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Class 'date_sys' not found


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I have a class code "date_sys" (don't ask why it's called that I don't know), it has only two functions which are both marked as static so I call it like so "date_sys::". I didn't have this problem on Ubuntu which had Lamp installed but my XAMPP server in Windows XP doesn't want to work.


I have added my php.ini file just in case.


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Well how everything is included is kinda confusing.


/index.php includes /core/session.php


/core/session.php includes:


  • /core/settings.php
  • /core/core.php
  • /core/date.php
  • /core/sql.php
  • /core/cookie.php
  • /core/login.php
  • /core/menu.php
  • /core/usercp.php


Now after /index.php includes /core/session.php, it runs $sql->import_plugins() $sql is the instance of sql_handler which is in /core/sql.php It reads all the rows in the Mysql table "scm_plugins" and includes each plugin. At this point assume the includes work.


In the news class where the error occurs:


$datestamp_broken = date_sys::breakdown_int_timestamp($oldest_news_item['integer_date_stamp']);


The entire date_sys class:



class date_sys
    static function breakdown_int_timestamp ($timestamp)
        $datestamp[0] = substr ($timestamp, 0, 4);
        $datestamp[1] = substr ($timestamp, 4, 2);
        $datestamp[2] = substr ($timestamp, 6, 2);
        $datestamp[3] = substr ($timestamp, 8, 2);
        $datestamp[4] = substr ($timestamp, 10, 2);
        $datestamp[5] = substr ($timestamp, 12, 2);
        return $datestamp;
    static function month_from_int ($int)
        $int = (int) $int;
        $months = array ("", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
        return $months[$int];




It is also noteworthy mentionning is that in /core/session.php right after I include all those files I called "date_sys::month_from_int (5);" and it said it couldn't find the class either


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