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How to loop through mysql results


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Ok I have about 40 mysql count(*) querys to execute and then perform some basic maths on the results.


Here is the query


"select count(*) from entries where lcase(smsc) like '%vodafone%' and logdate >='2007-12-01' and logdate <='2007-12-31' and action='Receive' and to_number in (55555,55556,55557,55558,55558) group by to_number;"


This gives the following results when executed from command line mysql.



| count(*) |


|      123 |

|      10 |

|    25878 |

|    1101 |

|    1849 |



What I would like to end up with is a variable with the name of the to_number which contains the value of the result like this:


$55555 = 123;

$55556 = 10;

$55557 = 25878; etc etc


My guess is it should be some combination of using nested foreach loops or maybe writing a function that an array is looped through. Im still very new to php so I would be very grateful for any help.

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You shouldn't need to do any nesting. Just select the to_number along with the count. You'll also need to use an array, rather than the variables. A variable name cannot start with a number, so we cant have $55555. Try:


$sql = "select count(*),to_number from entries where lcase(smsc) like '%vodafone%' and logdate >='2007-12-01' and logdate <='2007-12-31' and action='Receive' and to_number in (55555,55556,55557,55558,55558) group by to_number;"
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$nums[] = array()
while(list($count,$num) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
$nums[$num] = $count;
echo $nums[55555];

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One solution:

$q = "select to_number, count(*) as my_count from entries where lcase(smsc) like '%vodafone%' and logdate >='2007-12-01' and logdate <='2007-12-31' and action='Receive' and to_number in (55555,55556,55557,55558,55558) group by to_number";
$rs = mysql_query($q);
$counts = array();
while ($rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
     $counts[$rw['to_number']] = $rw ['my_count'];
echo '<pre>' . print_r($counts,true) . '</pre>'; // debug



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Ginger: I tried that code but it doesnt work.. just gives me a blank page. But from reading through it your defo on the right track.


I even changed echo $nums[55555]; to echo $nums['55555']; but that didnt work either. Any ideas?


Thanks a million to everyone who has posted so far :) this has been melting my brain for days

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Somehow i managed to miss off three semi-colons in that post. I noticed one and modified, but didn't see the other two. I must be tired!




$sql = "select count(*),to_number from entries where lcase(smsc) like '%vodafone%' and logdate >='2007-12-01' and logdate <='2007-12-31' and action='Receive' and to_number in (55555,55556,55557,55558,55558) group by to_number;";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$nums[] = array();
while(list($count,$num) = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
$nums[$num] = $count;
echo $nums[55555];

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