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[SOLVED] PHP Function showing image at incorrect location


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Having an issue where I'm calling a function that contains an image and the image is showing outside of the table cell it is called into.


Function is called "guidCheck"...


Here is my function:

function guidCheck($guid_uid) {
		$sql  = "SELECT game FROM pb_guid WHERE uid = '".$guid_uid."' AND guid_status = '1' ORDER BY game DESC";
		$result = mysql_query($sql);
			if(mysql_num_rows($result)!=0) { //(1)
				while(list($game) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { //(2)

							echo "<img src=\"NukeLadder/images/guid_games/$game.gif\" alt=\"GuID Approved\" /> ";


And the function where called:



		$c .= "
                <td class='alt1'>
    			<a href='".X1_publicgetfile."?".X1_linkactionoperator."=playerprofile&member=$row[name]'>$row[name]</a></td>
    			<td class='alt2'>$maillink $msnlink $icqlink $aimlink $yimlink $weblink</td>
    			<td class='alt1'>".date(X1_dateformat, $row['joindate'])."</td>
    			<td class='alt2'>$extra1</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$extra2</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$extra3</td>
			<td class='alt2'>".guidCheck($rows_uid)."</td>



The function shows ABOVE the <table> tag, like it's not even in the <td> fields.


The "$rows_uid" just calls a single mysql query result.

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		$c .= "
                <td class='alt1'>
    			<a href='".X1_publicgetfile."?".X1_linkactionoperator."=playerprofile&member={$row['name']}>{$row['name']}</a></td>
    			<td class='alt2'>$maillink $msnlink $icqlink $aimlink $yimlink $weblink</td>
    			<td class='alt1'>".date(X1_dateformat, $row['joindate'])."</td>
    			<td class='alt2'>$extra1</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$extra2</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$extra3</td>
			<td class='alt2'>".guidCheck($rows_uid)."</td>


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Didn't work, I just looked again and realized the table field the function should show in isn't there. As if the <td></td> tags for the function aren't working.


Is there another way I could do this without using a function maybe? Is there a way to pause the variable and insert the SQL query that's in the function into the $c variable?

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Didn't work, I just looked again and realized the table field the function should show in isn't there. As if the <td></td> tags for the function aren't working.


Is there another way I could do this without using a function maybe? Is there a way to pause the variable and insert the SQL query that's in the function into the $c variable?

Could you post the entire code or more of it?

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Here's most of it:



$panstyle = ( $panel=="roster" ) ? '' : 'style="display:none"';
$c .="
<div class='panel' id='panel2' $panstyle>
<table class='".X1plugin_teamprofiletable."' width='100%'>
    <thead class='".X1plugin_tablehead."'>
		<th>GuID Approved Games</th>
    <tbody class='".X1plugin_tablebody."'>";
$rows = $xdb->GetAll("SELECT * FROM ".X1_prefix.X1_DB_teamroster."
 WHERE team_id=".$xdb->qstr($row['team_id'])." 
 ORDER BY ".X1_rostersort);
	foreach($rows As $row){
		list ($maillink, $msnlink, $icqlink, $aimlink, $yimlink, $weblink, $avatar) = contacticons($row["name"]);
		$extra1 = (empty($row['extra1'])) ? "n/a" : $row['extra1'];
		$extra2 = (empty($row['extra2'])) ? "n/a" : $row['extra2'];
		$extra3 = (empty($row['extra3'])) ? "n/a" : $row['extra3'];

