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Hi all,


I am using script that is really cool right now! but I have some problems including pagination to it.


Could someone help me with it?


Here is code.


Well I tried many ways to include it but still have no solution to it.


The script is very Hard coded. I guess so.


Thank you anyway. and best regards.


function main()
include "../includes/conn.php";
include "../includes/function.php";
mysql_query("delete from channel where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';
mysql_query("update channel set top_flag=1 where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';
mysql_query("update channel set top_flag=0 where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';

include "../includes/config.php";
include "../lang/$langfile/global.php"; 

<script language="javascript">
function chkavial()
   $chk=mysql_query("select * from channel where top_flag=1");
  alert('Please You can make 5 top channel only');
  return false;
  <? } ?>

<form action="" method="post" name="frm">

            <table align="center" class="maintable-channels" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td class="pagetitle" colspan="5"><?= $lang_channelmanager ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_numid ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_channelname ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_chandescription ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_catname ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_action ?></td>
               $ch_res=mysql_query("select * from channel order by channel_name ASC");
               $cat_name=getname($ch_row[cat_id],'cat_id','category','cat_name'); //geting stone name
               <td class="tablecells1"><?=$i?></td>
               <td class="tablecells"> <?=stripslashes($ch_row[channel_name])?></td>
               <td class="tablecells2"> <?=stripslashes($ch_row[channel_description])?></td>
               <td class="tablecells"><?=$cat_name?>  </td>
               <td class="tablecells4"><a href="addchannel.php?act=edit&ch_id=<?=$ch_row[ch_id]?>" class="footer"><?= $lang_edit ?></a> | <a href="manage_channel.php?act=del&ch_id=<?=$ch_row[ch_id]?>" class="footer" onClick="return confirm('<?=$lang_question?>');"><?= $lang_delete ?></a></td>
            <? $i++;
             <td colspan="5" align="center"><font color="#FF0000" size="+1"><?= $lang_recnotfound ?></font></td>
            <? } ?>
         <td id="addnewbutton"><a href="addchannel.php" ><?= $lang_addnemcat ?></a></td>


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Did you mean about this code?

mysql_query("delete from channel where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';
mysql_query("update channel set top_flag=1 where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';
mysql_query("update channel set top_flag=0 where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';


This is Administration area. it is redirecting to modify, delete or add new item.

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The problem is simple.


I am able to sort 3 items per page but I can't get to next or previous pages pages.


function main()
include "../includes/conn.php";
include "../includes/function.php";
mysql_query("delete from channel where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';
mysql_query("update channel set top_flag=1 where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';
mysql_query("update channel set top_flag=0 where ch_id=$ch_id");
print '<script language="javascript">window.location="manage_channel.php";</script>';

include "../includes/config.php";
include "../lang/$langfile/global.php"; 

<script language="javascript">
function chkavial()
   $chk=mysql_query("select * from channel where top_flag=1");
  alert('Please You can make 5 top channel only');
  return false;
  <? } ?>


    $limit          = 3;
    $query_count    = "SELECT count(*) FROM channel";
    $result_count   = mysql_query($query_count);
    $totalrows      = mysql_num_rows($result_count);

        $page = 1;

    $limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);
    $query  = "SELECT * FROM channel LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " . mysql_error());

    if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){
        echo("Nothing to Display!");

<form action="" method="post" name="frm">

            <table align="center" class="maintable-channels" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td class="pagetitle" colspan="5"><?= $lang_channelmanager ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_numid ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_channelname ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_chandescription ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_catname ?></td>
               <td class="cellheader"><?= $lang_action ?></td>
               $query=mysql_query("select * from channel order by channel_name ASC LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit");
               while($ch_row = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
               $cat_name=getname($ch_row[cat_id],'cat_id','category','cat_name'); //geting stone name
               <td class="tablecells1"><?=$i?></td>
               <td class="tablecells"> <?=stripslashes($ch_row[channel_name])?></td>
               <td class="tablecells2"> <?=stripslashes($ch_row[channel_description])?></td>
               <td class="tablecells"><?=$cat_name?>  </td>
               <td class="tablecells4"><a href="addchannel.php?act=edit&ch_id=<?=$ch_row[ch_id]?>" class="footer"><?= $lang_edit ?></a> | <a href="manage_channel.php?act=del&ch_id=<?=$ch_row[ch_id]?>" class="footer" onClick="return confirm('<?=$lang_question?>');"><?= $lang_delete ?></a></td>
            <? $i++;

             <td colspan="5" align="center"><font color="#FF0000" size="+1"><?= $lang_recnotfound ?></font></td>
                     <? } ?>

         <td id="addnewbutton"><a href="addchannel.php" ><?= $lang_addnemcat ?></a></td>

    if($page != 1){
        $pageprev = $page--;

        echo("<a href=\"&page=$pageprev\">PREV</a> ");
        echo("PREV".$limit." ");

    $numofpages = $totalrows / $limit;

    for($i = 1; $i <= $numofpages; $i++){
        if($i == $page){
            echo($i." ");
            echo("<a href=\"?page=$i\">$i</a> ");

    if(($totalrows % $limit) != 0){
        if($i == $page){
            echo($i." ");
            echo("<a href=\"?page=$i\">$i</a> ");

    if(($totalrows - ($limit * $page)) > 0){
        $pagenext = $page++;

        echo("<a href=\"?page=$pagenext\">NEXT</a>");






so here Links are not clickable just the Prev, 1, and Next is displayed.

when I try to submit address on my own to ?page=2 and so on it still gets the same page with same items inside.


This is where I'm stuck!



    if($page != 1){
        $pageprev = $page--;

        echo("<a href=\"&page=$pageprev\">PREV</a> ");
        echo("PREV".$limit." ");

    $numofpages = $totalrows / $limit;

    for($i = 1; $i <= $numofpages; $i++){
        if($i == $page){
            echo($i." ");
            echo("<a href=\"?page=$i\">$i</a> ");

    if(($totalrows % $limit) != 0){
        if($i == $page){
            echo($i." ");
            echo("<a href=\"?page=$i\">$i</a> ");

    if(($totalrows - ($limit * $page)) > 0){
        $pagenext = $page++;

        echo("<a href=\"?page=$pagenext\">NEXT</a>");




Just I am trying to figure out how to change this issue.


About JavaScript:

I use javascript it is true and sad.  I will change it to  $PHP_SELF  but first I need to finish this one.


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Okay, now I don't wish to change what you're thinking of and make you start over, but I posted this template for someone else and I think you'll find it helpful.


Maybe this will give you an idea on what you can do:

// database connection stuff //

// this will get the page number from the URL //
$page_number = $_GET['page'];

// now you want to find out how many results you
// want to display per page.
// You may want to use mysql_num_rows and then
// divide by $number_of_pages to get $results_per_page
// if you're going to do that, take the ceil of $number_of_pages
$number_of_pages = 20;
$results_per_page = 10;

// find the starting result of the page
// if each page has $results_per_page results, it's easy to 
// find the starting point given $page_number
$starting_point = ($page_number - 1) * $result_per_page + 1;

// find ending result
$ending_point = $page_number * $result_per_page

// here is what your query should look like
$query = "SELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT $starting_point, $ending_point";

// rest up to you, this is just to start you off in the right direction of thinking 
// when setting up the links to pages, make sure you put something like page=
// so $_GET['page'] can get the current page number

Hope this helps

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