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[SOLVED] Array / Function question


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First off, my brain is toast at this point...

Here's what I'm attempting to do:

I'm writing a script that monitors software licences, scripts and servers.


So I have functions that:

* Monitors the licensed script for any errors in class or api functions.


* Monitors the licenses and decrpyts the license for verification, renews and encrypts the license and reports any errors.


* Monitors the server to make sure it can connect to the licensing server.


* Monitors the local mail server that the script can mail locally.


* Monitors that it can connect to two remote mail servers one for the licensor and one for me to be able to make sure things are working correctly.


* auth send mail function



So I have all the functions written and working and the error messages written for certain scenarios...


So as you can tell, there can be quite a few different error messages.


So for the auth send mail function, instead of having a huge lines of input, I put the sending information in three arrays.

One for the enduser of the script, one for the client and one for me.


So instead of having to do:




All I want to do is:





So inside the Authorized_Send_Email function I'm calling the array elements as $the_array[from_email_address]


So inside the Authorized_Send_Email so I don't have to have three functions, I need to look at the $the_array


And have it use:


$enduser_array[to_email_address] etc... 
$client_array[to_email_address] etc... 
$tome_array[to_email_address] etc...  



Based on the input to the function, I need to get the array name so I can use it inside the function.


So if it is the "enduser" array it will replace all the calls inside the function with $enduser_array[from_email_address] etc...


Like an if $the_array contains $enduser_array

then set all the array names to $enduser_array.


So that way I only need one function instead of three.




I have tried it a bunch of different ways and I can't get it for some reason.


And I can't find where to get the array name from a function call.




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Not sure if this still works been messing with it and I accidentally overwrote the last working version...



Authorized_Send_Email($client_from_email_address, $client_from_name, $client_to_email_address, $client_to_name, $tg_smtp_subject, $tg_smtp_message, $client_smtp_server, $client_smtp_server_port, $client_smtp_server_timeout, $client_smtp_server_username, $client_smtp_server_password, $client_smtp_server_localhost, $client_bcc_email_address, $client_bcc_name);

function Authorized_Send_Email($client_from_email_address, $client_from_name, $client_to_email_address, $client_to_name, $tg_smtp_subject, $tg_smtp_message, $client_smtp_server, $client_smtp_server_port, $client_smtp_server_timeout, $client_smtp_server_username, $client_smtp_server_password, $client_smtp_server_localhost, $client_bcc_email_address, $client_bcc_name){
$tg_smtp_connect = fsockopen($your_smtp_server, $your_smtp_server_port, $errno, $errstr, $your_smtp_server_timeout);
$tg_smtp_response= fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);
if(empty($tg_smtp_connect)){$tg_smtp_output="Failed to connect: $tg_smtp_response";return $tg_smtp_output;}else{$tg_smtp_log_array['connection']="Connected: $tg_smtp_response";}
//Request Auth Login
fputs($tg_smtp_connect, "AUTH LOGIN" . $tg_smtp_new_line);
$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);
//Send username
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,base64_encode($your_smtp_server_username) . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['authusername']="$tg_smtp_response";
//Send password
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,base64_encode($your_smtp_server_password) . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['authpassword']="$tg_smtp_response";
//Say Hello to SMTP
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,"HELO $your_smtp_server_localhost" . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['heloresponse']="$tg_smtp_response";
//Email From
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,"MAIL FROM: $your_from_email_address" . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['mailfromresponse']="$tg_smtp_response";
//Email To
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,"RCPT TO: $your_to_email_address" . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['mailtoresponse']="$tg_smtp_response";
//The Email
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,"DATA" . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['data1response']="$tg_smtp_response";
//Construct Headers
$headers="MIME-Version: 1.0" . $tg_smtp_new_line;
$headers .="Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" . $tg_smtp_new_line;
$headers .="To: $your_to_name <$your_to_email_address>" . $tg_smtp_new_line;
$headers .="From: $your_from_name <$your_from_email_address>" . $tg_smtp_new_line;
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,"To: $your_to_email_address\nFrom: $your_from_email_address\nSubject: $tg_smtp_subject\n$headers\n\n$tg_smtp_message\n.\n");$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect,515);$tg_smtp_log_array['data2response']="$tg_smtp_response";
// Say Bye to SMTP
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,"QUIT" . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['quitresponse']="$tg_smtp_response"; 
/* End Authorized_Send_Email */

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Just noticed... the script has the $your_ and the function call has $client_

So you have to replace them to get it to work.

Then show me how to switch between three arrays for the shortened version.

Like this:

fputs($tg_smtp_connect,base64_encode($array_set[username]) . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['authusername']="$tg_smtp_response";


Or something like that...


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Nevermind... Duh! I think I figured it out...

I'm making harder than it needs to be...


All I have to do is:

change the arrays so the key naming conventions match each other.

Then change the name of the array once inside of the function.


function Authorized_Send_Email($input_array){
fputs($tg_smtp_connect,base64_encode($array_set[username]) . $tg_smtp_new_line);$tg_smtp_response=fgets($tg_smtp_connect, 515);$tg_smtp_log_array['authusername']="$tg_smtp_response";

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