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stops echo, when it shouldn't..


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I'm posting php to a file, and for some reason right before [Delete Bulletin] it seems to think that I ended the echo I was doing.. when I didn't... whats wrong? I tried multiple different arrangements and uses of the quotes... =/


$content = '<? if ($_SESSION["lvl"] == "1")'. " { echo '<a".' href="?login=deletebulletin&bulletin=$date">'."[Delete Bulletin]</a>'; } ?>";

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$content = '<?php if ($_SESSION["lvl"] == "1") { echo "<a href=\"?login=deletebulletin&bulletin=$date\">[Delete Bulletin]</a>"; } ?>';



what is the use of <?php  ???


It defines the start of a block of php code.

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yes but take a look carefully


$content =

  is a variable  so i supposed you are inside php block and your php tags in that code will be treated as string please let me know if i was wrong


is this i typo error or this is really valid?

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The op wants them to be treated as a string. Read the question. I think the op wants to write php code to a file. eg;



  $contents = "<?php echo 'this is some php'; ?>";


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can you tell me the expected output for that? maybe your right sorry!


but the output of that code wont give you what you're expecting try it it html tags has been used < unexpectedly because <?php is treated as string to display try it!

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use html entities.. your string is treated as html tags because of unwanted use of <

$content = '<?php if ($_SESSION["lvl"] == "1") { echo "<a href=\"?login=deletebulletin&bulletin=$date\">[Delete Bulletin]</a>"; } ?>';
echo htmlentities($content);

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use html entities.. your string is treated as html tags because of unwanted use of <

$content = '<?php if ($_SESSION["lvl"] == "1") { echo "<a href=\"?login=deletebulletin&bulletin=$date\">[Delete Bulletin]</a>"; } ?>';
echo htmlentities($content);


No you see I want it to display the link but somehow it gets broken and just displays what I wrote before as text.

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Oh sorry, I didn't have session_start();

I made the encryption a little less, and it still does it, so Ill try to show more code for you guys..


It was working, but when I put it so it will post to the file, it does what my problem at first was. This is the code for when it posts ($content is the content submitted from the form).

$newcontent = str_replace('<?', '', str_replace('?>', '', $content));
$delete = ($_SESSION["lvl"] == "1")?"<a href=\"?login=deletebulletin&bulletin=$date\">[Delete Bulletin]</a>":'';
$filename = 'bulletin.txt';
$date = date("D dS M, Y h:i:s a");
$final_en = base64_encode('<b><i>'.$date.'</i></b><br />'.$newcontent.' '
	.'<i>-'.$_SESSION['user'].'</i><br />'
	."<?php echo $delete; ?>");
$somecontent = ' | '.$final_en;
chmod ($filename, 0777);
if (is_writable($filename)) {
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) {
	 echo "Cannot open file.";
if (fwrite($handle, $somecontent) === FALSE) {
	echo "Cannot write to file.";

echo '<h1>Bulletin Posted </h1><center><a href="index.php">Your bulletin has been posted.</a></center><br /><br />'
.'<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="1; URL=index.php">';
include ('links.php');
} else {
echo "The file is not writable";


And then this is when I display the file...

$file = 'bulletin.txt';
echo '<b>Welcome, you are currently logged in as: </b>'.$_SESSION['user'].'.<br />'
.'<b>User level: </b>'.$_SESSION['lvl'].'.<br /><br />';
if (filesize($file) !== 0) {
echo '<h1>Bulletins</h1>';
$filename = 'bulletin.txt';
$handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
$read = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
$array = explode(' | ', $read);
$i = 0;
while ($array[$i] !== NULL) {
	echo base64_decode($array[$i]);
if ($_SESSION['lvl'] == '1') {
	echo '________________<br />'
		.'<a href="?login=deletebulletins">Delete All Bulletins</a><br /><br />';


I think that I could probably just put that part into when I display the files, but it was working before, and it seemed easier. Should I do that, or is there a way to make it actually work..?


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Well, if I write that exact string to a file. eg;



  $date = date("D dS M, Y h:i:s a");
  $content = '<?php if ($_SESSION["lvl"] == "1") {echo "<a href=\"?login=deletebulletin&bulletin=' . $date . '\">[Delete Bulletin]</a>"; ?>';



It writes perfectly fine.

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