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GD Help !


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I have this code that displays an image using GD library.

Here is the code




echo "<img src=".crImage()." alt='newimage'>";


function crImage()


header("Content-type: image/gif");

$im  = imagecreatefromgif("new.gif");







The image gets loaded but The alt text 'newimage' is not appearing..


Is it possible to do it ?

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hmm in what browser you are testing it ? 


try to put title='newimage'  and see what happens. 


i think firefox do not show alt as a title bar .  which IE shows alt as a title bar if there is no title for the img tag has been set.

so if you are using other browsers but IE, they should show the image or instead of showing image they show alt . so i guess you have to put title="newimage" for all browsers.


hope this is what you wanted.

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ok , found your problem :


when there is no src address (not important that it is valid or not) , then the title won't work , look at these examples :


echo  "<img src=".crImage()." title='newimage' />";
echo  "<img src=11".crImage()." title='newimage' />";


the first do not show , but the second line shows the title .


solution : (the first solution that came to my mind, maybe you can dig better)


save your image lines in another file , save that file like  "image.php" .

then  :

<img src="image.php" title=newimage />



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Smith there must be someother problem i think.. It is not working.

Btw. did you try it ?? Same problem still.


This is my file image.php




echo "<img src=11".crImage()." title='newimage'>";


function crImage()


header("Content-type: image/png");

$im  = imagecreatefrompng("untitled1.PNG");







I tried viewing source its just blank.  :-[

You got any idea ?

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first :

image.php is a php file .  alt and attrib is for HTML tags.  so  you can't set a HTML language element for a php language .

so the only way is put image.php in the src of a img tag , then add atrib to it .


second :

why you post always in quotes ? :D


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Actually i will be giving this code to my different users ... these users dont have PHP installed so they have access it from my server.


they have to include like this




<img src='http://www.example.com/img.php'>





As you said the img.php will now call image.php ... but it does not work in the client side.


If i access http://www.example.com/img.php directly then it works .. by putting it inside an image tag it fails to do so.



Quote makes posts looks cuter that why i do. ::)

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from what i know , any url that cmes from YOUR site , HAVE TO be interpret by your site php interpreter, then it will have premission to go anywhere. 

so when a user  puts  "http://www.yoursite.com/image.php"  in HIS site like  :




<img src="http://www.yoursite.com/image.php" alt="haha! got your picture!" /> 



he will use YOUR  php interpreter to show the picture .



when you do this, the fonts get smaller ! so poor readers !!!



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Yeah thats what i am saying bud.. It wont work.


I tried this already..


index.html in client side




<img src='http://www.example.com/img.php?id=1'>





img.php @ example.com







    echo '<img src="image.php" alt="newimageloaded" title="newimageloaded">';




    echo '<img src="noimage.php" alt="noimageloaded" title="noimageloaded">';






image.php @ example.com



header("Content-type: image/png");

$im  = imagecreatefrompng("validimage.PNG");






noimage.php @ example.com



header("Content-type: image/png");

$im  = imagecreatefrompng("blankimage.PNG");






This is my requirement.

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i see , src on the img tag only need an image , it won't accept a page that the result is an image , it is your problem .


let's try this :


do not redirect in the img.php example, do all the work in the image.php . like :


image.php @ example.com


header("Content-type: image/png");

    $imageToSet = "validimage.PNG";
    $imageToSet = "blankimage.PNG";
$im  = imagecreatefrompng($imageToSet);



so now the client will put this :

<img src='http://www.example.com/image.php?id=1'>






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Yeah you are 99.9% arrived to the solution buddy.

But i need to display different alt or title attribute to that image.


The values 1 & 0 will be dynamically changing..


So in this case both the images will have the same alt or title text that is passed from the client side.




What i am saying is that , if the alt or title text is be passed from the server side then the problem will be over.



Can it be done ? :-[

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well i'm not a pro .  but i guess you can do some tricks!


this is the first thing that came to my mind : maybe later ,better thing come :


create the img tag with alt and title on YOUR site in a html file , like :


<div><img src='http://www.example.com/image.php?id=1' alt=image></div>


then make your client side html  somehow that it get the line from your html , and paste it to his.


one of the ways could be :  use frames .    client side page use a frame  , and in the frame you put YOUR site html .  get it ?


jus ttry to think of ways , which you could get that div part from your site and paste it to his page .



ps : anyway do a title worth this much trouble ? ;)




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don't give up this much soon , if this is what you want , go till you nail it down !


goto the phpfreaks HTML forum , or other good HTML forums you know , and start a thread , how can i copy a div or something and its contents from a page into another page?


i'm sure you'll find it .


(bad solution :  ;D why don't you choose a title that have a meaning to any image ?  i mean lol , for example you have 2 images , one is a dog and one is a cat .  the title can be for dog :  "dog" , and for cat : "cat" .  now instead of it you can change the title to "animal" or  " cat & dog"  that can apply to both ;)  )

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Ok buddy i will give it a try...


Btw is this possible.. will this incur a heavy load to server ?




<img src='http://www.example.com/image.php?id=1' alt='http://www.example.com/status.php?id=1' >





You already know what's there in image.php so i am not pasting the code.









    $result = "Image Valid";




    $result = "Image Blank";



echo $result;





Will this fetch the image and alt attrib ??

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