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Write to mysql using php issue


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Ok to get straight to the point.

I have tried multiple ways to create a form that will add data to a mysql table.  I know I got the coding right, but it will still not add to the database.  It's like its not letting the form insert data to the table.  Any help is appreciated



**I'm new to php**

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here is a form im trying to use







$db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root");


if ($submit) {

  // here if no ID then adding else we're editing

  if ($id) {

    $sql = "UPDATE employees SET first='$first',last='$last',address='$address',position='$position' WHERE id=$id";

  } else {

    $sql = "INSERT INTO employees (first,last,address,position) VALUES ('$first','$last','$address','$position')";


  // run SQL against the DB

  $result = mysql_query($sql);

  echo "Record updated/edited!<p>";

} elseif ($delete) {

// delete a record

    $sql = "DELETE FROM employees WHERE id=$id";	

    $result = mysql_query($sql);

    echo "$sql Record deleted!<p>";

} else {

  // this part happens if we don't press submit

  if (!$id) {

    // print the list if there is not editing

    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM employees",$db);

    while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

      printf("<a href=\"%s?id=%s\">%s %s</a> \n", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"], $myrow["first"], $myrow["last"]);

  printf("<a href=\"%s?id=%s&delete=yes\">(DELETE)</a><br>", $PHP_SELF, $myrow["id"]);





  <a href="<?php echo $PHP_SELF?>">ADD A RECORD</a>


  <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF?>">


  if ($id) {

    // editing so select a record

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM employees WHERE id=$id";

    $result = mysql_query($sql);

    $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);

    $id = $myrow["id"];

    $first = $myrow["first"];

    $last = $myrow["last"];

    $address = $myrow["address"];

    $position = $myrow["position"];

    // print the id for editing


    <input type=hidden name="id" value="<?php echo $id ?>">




  First name:<input type="Text" name="first" value="<?php echo $first ?>"><br>

  Last name:<input type="Text" name="last" value="<?php echo $last ?>"><br>

  Address:<input type="Text" name="address" value="<?php echo $address ?>"><br>

  Position:<input type="Text" name="position" value="<?php echo $position ?>"><br>

  <input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Enter information">







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You are assuming that register_globals is enabled. It is disabled on most hosts these days because it can create security problems when enabled.



if ($submit) {
  // here if no ID then adding else we're editing
  if ($id) {
    $sql = "UPDATE employees SET first='$first',last='$last',address='$address',position='$position' WHERE id=$id";


if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
  // here if no ID then adding else we're editing
  if ($_POST['id'] != '') {
    $sql = "UPDATE employees SET first='$first',last='$last',address='$address',position='$position' WHERE id=$id";


There are other changes to be made also. Where ever you reference a plain variable that you're where you're expecting the value to come from the form, you need to get the value from the $_POST superglobal array like I did above.



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to be completely honest and truthful, I have no idea what that means exactly.  I'll mess around with it as best I can.  It now submits the id number to the database, but does not submit the name or other info.  If you are willing to advise me more it would be greatly appreciated.  I've been wanting to try php for a while because it has many applications.  I'm modifying this page to make it into a song request submission page for a web radio station.  I apologize for causing trouble.


register_globals is on

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you use $first which is the name of your textfield right? those textfield name when you passed the value of the form that should be coded like this $_POST['first'] not just $first..  $first will only work if register global is on


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and also how do i change this line to avoid errors.

= "UPDATE employees SET first='$first',last='$last',address='$address',position='$position' WHERE id=$id";


Try to enable the mysql error reporting.Then hopefully u will know what the errors are...


$result = mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());

Put this line in every query.


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