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is using msql_fetch_array without a while loop possible?


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If someone would kindly take the time out to explain to me litterarly why the code below displays nothing...


$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo "".$row['geoLoc']."<br>";




whereas this code shows my result ???

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "".$row['geoLoc']."<br>";


I'd be extremely thankful.


Just trying to grasp all these concepts.

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If you're grabbing data from a specific row of data, then you don't need a while loop.


If you're grabbing data from multiple rows, then you'll need a while loop as it will keep going through the data until there is nothing left for it to pull out.


Hope this helps!

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SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE id=3


Will only pull the record that has ID number 3, not the third row each time..


if you want to call upon the 3rd row everytime then


to your query should work may be wrong on the 3,1 part.. but the idea is to have it query the DB starting at the 3rd row and return 1 result

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No i understand the logic, I do the same thing myself as you mentioned.. it's just a thought though. I don't really know where I was going with my comment lol, was something that just poped into mind and I typed it out posted it prior to thinking logically about it. The only downside is if this person doesnt have ID's or ends up deleting the line with that ID for a new one.. Again I dunno where I was going with it though lol, didn't mean to come across as underminding.. just giving up an alternative in case he didnt have ID's i guess..

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