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Hello, I have a forum and i want to still show the topic even though its locked. I know its something to do where the --------- is i think any help would be very usefull thanks.




if ($lockedornot == '1'){

echo "---------" ;

}elseif ($userlevel != '0' || $lockedornot != '1'){

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Please don't bump your topic here within short intervals. You're not the most important person here and even if you are, you should respect others. Continually bumping it like that would result in your topic being closed or deleted. Not sure how the mods would handle it, but it's not good.


And you didn't provide any relevant information for us to help you.

include "includes/db_connect.php"; 
include "includes/functions.php";
$viewtopic = $_GET['viewtopic'];

if (!$viewtopic){
$viewtopic = "1";
$fetch=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'"));
if ($forum == "Crew" && $fetch->crew != "0"){

$owner=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM crews WHERE owner='$username' OR rhm='$username'"));


$ggee = mysql_query("SELECT locked, sticky, lastreply FROM topics WHERE id='$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum'");
while($dsdsd = mysql_fetch_row($ggee)){
$lockedornot = $dsdsd[0];
$stikornot = $dsdsd[1];
$lastreplyit = $dsdsd[2];

if ($lockedornot == '1'){
}elseif ($userlevel != '0' || $lockedornot != '1'){

if ($crew == "1"){
$gg = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id='$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum' AND crew='$fetch->crew'");
$gg = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id='$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum'");
while($success = mysql_fetch_row($gg)){
$username1 = $success[1];
$topictext = $success[3];
$made = $success[8];


<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2  class=thinline bordercolor=black><tr><td  background=includes/grad.jpg align=left><center class=TableHeading>Topic Made By : <? echo "<a href='profile.php?viewuser=$username1' target=middle>$username1</a>"; ?> On :<?php echo "$made"; ?></center></td></tr>


<? echo replace($topictext); 
if ($topictext == ""){ $topictext = "Main Forum";}?>



$forum_count = 15;

function index_navigation($index, $count, $num) {
$forum = $_GET['forum'];
$viewtopic = $_GET['viewtopic'];
if ($index != 0) {
	print "<a href=\"right.php?forum=$forum&viewtopic=$viewtopic&forum_look=" . ($index - $count) . "\">Previous</a> ";
if ($num == $count) {
	print " <a href=\"right.php?forum=$forum&viewtopic=$viewtopic&forum_look=" . ($index + $count) . "\">Next</a>";

if (! isset($forum_look) ) {
			$forum_look = 0;
if ($crew == "1"){
$query="SELECT * FROM replys WHERE idto = '$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum' AND crew='$fetch->crew' ORDER by `id` DESC LIMIT $forum_look, $forum_count";
$query="SELECT * FROM replys WHERE idto = '$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum' ORDER by `id` DESC LIMIT $forum_look, $forum_count";


if ($fetch->userlevel > "0"){

echo "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=1 class=thinline bordercolor=black><tr><td background=includes/grad.jpg><a href='profile.php?viewuser=$right->username' target=middle>$right->username</a> <b>On:</b> $right->made</td></tr>

<tr> <td>";

echo replace($right->text);

echo "</td></tr></table><br>
}elseif ($userlevel == 0){
echo "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=1 class=thinline bordercolor=black><tr><td background=includes/grad.jpg><a href='profile.php?viewuser=$right->username'>$right->username</a> <b>On:</b> $right->made</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor=black height=1></td></tr>

echo replace($right->text);

echo "</td></tr></table><br>


if($_GET[clean]) { 
if($userlevel == '0'){
echo "Error.";
mysql_query("DELETE FROM replys WHERE id='$clean' AND forum='$forum'") or die ("Cannot delete reply");
echo "Reply Deleted!";
echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>


index_navigation($forum_look, $forum_count, $num);	




if (!$viewtopic){
$viewtopic = "1";

if(strip_tags($_POST['Submit']) && strip_tags($_POST['reply_text']) && $forum && $viewtopic){

$reply_text = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['reply_text']));

$topic_info=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE  id='$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum'"));

if ($topic_info->sticky == "1"){
$lastreplytime = $topic_info->lastreply;
}elseif ($stikornot == "0"){
$lastreplytime = time();
if ($topic_info->locked == "1"){
echo "$topic";

$date = gmdate('Y-m-d h:i:s');

if ($crew == "1" && $fetch->crew != "0"){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `replys` (`id`, `username`, `text`, `forum`, `idto`,`made`,`crew`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$reply_text', '$forum', '$viewtopic','$date','$fetch->crew');") or die (mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `replys` (`id`, `username`, `text`, `forum`, `idto`,`made`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$reply_text', '$forum', '$viewtopic','$date');") or die (mysql_error());

mysql_query("UPDATE `user_info` SET `posts` = `posts`+1 WHERE username='$username'");

		mysql_query("UPDATE topics SET lastreply='$lastreplytime' WHERE id='$viewtopic'");
echo "



<script language=JavaScript>
function so(dis)
for (i=0;i<dis.elements.length;i++){ 
if (dis.elements[i].type=='submit')
	 return true;
		return false;
function goaway()
document.forms[i].onsubmit = function() {return so(this);};
</script><body onload=goaway();>

<form action='' method=post>
<input name="forumto" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$forum"; ?>">
        <input name="this" type="hidden" id="this" value="<?php echo "$viewtopic"; ?>">

  <table class=thinline border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2  width=100%  bordercolor="black">
<td background="includes/grad.jpg"><center><font color=#FFFFFF>Reply:</font></center></td>
      <td ><center> <div align="center">
          <textarea name="reply_text" cols="" rows="5" id="reply_text" style="width: 90%;"></textarea>
<td width=33% class=thinline><center><input type=submit value=Submit name=Submit></td>
<? } ?>

