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[SOLVED] PHP returning XML - but isnt in XML format

PC Nerd

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Im learnign AJAX - teaching myself, and Ive figured out that the PHP script isnt sending my data in XML format.


My code is in following.

<!--<xml version = '1.0'encoding = 'UTF-8' standalone = 'yes'>-->
<xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">

while($ROW = mysqli_fetch_assoc($QUERY)) {
echo "<student id='".$ROW['Student_ID']."'>\n";
echo "<name>".$ROW['Name']."</name>\n";



ive had to block out the rest of the loop because it contains private ingformation - but I can garentee that it is returned as appearing as XML - ie the correct tags, and viewd in source etc.



for those tha tknow AJAX - the responseXML is null, and then responseText returns what I want it to -= only its not in teh XML format.


I have a feeling that its with the <xml> declaration at the topm but im not great with XML and Im not sure if there is an issue with that.


Thanks for and all help

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i dont no much about phrasing xml in javascript but i thourght you had yo open it with something like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

insted of

<!--<xml version = '1.0'encoding = 'UTF-8' standalone = 'yes'>-->

<xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">



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i tried removeing the <!-- --> line but it made no difference.  I had commented out my original xml tag because i thoguth the current one might work better = however there is no difference.


any other suggestions?


thanks for oyu help so far

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my php is interpreting that as <? PHP CODE ?>  - ie shot tags

ive echoed it out and escaped characters and its still not working.




the page that AJAx connects to that returns XML  is returnData.php


if i go to it on firefox and i view the data in page source its all there.  if i view page info in firefox... then i get: text/html

if thats an issue - or its jsut firefox handling the xml then i dont know - but its just somethign I noticed.


thaks for the suggestions- any other ideas?


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