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[SOLVED] Overhead? insert not always inserting?

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Not sure if these are related but I have a messaging system for my users which is done to the following...


mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (src,dest,msg,time,inbox,crew,title,date) VALUES ('$id','$msgtoid','$msg','$time','inbox','$crw[0]','$title','$date');");

$event="You have recieved a message from <a href=profile.php?pid=$user>$pmp[0]</a>. The subject of the message is <a href=messages.php>$title</a>.";

        mysql_query("INSERT INTO newsfeed (userid,event,time) VALUES ('$id','$event','$time');");



sometimes the insert into message doesnt work it seems but the message title and such will show up in the news feed


also my tables constantly have a *overhead* that appears like every 12 hours and stays like that till i *optimize* the table, right now a smaller table has a over head and is seen below...


Space usage Type Usage

Data 107,433 B

Index 30,720 B

Overhead 4,023 B

Effective 134,130 B

Total 138,153 B

Optimize table 



is overhead bad?  I cant find much documentation about it and would having a overhead make it have spotty inserts into tables?


also if my database is very query intensive and information is constantly changing in some tables should i not use MyISAM?


Thanks for your time as I'm very confused, the database is live and gets 300k+ page views and each page view has at least 2 query statements involved

also some more information not sure if this will help...


This MySQL server has been running for 9 days, 2 hours, 4 minutes and 31 seconds. It started up on Jan 08, 2008 at 03:10 PM.

Query statistics: Since its startup, 298,689,482 queries have been sent to the server.

Total ø per hour ø per minute ø per second

299 M 1.37 M 22.83 k 380.46



The following are all RED numbers that i found in phpmyadmin in *status*


Slow_queries 4

Handler_read_rnd 15 M

Handler_read_rnd_next 276 G

Slow_launch_threads 2

Created_tmp_disk_tables 6

Sort_merge_passes 18 k

Opened_tables 30 k

Table_locks_waited 11 M



those are the ones in red, i think red is bad but who knows lol

mysql_query("INSERT INTO message (src,dest,msg,time,inbox,crew,title,date) VALUES ('$id','$msgtoid','$msg','$time','inbox','$crw[0]','$title','$date');");

$event="You have recieved a message";

        mysql_query("INSERT INTO newsfeed (userid,event,time) VALUES ('$id','$event','$time');");



they are both triggered one after another


seeing how newsfeed insert is after the message insert


so if a newsfeed insert was instructed, a message insert should of happend right before that, like i said before all the messages i send work and insert, but some people in the database seem to have issues

i think i found it while messing around



whenever someone put a ' in the message it would stop it


because i wasnt doing


$title = mysql_real_escape_string($title);

          $msg = mysql_real_escape_string($msg);


however i put that in there and i can now put the ' things and it goes through with that statement


always something simple ; P

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