Just a fling here. Don't know if it works. Try this:


include "includes/db_connect.php"; 
include "includes/functions.php";
$viewtopic = $_GET['viewtopic'];

if (!$viewtopic){
$viewtopic = "1";
$fetch=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'"));
if ($forum == "Crew" && $fetch->crew != "0"){

$owner=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM crews WHERE owner='$username' OR rhm='$username'"));


$ggee = mysql_query("SELECT locked, sticky, lastreply FROM topics WHERE id='$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum'");
while($dsdsd = mysql_fetch_row($ggee)){
$stikornot = $dsdsd[1];
$lastreplyit = $dsdsd[2];

if ($userlevel != '0'){

if ($crew == "1"){
$gg = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id='$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum' AND crew='$fetch->crew'");
$gg = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id='$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum'");
while($success = mysql_fetch_row($gg)){
$username1 = $success[1];
$topictext = $success[3];
$made = $success[8];


<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2  class=thinline bordercolor=black><tr><td  background=includes/grad.jpg align=left><center class=TableHeading>Topic Made By : <? echo "<a href='profile.php?viewuser=$username1' target=middle>$username1</a>"; ?> On :<?php echo "$made"; ?></center></td></tr>


<? echo replace($topictext); 
if ($topictext == ""){ $topictext = "Main Forum";}?>



$forum_count = 15;

function index_navigation($index, $count, $num) {
$forum = $_GET['forum'];
$viewtopic = $_GET['viewtopic'];
if ($index != 0) {
	print "<a href=\"right.php?forum=$forum&viewtopic=$viewtopic&forum_look=" . ($index - $count) . "\">Previous</a> ";
if ($num == $count) {
	print " <a href=\"right.php?forum=$forum&viewtopic=$viewtopic&forum_look=" . ($index + $count) . "\">Next</a>";

if (! isset($forum_look) ) {
			$forum_look = 0;
if ($crew == "1"){
$query="SELECT * FROM replys WHERE idto = '$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum' AND crew='$fetch->crew' ORDER by `id` DESC LIMIT $forum_look, $forum_count";
$query="SELECT * FROM replys WHERE idto = '$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum' ORDER by `id` DESC LIMIT $forum_look, $forum_count";


if ($fetch->userlevel > "0"){

echo "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=1 class=thinline bordercolor=black><tr><td background=includes/grad.jpg><a href='profile.php?viewuser=$right->username' target=middle>$right->username</a> <b>On:</b> $right->made</td></tr>

<tr> <td>";

echo replace($right->text);

echo "</td></tr></table><br>
}elseif ($userlevel == 0){
echo "<table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=1 class=thinline bordercolor=black><tr><td background=includes/grad.jpg><a href='profile.php?viewuser=$right->username'>$right->username</a> <b>On:</b> $right->made</td></tr>
<tr><td bgcolor=black height=1></td></tr>

echo replace($right->text);

echo "</td></tr></table><br>


if($_GET[clean]) { 
if($userlevel == '0'){
echo "Error.";
mysql_query("DELETE FROM replys WHERE id='$clean' AND forum='$forum'") or die ("Cannot delete reply");
echo "Reply Deleted!";
echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>


index_navigation($forum_look, $forum_count, $num);	




if (!$viewtopic){
$viewtopic = "1";

if(strip_tags($_POST['Submit']) && strip_tags($_POST['reply_text']) && $forum && $viewtopic){

$reply_text = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['reply_text']));

$topic_info=mysql_fetch_object(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE  id='$viewtopic' AND forum='$forum'"));

if ($topic_info->sticky == "1"){
$lastreplytime = $topic_info->lastreply;
}elseif ($stikornot == "0"){
$lastreplytime = time();
if ($topic_info->locked == "1"){
echo "$topic";

$date = gmdate('Y-m-d h:i:s');

if ($crew == "1" && $fetch->crew != "0"){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `replys` (`id`, `username`, `text`, `forum`, `idto`,`made`,`crew`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$reply_text', '$forum', '$viewtopic','$date','$fetch->crew');") or die (mysql_error());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `replys` (`id`, `username`, `text`, `forum`, `idto`,`made`) VALUES ('', '$username', '$reply_text', '$forum', '$viewtopic','$date');") or die (mysql_error());

mysql_query("UPDATE `user_info` SET `posts` = `posts`+1 WHERE username='$username'");

		mysql_query("UPDATE topics SET lastreply='$lastreplytime' WHERE id='$viewtopic'");
echo "



<script language=JavaScript>
function so(dis)
for (i=0;i<dis.elements.length;i++){ 
if (dis.elements[i].type=='submit')
	 return true;
		return false;
function goaway()
document.forms[i].onsubmit = function() {return so(this);};
</script><body onload=goaway();>

<form action='' method=post>
<input name="forumto" type="hidden" value="<?php echo "$forum"; ?>">
        <input name="this" type="hidden" id="this" value="<?php echo "$viewtopic"; ?>">

  <table class=thinline border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2  width=100%  bordercolor="black">
<td background="includes/grad.jpg"><center><font color=#FFFFFF>Reply:</font></center></td>
      <td ><center> <div align="center">
          <textarea name="reply_text" cols="" rows="5" id="reply_text" style="width: 90%;"></textarea>
<td width=33% class=thinline><center><input type=submit value=Submit name=Submit></td>
<? } ?>

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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