		$c .= "
                <td class='alt1'>
    			<a href='".X1_publicgetfile."?".X1_linkactionoperator."=playerprofile&member={$row['name']}>{$row['name']}</a></td>
    			<td class='alt2'>$maillink $msnlink $icqlink $aimlink $yimlink $weblink</td>
    			<td class='alt1'>".date(X1_dateformat, $row['joindate'])."</td>
    			<td class='alt2'>$extra1</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$extra2</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$extra3</td>
			<td class='alt2'>".guidCheck($row['uid'])."</td>
	$c .= "<tr>
			<td colspan='6'>".XL_teamprofile_nomembers."</td>
$c .= "
        <tfoot class='".X1plugin_tablefoot."'>
			<td colspan='6'> </td>
$c .= "</table>
$panstyle = ( $panel=="events" ) ? '' : 'style="display:none"';
$c .="
<div class='panel' id='panel3' $panstyle>
<table class='".X1plugin_teamprofiletable."' width='100%'>
<thead class='".X1plugin_tablehead."'>
	<tbody class='".X1plugin_tablebody."'>";
$rows= $xdb->GetAll("SELECT * FROM ".X1_prefix.X1_DB_teamsevents." 
WHERE team_id=".$xdb->qstr($row['team_id'])." 
ORDER BY ladder_id ASC");
if($rows) {
	foreach($rows AS $row){
		$ladder=$xdb->GetRow("SELECT title FROM ".X1_prefix.X1_DB_events." 
		WHERE sid=".$xdb->qstr($row['ladder_id']));
		$c .="
			<td class='alt1'><a href='".X1_publicgetfile."?".X1_linkactionoperator."=ladderhome&sid=$row[ladder_id]'>
			<td class='alt2'><a href='".X1_publicgetfile."?".X1_linkactionoperator."=ladderhome&sid=$row[ladder_id]'>
			<td class='alt2'>$row[totalgames]</td>
			<td class='alt1'>$row[totalwins]</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$row[totallosses]</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$row[totaldraws]</td>
			<td class='alt1'>$row[totalpoints]</td>
			<td class='alt1'>$row[games]</td>
			<td class='alt2'>$row[wins]</td>
			<td class='alt1'>$row[losses]</td>
			<td class='alt1'>$row[draws]</td>
			<td class='alt1'>$row[points]</td>
	$c .= "<tr>
			<td colspan='13'>".XL_teamprofile_noevents."</td>
$c .= "
        <tfoot class='".X1plugin_tablefoot."'>
			<td colspan='13'> </td>
$c .= "</table>
$panstyle = ( $panel=="history" ) ? '' : 'style="display:none"';
$c .="
<div class='panel' id='panel4' $panstyle>
<table class='".X1plugin_teamprofiletable."' width='100%'>
        <thead class='".X1plugin_tablehead."'>
    	<tbody class='".X1plugin_tablebody."'>";
$rows = $xdb->GetAll("
    SELECT * FROM ".X1_prefix.X1_DB_teamhistory."
    WHERE winner=".$xdb->qstr($_GET['teamname'])." OR loser=".$xdb->qstr($_GET['teamname'])."
    ORDER BY game_id DESC"); 
	foreach($rows AS $row) {
		$event = $xdb->GetRow("select * 
		from ".X1_prefix.X1_DB_events." 
		where sid=".$xdb->qstr($row['laddername']));
		$c .= "
		<form method='post' action='".X1_publicpostfile."' style='".X1_formstyle."'>
    				<td class='alt1'>$row[game_id]</td>
    				<td class='alt2'>$event[title]</td>
    				<td class='alt1'>$row[winner]</td>
    				<td class='alt2'>$row[loser]</td>
    				<td class='alt1'>".date(X1_dateformat, $row['date'])."</td>
    				<td class='alt2'>
    					<input name='".X1_actionoperator."' type='hidden' value='matchdetails'>
    					<input name='game_id' type='hidden' value='$row[game_id]'>
    					<input name='ladder' type='hidden' value='$row[laddername]'>
    					<input type='Submit' name='Submit' value='".XL_teamprofile_details."' >
	$c .="<tr>
			<td colspan='6'>".XL_teamprofile_nomatches."</td>
$c .= "
        <tfoot class='".X1plugin_tablefoot."'>
			<td colspan='6'> </td>
return X1plugin_output($c);



I don't know why but the script (I didn't do just modifying it) puts everything in the $c variable then returns it at the end.

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function guidCheck($guid_uid) {
$out = '';
$sql  = "SELECT game FROM pb_guid WHERE uid = '".$guid_uid."' AND guid_status = '1' ORDER BY game DESC";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($result)!=0) { //(1)
	while(list($game) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { //(2)
		$out .= "<img src=\"NukeLadder/images/guid_games/$game.gif\" alt=\"GuID Approved\" /> ";
return $out;

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it your path or database colunm the function run's correctly as provided



		$out= "<img src=\"$game.gif \" alt=\"GuID Approved\" /> ";

		echo $out;





echo the select out


function guidCheck($guid_uid) {
$out = '';
$sql  = "SELECT game FROM pb_guid WHERE uid = '".$guid_uid."' AND guid_status = '1' ORDER BY game DESC";
echo $sql;//debug mode...........
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($result)!=0) { //(1)
	while(list($game) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { //(2)
		$out .= "<img src=\"NukeLadder/images/guid_games/$game.gif\" alt=\"GuID Approved\" /> ";
return $out;


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