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ANOTHER rant from hcdarkmage


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You know, some people take the "fun" out of "functional".


Just as the new year started, I was ask...no, wait . . . scratch that . . . told that the Spanish version of the company website HAD to be updated within a reasonable time.  What is considered as a reasonable time?  A week?  A month? A year?


Well, it wouldn't be bad if I could cut out the middle man and translate what needs to be translated without having to go to an outside source (more money in my pocket), but as it is, I don't speak, write or translate Spanish.  At all.


The company is too **insert your choice cussword here** cheep to pay for any training (taught myself PHP, even though they said they would pay for schooling).  Can't complain too much, mostly because I found this forum for help.


There has got to be a way to take a website and have it AUTOMATICALLY translated to another language.  I mean, I don't expect Wikipedia or Google to have private translators sit there and translate EVERY bit of information they have.


Until I find it, I guess I'm stuck doing it the "copy-paste" way.


Does anyone else run into these problems?

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Those translation tools cannot always interpret what's written correctly. Dibujo is for instance both 1st person singular (I draw) of the verb dibujar, but it can also mean a drawing (dibujo un dibujo = I draw a drawing). There are also several English words which have different meanings depending on the context which they appear in. You're better off finding somebody who speaks Spanish fluently. There are several translation companies, try to do a search on Google.

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We have MANY sales reps that speak/write Spanish fluently, but they never have the time to work with me (the good ol' "what's in it for me").  The one person we DO use takes up to a month to translate simple documents (and by then they have been updated or removed).  He is getting paid to do it, but we can't impress enough on the urgency of getting it all translated ASAP.


That is why I asked about the term "reasonable amount of time".  What do you feel is a reasonable turnaround for the translation of a few documents?

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