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Registration Emails Not Being Sent


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I have PPV Chat installed on a shared server with Hostmonster and they said there is a syntax error not letting the emails be sent out to newly registered users so they may activate their accounts. I was told that the problem is in the following code, Does anyone see a problem in the reply-to header? Any help in fixing this code would be great. Thanks


Here is the error I was sent by my hosting company. I am running on Php5.

+++ 1JAuKu-0005ST-HA has not completed +++

2008-01-04 14:44:16 1JAuKu-0005ST-HA H=localhost (host97.hostmonster.com) [] F=<fmsdesig@host97.hostmonster.com> rejected after DATA: syntax error in 'Reply-To:' header when scanning for sender: malformed address: ' may not follow 'support@fmsdesigns.com in "'support@fmsdesigns.com'"



<div align="center"></div>

<table width="720" height="200" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


    <td align="center" valign="middle"><p> </p>

      <p> </p>

      <p> </p>

      <p> </p>

      <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


        <td height="51"><p class="message"> 


$result=mysql_query("SELECT email,user,password,emailtype,status from chatusers  WHERE id = '$_GET[uID]' LIMIT 1");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) 










if ($status!="pending"){

echo 'This account has already been activated!';

} else{

mysql_query("UPDATE chatusers SET password='$db_pass', status='active' WHERE id ='$_GET[uID]' LIMIT 1");

if ($emailtype=="text"){

$charset="Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";

$message = "Welcome!

You have been successfully registered with $sitename.
Here's your login information:

Username: $user
Password: $my_pass

You can now access your account at: 

Thank you!

This is an automated response. Please do not reply!";

} else if($emailtype=="html"){

$charset="Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";

$message = "Welcome!

You have been successfully registered with $sitename.
Here's your login information:

Username: $user
Password: $my_pass

You can now access your account at: 
<a href='$siteurl/login.php?user=$user'>$siteurl/login.php?user=$user</a>

Thank you!

This is an automated response. Please do not reply!";

}else {

echo"E-Mail variable not set";


$subject = "Welcome to $sitename"; 

mail($email, $subject, $message,"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".$charset."From:".$registrationemail."\r\n"."Reply-To:'".$registrationemail."'\r\n"."X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion() );

echo 'Thank you! Your member account has been activated. You can now access your account <a href="login.php">HERE</a>.';







        <td> </td>



    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p></td>





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try modifying this:

$to_name='dave';// member name goes here
$from_name='your company here';// who it's from - you can change this to whatever
$from_email='Your Address'; // getting the picture yet? ;o)
$subject='Chat membership:';

// Message 
$my_message = 'This is a quick communication from whatever to let you know that '.$from_name.' has written the following message for you:


To contact this person via email, you should click "reply" to this message.';

// Do not edit below this line!!
// Recipients. You can send it to more than 1 person! 
$to = $to_name." <".$to_email.">";

// This is the email subject 
$my_subject = $subject; 

// Setting additional headers 
$my_headers .= "From: ".$from_name." <".$from_email.">\r\n"; 

// And now mail it! 
mail($to, $my_subject, $my_message, $my_headers); 


I think that'll work. You do need to fill in with some databasey details I presume.


All the best,

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Thanks for the reply but my problem is that I would not have any idea of how to use that code without destrying the file. I thought maybe sombody would see the error and tell me where it is so I can try to fix it, I am not very good with php at all  :(

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yeah. You can do the same with my code too - it's always good when debugging, to add breaks into the code too, to see what works up until what point. Thankfully, PHP is fairly linear in the way it goes through code, so you can work out fairly quickly where things are going wrong.

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That does not seem to work either. The registrationemail typed into another file called settings.php so how is this file getting that information? Do I need to require the settings.php file in this file or do I need to put the $registrationemail in this file? I feel pretty stupid here as I don't fully understand what I am doing. My server just does not seem to be sending the emails out but my server sends out emails for other scripts so I know it's working.

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Not sure where that is, I am in the server via FTP client WS FTP but I don't know where to find that php.ini for the mail. I looked in the root but didn't see anything. The main php.ini in the root has only one thing registerglobals=on

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within this script there is no php.ini file other than that there are a few different php.ini files in other folders containing scripts but that has nothing to do with this script. What php.ini file am I looking for? The one in the root only has registerglobals=on thats all.

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Try:  (I think there are variables that are undefined, unless you did them in _main.header.php)


<div align="center"></div>

<table width="720" height="200" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">


    <td align="center" valign="middle"><p> </p>

      <p> </p>

      <p> </p>

      <p> </p>

      <table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


        <td height="51"><p class="message"> 


$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM chatusers WHERE id = '{$_GET['UID']}' LIMIT 1");

while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 










if ($status!="pending"){

echo 'This account has already been activated!';

} else{

mysql_query("UPDATE chatusers SET password='$db_pass', status='active' WHERE id ='{$_GET['UID']}' LIMIT 1");


if ($emailtype=="text"){

$charset="Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";

$message = "Welcome!

You have been successfully registered with $sitename.
Here's your login information:

Username: $user
Password: $my_pass

You can now access your account at: 

Thank you!

This is an automated response. Please do not reply!";

} else if($emailtype=="html"){

$charset="Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";

$message = "Welcome!

You have been successfully registered with $sitename.
Here's your login information:

Username: $user
Password: $my_pass

You can now access your account at: 
<a href='$siteurl/login.php?user=$user'>$siteurl/login.php?user=$user</a>

Thank you!

This is an automated response. Please do not reply!";

}else {

echo"E-Mail variable not set";


$subject = "Welcome to $sitename"; 

mail($email, $subject, $message,"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n".$charset."From:".$registrationemail."\r\n"."Reply-To:'".$registrationemail."'\r\n"."X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion() );

echo 'Thank you! Your member account has been activated. You can now access your account <a href="login.php">HERE</a>.';







        <td> </td>



    <p> </p>

    <p> </p>

    <p> </p></td>





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They are not defined in the header, I don't know how to define them. I was not aware anything was missing from this code it came like this with the script but that was back in php4 days and I am on php5, not sure if that makes a difference.

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Ok, there is this in the header







and dbase.php only has the mysql connection info.


here is what is in settings.php




//site url


//used in registration mails, payment mails...




//used for favorites announcements



//numbner of hours between giving another 120 seconds of free chat.


//default sop epercentage












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well, the file that has the email code in it seems to be actm.php in the php folder which is the script the other folders are for flashcom. then the other file that holds email code is for operators signup and it's the same but that file is called actop.php

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