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[SOLVED] Monthly by weeks in JPGraph


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I'm still trying to figure JPGraph out, and am currently stuck on this problem. I want a user to select a month on a drop down, then display a graph of the four weeks of the month containing the sales information. Here's the code I have for a Yearly by Month graph. What would I need to change to accomplish this? Thanks everyone!


<? ini_set("display_errors","on"); ?>
<? require_once("../../wwwroot/conduit/crm.php"); ?>
<? $rpt_date = (isset($_GET['rpt_date']) ? $_GET['rpt_date'] : date("Y")); ?>
<? require_once ("jpgraph/jpgraph.php"); ?>
<? require_once ("jpgraph/jpgraph_bar.php"); ?>
$bar_width = 50;

// Graph Monthly Sales for the 
$query = "SELECT date_format(date,'%b') as month_name, salesperson, round(sum(amount),2) as total_sales FROM crm.finance where left(date,4) = '$rpt_date' and salesperson = 'xxxx' group by left(date,7)";

$result = mysql_query($query);
$count = mysql_num_rows($result);
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

	// Load the Daily Sales Array
		$monthly_totals[] = $data['total_sales'];
		$monthly_totals_label[] = $data['month_name'];
	} while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)); ?>
// Create NEW Bar Graph
$graph = new Graph(1100,500,'auto');										// Initialize the graph
$graph->SetShadow();																		// Set a shadow on the graph page
$graph->SetScale("textlin");														// Set the x,y scale, x=text, y=lin
$graph->xaxis->SetTickLabels($monthly_totals_label);			// Load the x-axis tick labels
$graph->xaxis->SetFont(FF_FONT1);												// Set the font for the ticks
$graph->yaxis->scale->SetGrace(15,0);										// Add 15% top room for bar labels
$graph->title->Set("Monthly Sales by Year for Meredith Greenwood");							// Set Graph Title
$graph->xaxis->SetTitle("Months of the Year",'middle');	// Set x-axis Title
$graph->title->SetFont(FF_FONT1,FS_BOLD);								// Set Title Font, Style
$graph->legend->SetPos(0.0,0.0,'left','top');						// Position the Legend
if (count($monthly_totals_label) > 12):													// Skip tick labels if plotting more than 15 items

// Data Set 1, Total Sales, Group 1
$b1 = new BarPlot($monthly_totals);												// Plot the dataset
$b1->SetWidth($bar_width);															// Set bar width to 10
$b1->value->SetFormat('$%.2f');													// Format the Bar Value Labels $0.00
$b1->SetLegend("Total Sales in $$");										// Set the Legend line for Data Set 1
$b1->value->show();																			// Show bar values
$b1->SetFillColor('AntiqueWhite3');											// Set bar fill color
  $b1->value->SetFont(FF_ARIAL,FS_BOLD,10);								// Set bar value font
  $b1->value->SetAngle(0);																// Set bar value text angle
// $b1->SetValuePos('right');															// Set bar value position

// Group the different datasets together.
$gbplot = new GroupBarPlot(array($b1));

// Display Values in Bars

// The order the plots are added determines who's ontop

// Finally output the  image

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