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Feedback on wedding website..


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Code is clean


appearance is a bit bland and the site is poorly balanced (the nav is to heavy for the text content)




I guess you'd kinda have to know these guys to want to visit the site...and then really who cares about the appearance, because its the content thats important...and you seem to have that!




At least you have clean code!!! Big Plus in my book


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Nice site, however, I'd stick the wedding details at the top of the menu, as ostensibly that's why people are going to be visiting the site.  I'm assuming here that this site is for family and friends you're invithing, so I think you should assume that many will skip your personal stories, and get right to the meat:  where the wedding is, maps, details, registry.

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I agree, you can presume that many visitors to the site already know you. The important details of the day (e.g. WHEN and WHERE) shouldn't be buried away in a subsection, they should be on the homepage.


You can probably trim the site down a bit. The "special thanks" message doesn't merit a page of its own - you could easily put it on the homepage. A few interesting pages are better than a lot of empty ones.


I'd like to see more photographs (in colour!) around the site. It would liven up your biographies in particular, and some images of the wedding venue would be nice.

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Font is horrible. From your CSS it looks like you're trying "Apple Chancery" and "Zapf Chancery", neither of which I have on my system, so it's displaying in "Impact" which looks pretty awful. And I've never heard of those fonts so chances are the majority of your visitors won't have them either. Might be better to specify some more standard alternatives like Georgia or something.

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