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Critique please


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As part of my overall desire to get current with web development, I decided it was time for me to figure out how to make glassy buttons and such.  to that end, here are my first 4 ever serious attempts.  This was all done entirely in GIMP.  They are in chronological order, top to bottom, left to right.


Please critique: I really want them to look great.

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I think they might look better if you dropped the soft blue border around each letter. If you don't want to do that, you could also try switching to a smaller, harder, more contrasting border.


Also, the main reason people use gradients on buttons is that it looks like there is a light source illuminating the top of a three-dimensional button, and casting a shadow over the bottom half. The bottom button is very odd in that respect, since the button would have to be very strangely colored. (On an entirely different note, it makes me think of sunset in a desert. If that's the effect you were shooting for, then you've got it spot on. :) )

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Are you doing these in photoshop? The effect is pretty simple once you understand what all goes into it.


For the most part it is a background gradient that blends from a color to a color slightly lighter, then a layer with a funky shape that blends from white to 0% opacity.

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