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website idea's


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personal sites are always good when the ideas pot is empty. or a site based around the type of site you like doing. if you're that bored and are in need of something to do, then you're posting on a forum. forums are easy to make basic versions of, yet will challenge you should you decide to take it further.


IMO, if someone is going to give you specific ideas, then they're either:

1, new to PHP with a great idea that they're naive enough to reveal for someone else to cream off the profits or

2, far too generous for their own good or

3, not new to PHP, but their idea isn't good enough for them to build themselves


i don't wanna sound like the one that sucks the life out of the party, but it always seems a bit suss when i hear this question



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Not a site idea, but here's an idea:


Try browsing the internet to look at people's good and bad ideas

<a href="http://www.dmoz.org/">DMOZ</a> is a great place to start

Looking at other's ideas may give you ideas.


Look at all these (naive|generous|unskilled) peoples' websites, redbull! :)



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personal sites are always good when the ideas pot is empty. or a site based around the type of site you like doing. if you're that bored and are in need of something to do, then you're posting on a forum. forums are easy to make basic versions of, yet will challenge you should you decide to take it further.


IMO, if someone is going to give you specific ideas, then they're either:

1, new to PHP with a great idea that they're naive enough to reveal for someone else to cream off the profits or

2, far too generous for their own good or

3, not new to PHP, but their idea isn't good enough for them to build themselves


i don't wanna sound like the one that sucks the life out of the party, but it always seems a bit suss when i hear this question




if you have an idea but dont think its good enough to build please toss it out here, maybe i can modify it to make it a good idea or maybe it will spawn some other ideas, i agree that whatever people would suggest probably arnt very good idea's but it cant hurt to toss around some old ideas

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It doesn't necessarily have to be bad ideas, or laziness, red. I've seen people say, "Man i like this <insert software/site here> but i wish it had <insert feature(s) here>".  For example, i wouldn't mind a good PHP based client management system.  Manage my clients, send bills, have an upload place to upload files to sub directory that will show them what their live site will look like, etc.  Only problem is i'm so busy that i don't have to make it myself, so if someone else did that would be great! It would solve a lot of my problems.

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here's some good ones i got :) :

neon nutritious hotel (it looks good and its good for you!)

revolutionary temporary food (so only temporarily revolutionaries, or temporarily food eaten quickly by revolutionaries?)

electric rubber hotel (whats with the hotels spinning random word thingie!)

luxurious edible instrument (more food.. must be hungry)

comedic torture hotel (now that's just wrong! there IS comedy in hotels though?)

dramatic aquatic furniture (pretty boy meets drama aqua lazy boys!)

funny modular concept (haha! modular concepts are funny! duh!)

scary modular appliance (concept turned appliance, now scary! the concepts must have gone to that comedic torture hotel and now are just scary looking after torture)

nutritious mechanized furniture (food, hotel, furniture, hmmm....)

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