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Noob needing help


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Installed Apache 2.2.6 on XP SP2 and elected NOT to run it as a service, but to launch it manually when I need it. So, it only launched in a console (dunno if this has anything to do with the problem, but...). I also have php 5.2.5 installed and, based upon the Apache log files, the php module is loading correctly.


So here is the problem. I set up a test page per these instructions (http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com/install-apache-php-mysql.php#apacheconf) to verify that apache and php are working correctly. When I try to browse to the test page I get nothing. No errors, no entries in the Apache logs. Just nothing.


What do I need to check/verify/change/etc to either figure out what is wrong or to fix the problem?


Oh, I did change the DocumentRoot to "C:/www" and that is where test.php resides.


Thanks in advance for the help. Though I have some programming background, web apps are brand new for me.

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That doesn't load either (http://localhost/index.html). It displayed just fine using file:///C:/www/index.html though. What raises a red flag in my mind is that Apache only gives me the option of running in console mode. Is that the only option if I want to manually start it? I've had apache installed on another machine (put there by a web developer co-worker) and didn't have this issue.


I've attached my apache conf file (saved as a txt for forum upload) in case that helps.






[attachment deleted by admin]

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Apache doesn't have a gui if thats what your infering.


No, I know there is no GUI, but the console window doesn't have anything in it. No messages of any kind.


You do realise your config has apache setup to listen on port 8080? Try... http://localhost:8080/index.html


That did it. Both test scripts work. Thanks!!!  8)


Like I said, I'm brand new at this. I'm sure you'll hear a lot more from me. :P  ;D

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