = new Admin();

	if($admin_obj->login($admin_username, $admin_password, &$error)){
		//the user is logged successfully, redirect him to the protected area
		header("location: index.php");


<title>Admin area</title>
<link href="../public/style/admin_styles.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />  

<form method="post" action="login.php">
<table align="center" style="margin-top: 10%" class="base">

<td colspan="2" align="center" class="title">Admin Login Form</td>

<td colspan="2" align="center" class="error"><?php echo $error; ?></td>

<td><input type="text" name="admin_username" size="25" value="<?php echo $admin_username; ?>" /></td>

<td><input type="password" name="admin_password" size="25" /></td>

<td> </td>
<td><input type="submit" name="sb1" value="Submit" /></td>

<td colspan="2" style="padding-top: 30px">
	<a href="forgot_password.php" class="base_link">Forgot password?</a>






* This class is created to handle the admin user functionalities, such as login, forgot password, edit profile.
* @package Takeout&Delivery Module
* @author Venelin Manchev
* @link http://www.php-developers.net
* @version 0.1

class Admin {

 * Admin Id number
var $admin_id;

 * Admin username
var $admin_username;

 * Admin password
var $admin_password;

 * Admin email address
var $admin_email;

function Admin($id= 0){

 	* Get the database connection.
	global $db;

	if($id > 0){
		 * Build the SQL query to grab the admin user info and to set the object properties.
		$sql = "SELECT * from tdm_admin where admin_id = '$id' ";

			logMyErrors(__FILE__, __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $db->Error());
			return false;
			$admin_array = $db->RecordsArray(MYSQL_ASSOC);

				if(count($admin_array) == 1){
					foreach($admin_array['0'] as $key=>$value){
						$this->$key = $value;
					return false;

 * Admin login functionality
 * @param string $username	Admin username value, posted via the login form.
 * @param string $password	Admin password value, posted via the login form.
 * @param string &$error_message		Error message on failure, passed by reference.
 * @return boolean	True on success, False on failure. If true, a session variable admin_id will hold the admin id number value. 
function login($username, $password, &$error_message) {

	 * Get the database connection
	global $db;

	$sql = "SELECT admin_id, admin_password from tdm_admin where admin_username = '$username' ";

		logMyErrors(__FILE__, __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $db->Error());
		return false;
		$result_data = $db->Row();

		if($result_data->admin_id > 0){
			if($result_data->admin_password != md5($password)){
				$error_message = "Wrong password!";
				return false;
				$_SESSION['admin_id'] = $result_data->admin_id;
				return true;
			$error_message = "Wrong username!";
			return false;


 * Admin logout functionality
 * @return boolean True on successful logout, false otherwise.
function logout() {

 * Update an admin account
 * @param int $admin_id Admin account id number to update.
 * @param string &$error Error message text, passed by reference.
 * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise.
function updateAdmin($admin_id, &$error){

	 * Get the database connection
	global $db;

	 * Validate the posted data.
		$error = "Type the username, please!";
		return false;
		$error = "Type the password, please!";
		return false;			
		$error = "Confirm the password, please!";
		return false;			
	}elseif($this->p1 != $this->p2){
		$error = "Retype and confirm the password, please!";
		return false;			
		$error = "Type a correct email address, please!";
		return false;

		 * Build the SQL query string.
		$sql = "UPDATE tdm_admin set
							admin_username = '$this->admin_username',
							admin_password = MD5('$this->p1'),
							admin_email = '$this->admin_email' ";

			$error = $db->Error();
			return false;
			return true;

 * Set a new value for object property.
function setMember($name, $value) {
	$this->$name = $value;

 * This method handle the forgot password process.
 * The admin user must submit his username. In case of match, the system will generate a new password, will assign it as MD5-encripted hash to the admin account and will send an email to the admin email address with the new password.
 *@param string $username Admin username value, submited via the forgot password form.
 *@param string &$error_message	Error message text, passed by reference.
 *@return boolean True on success, false otherwise.
function forgotPassword($username, &$error_message) {

	 * Get the database connection.
	global $db;

	$sql = "select * from tdm_admin where admin_username = '$username' ";

		logMyErrors(__FILE__, __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $db->Error());
		$result_data = $db->Row();

		if($result_data->admin_id > 0){

			//generate the new password
			$new_password = self::generatePassword();

			//save the new password
			$sql = "update tdm_admin set admin_password = MD5('$new_password') where admin_id = '$result_data->admin_id' ";

				logMyErrors(__FILE__, __CLASS__, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $db->Error());

				//get the TXT template
				$txt_template = file_get_contents(EMAIL_TEMPLATES."admin_forgot.txt");

				//setup the template variables
				$tpl_variables = array("{website}", "{username}", "{password}", "{login_url}");

				//setup the template values
				$tpl_values = array(WEBSITE_DOMAIN, $username, $new_password, ADMIN_LOGIN_URL);

				//parse the template
				$txt_message = str_replace($tpl_variables, $tpl_values, $txt_template);

				//send the new password
						 'New password',

				return true;

			$error_message = "Wrong username!";
			return false;

 * This method generate a new password.
 * In case of forgotten password, we need a new one, geenrated on a random manier.
 * @access private
 * @return string New password string.
function generatePassword() {

	//generate a random md5 hash
	$md5_hash = md5(crypt(time()));

	//the password should be no more than 6 chars in length
	$new_password = substr($md5_hash, 0, 6);

	return $new_password;



>:( >:(


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