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Hi, here is my sql staement:


FROM articlecategory, articles
WHERE articles.articlecategoryid = articlecategory.articlecategoryid


And here I echo this in a while loop:


<?php echo $row_news['articlecategoryname']; ?></strong><br>
<?php echo $row_news['articlesummary']; ?></p>


Trouble is I only want 1 article suammary under each article category heading, and i am getting all the results.


Any ideas please?

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Thanks for your reply. I would like the out put to look like


Article Category Title

Article Summary


And this is repeated, one article summary underneath each differant article title.


How could i use group by to achieve this - i have only used it to count?





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i thought you would tell me some example with dummy data shell i consider something like below


article1  first category artic

article1 second article summary

article2 second arti

article2 second article summary second article



    dirst category art

    second artieldf


  summary of articel two






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hi greenday,


well i tried one query to help you i.e


SELECT asummary FROM `article` group by (aTitle)


it showed me one article per category.just give a try and let me know weather it solves your problem or not.which server side scripting you are using to show the result?? PHP?



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